Jess Cinsneros and Frank Nettle

Started by Flying Pig, October 31, 2009, 10:14:49 PM

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Flying Pig

I was browsing the ALEA site and came across the memorial pages for the two Senior Members killed.  I thought if anyone had any photos of them, it might be nice to post them.

Since CAP is already on the site, we could post Ed Lewis and DeCamp on the site as well, along with anyone else.  Remember, this is the AIRBORNE law enforcement assoc.  So anyone you add needs to have been killed while flying. I dont know if you need to be an ALEA member to post the info or not.  If so, someone can send it to me and I can post it.

I would probably suggest anyone posting should run it through a PAO or something before posting it so we dont end up with 20 people submitting one name.  There is one person who takes care of this for ALEA, so dont bombard his email with names and narratives.

I was checking for some other names and decided to do one for Ed Lewis and Dion Decamp.  After I posted Col. Lewis's circumstances, I figured it may not be my place to do so.  So I decided to post this thread.  When it actually posts to the ALEA site, we can change it.  I took the info and photo right out of the CAP Press release.  I didnt do one for Decamp.


Rob: in addition to Ed Lewis and Dion DeCamp, we had Jess Ceniceros and Fred Nettle and three more from the same Squadron: Bob Lehman, Jim Spadafore and Brian Perkins.  I knew all of the latter five, as well as Ed Lewis.  In fact, I was in the Sq with the five guys that I named.  They were all killed less than 2.5 years apart.  Fred and Jess were two of my better friends in CAP: In fact, I was the Casualty Officer for Nettle's widow.  Sq 80 in San Jose might have photos of all of them.
Paul M. Reed
Col, USA(ret)
Former CAP Lt Col
Wilson #2777


My conservative estimate is that there have been 75-100 CAP members who have been killed while on CAP duty since WWII (and not counting those killed during WWII).  I've got to say that while I appreciate the association listing them, I don't think it is really appropriate except for those few occassions when CAP members have died as part of a CD mission.  But, their memorial, so their call. 


So far, I've collected the names of over 25 members of California Wing who have died in airplane crashes while flying for CAP, with a number of other references to SAR crashes in California that I cannot find names for.

Jan Ostrat was working with the former California OES when they were trying to gather names for a memorial at the State Capitol. The CAWG names I sent far exceeded all the other ES agencies. The last I heard from Jan, he was only going to submit CAWG names for the last 20 or 25 years, which certainly include the names mentioned above.

Charles Wiest

Flying Pig

I didn't realize there were that many.  I would say I would be opposed to submitting 25+ names to the ALEA site just for CA members alone.  ALEA is a nationwide organization.  Since we work with LE, I could see us having 100+ names added to the memorial might make for the sound of crickets chirping when it comes time for CD missions.  Since we are not Law Enforcement, even on CD missions, I don't want to bombard ALEA with this. 
Next thing you know, every volunteer organization with any remote connection to ES will be submitting their names to the memorial. Its sort of a privilege that CAP is even on the ALEA site as it is. 
I would say I am surprised CAP doesn't have their own somewhere. Or at least online.  I think there would be big support for CAWG to have their own memorial in Sacramento.  That would be neat.

As far as the memorial in Sacramento, that Charles referred to, are they being submitted to the CA Law Enforcement Officers Memorial?  I may ruffle some feathers, but Im not at all supportive of that, and I think you would see a huge uproar if they tried.  If they died supporting LE, OK, Id go with that, but otherwise, a CAP member being killed with no relation to LE would be inappropriate.


There is some sort of CAP memorial in the works that will supposedly list all the CAP members who have died on it.   It has been discussed here before though I haven't heard anything on it in a while. 


Quote from: Flying Pig on November 01, 2009, 05:17:49 PM
If they died supporting LE, OK, Id go with that, but otherwise, a CAP member being killed with no relation to LE would be inappropriate.



Paul M. Reed
Col, USA(ret)
Former CAP Lt Col
Wilson #2777


Jim Shaw National Curator designed a memorial, and I believe it has been given an OK by National. It will be at CAP NHQ when the reconstructions is completed.
Gil Robb Wilson # 19
Gil Robb Wilson # 104