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Started by RAZOR, October 09, 2007, 12:07:18 AM

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Source tell News of the Force that the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) has launched an investigation at the Civil Air Patrol's National Technology Center (NTC) in Virginia.
    This comes on the heels of a NOTF exclusive report that employees of the CAP at it's NTC were using apparently illegal emergency lights and sirens on their CAP -- and personal -- vehicles.
    In this instance, sources say, there are $7 million worth of radio repeaters sitting idle in the NTC's Virginia warehouse -- repeaters bought with CAP funds that cannot be used "because Canada will not release the needed frequencies."
    Sources also told NOTF this weekend that Paul Reid is in charge of communications at the CAP's national headquarters at Montgomery, Ala., and Reid is also a sales manager for Motorola, which, the sources say, got the bulk of the money spent on the unused repeaters.
    The AFOSI will neither confirm or deny that they are investigating the NTC. "We do not comment on our investigations," an AFOSI spokesman said.
    NOTF sent an inquiry over the weekend to Canada's national communications agency, and at press time this morning we are awaiting a reply.


Another former CAP officer


USAF assigned the repeater frequencies that Canada has refused to vacate. So if the repeaters are sitting in a warehouse, blame USAF not the Technology Center.
Gil Robb Wilson # 19
Gil Robb Wilson # 104


And if I remember correctly there is no AF regulation that governs lights and sirens on vehicles and it defers to state vehicle code.

If this is the case WHY would OSI investigate a violation of state vehicle code?
Tim Gardiner, 1st LT, CAP

USMC AD 1996-2001
USMCR    2001-2005  Admiral, Great State of Nebraska Navy  MS, MO, UDF


Quote from: stillamarine on October 09, 2007, 12:31:37 AM
And if I remember correctly there is no AF regulation that governs lights and sirens on vehicles and it defers to state vehicle code.

If this is the case WHY would OSI investigate a violation of state vehicle code?

It's NOTF, are we really gonna put that much faith in what it says?
If you are confident in you abilities and experience, whether someone else is impressed is irrelevant. - Eclipse


Besides that, there is an issue of kick backs and self dealing--or did you not notice that?
Doug Johnson - Miami

Always Active-Sometimes a Member


There wasn't a single fact in that article.

The OSI may or may not be investigating X.  OSI will not confirm or deny this because of their SOP.

The communications/frequencies issue with Canada and the NTIA are not new, nor breaking news.  This has been going on for a year+.  Why NOTF is just learning of this, who knows.

I love the comment " press time..." -- as if NOTF had any actual, physical presses which would dictate them pushing out an article with no background, no facts, no confirmation, and only a bunch of unassociated rumors slapped together.
Michael F. Kieloch, Maj, CAP

Cecil DP

Quote from: stillamarine on October 09, 2007, 12:31:37 AM
And if I remember correctly there is no AF regulation that governs lights and sirens on vehicles and it defers to state vehicle code.

If this is the case WHY would OSI investigate a violation of state vehicle code?

The corporate vehicles are purchased with AF allocated money=i OSI investigation. Private vehicles-State Police investigation
Michael P. McEleney
MSG  USA Retired
GRW#436 Feb 85


The News  of the Force got it half correct.  Paul Reid is US sales manager for MOBAT_USA.  This is a US  branch of a company in Israel.  They have a marketing agreement to produce HF radios under the Motorola name  The Motorola communications Div.   that sell repeaters is  not the company that Paul Reid represents.

That does not mean that a conflict  could not be happening.  Mobat sold almost  all the HF radios purchased by Hq CAP in the past several years.  The CAP NTIA compliance list is crafted to include no longer available radios,marine radios /many  do not cover the entire frequency spread or do not have  lower sideband, radios of very expensive tactical types  and of course Motorola Mobat Micom 2 ' and Micom 3"S. 

Does that smell like a POLE CAT?

PS for the guy who believed the story from the NB comm meeting that the Air Force is totally to blame for the frequency coordination issue, I have a lovely bridge down here in the greater Miami area to sell you.  I just need to move a TV station off before I can sell.


"That does not mean that a conflict  could not be happening."

Uh ...  right ... ???

Or not ...

Rev. Don Brown, Ch., Lt Col, CAP (Ret.)
Former Deputy Director for CISM at CAP/HQ
Gill Robb Wilson Award # 1660
ACS-Chaplain, VFC, IPFC, DSO, NSO, USCG Auxiliary


Seems like NOTF needs to start amending their "Sources tell NOTF.." to "Sources in {ABC Organization} tell NOTF".

A lot of NOTF announcements don't seem to be showing any real source in their reporting. And "protecting sources" in their case doesn't seem real credible.

I barely put any stock in NOTF reports, but they're crossing the stupidity line with real fervor lately.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE --  "Sources" tell NOTF that there are bridges for sale in the greater Manhatten Area.  It is also alleged that the individual selling these bridges is bankrupt, otherwise they wouldn't be selling for such low prices.  A receptionist at a local hair salon was unable to confirm or deny that there might be bridges for sale somewhere, at some time, by some one.  At press time, pictures, documents, or proof of ownership were unavailable but NOTF believes the sales to be legitimate despite the lack of anything pointing to that.  More as this late breaking story develops...
Michael F. Kieloch, Maj, CAP


Quote from: Pylon on October 09, 2007, 06:03:36 PM
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE --  "Sources" tell NOTF that there are bridges for sale in the greater Manhatten Area.  It is also alleged that the individual selling these bridges is bankrupt, otherwise they wouldn't be selling for such low prices.  A receptionist at a local hair salon was unable to confirm or deny that there might be bridges for sale somewhere, at some time, by some one.  At press time, pictures, documents, or proof of ownership were unavailable but NOTF believes the sales to be legitimate despite the lack of anything pointing to that.  More as this late breaking story develops...

You forgot to mention the other story about the really cheap hundreds of square miles of swampland in Arizona. Or the beach front property in Wyoming.

Better jump on those, they're gonna be a steal. And you'll get thousands in return when development interest begins.



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - News of the Farce reports today that the San Andreas falt has indeed split California in half.  According persons speaking on the condition of annomity told NOTF that they heard a ripping sound, much the same as cloth tearing, before parts of California started to float into the Pacific Ocean.  Emergency crews were called in to chain the state together until decisions can be made to move prisioners to the area and then float the rest into the ocean so there can be a Australia - Cali island.



Can't you landlocked folks ever get it straight?  :o

California is NOT going to fall into the ocean. Study of the plate motion suggests that it will get pushed eastward and eventually cover up Utah and Nevada.  ;D
Dave Bowles
Maj, CAP
AT1, USN Retired
50 Year Member
Mitchell Award (unnumbered)
C/WO, CAP, Ret


Quote from: SarDragon on October 09, 2007, 09:34:20 PM
Study of the plate motion suggests that it will get pushed eastward and eventually cover up Utah and Nevada.  ;D

I'm sorry, but there's no way I'm going to let Brit, Lindsay or Bragelina invade Utah. Them's fightin' words!   ;D

Although, I'd hang with Ah-nuld given the chance...


Quote from: SarDragon on October 09, 2007, 09:34:20 PM
Can't you landlocked folks ever get it straight?  :o

California is NOT going to fall into the ocean. Study of the plate motion suggests that it will get pushed eastward and eventually cover up Utah and Nevada.  ;D

That's because NJ acts like a vaccum  >:D


Dave Bowles
Maj, CAP
AT1, USN Retired
50 Year Member
Mitchell Award (unnumbered)
C/WO, CAP, Ret


I guess the point of the last seven posts on this subject is that the source of our information on this piece of news is unreliable.  Seems to be pretty radical thread drift, and it was started by an administrator!

All the same, if the NTC is spending money on illegal light bars for corporate vehicles, and if a Motoroloa Rep is selling radios that cannot be used to National using his position as an appointed official in CAP,  I think it is worthy of investigation.  If the O.S.I. is investigating it, I think our work here is done.  They can be trusted; at least to look after Air Force money.  Lord help us if it is dues money or kick back profits from Vanguard.


Quote from: Pericles on October 10, 2007, 01:09:07 AMAll the same, if the NTC is spending money on illegal light bars for corporate vehicles, and if a Motoroloa Rep is selling radios that cannot be used to National using his position as an appointed official in CAP,  I think it is worthy of investigation.  If the O.S.I. is investigating it, I think our work here is done.  They can be trusted; at least to look after Air Force money.  Lord help us if it is dues money or kick back profits from Vanguard.

So you actually buy into these reports? To be blunt, NOTF isn't really gaining a whole lot of credibility in "news reporting". A lot of their stuff has been cut and pasted  from legit news sources. Hardly any credit to journalism to simply copy something onto your own server.

There seems to be enough to investigate things as far as Pineda's alleged cheating. But since some of their stuff has nothing from any other source, it's pretty much treated in the same manner as the "bat boy" or the "angels are working with the Secret Service" rags.