Writing Grants/getting Donations

Started by coolkites, August 23, 2009, 02:03:05 AM

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Hello I'm a cadet who would like some advice on writing grants in particular writing a grant to canon (camera company) requesting a donation of a new camera (link at bottom of page)
I did not see any threads on this please write about the regulations on this as well as personal experiences.



You need to contact the companies outreach/ community involvement director.

I will tell you right now, canon DOES NOT give cameras away.  Sorry. 

If you do decide to try this with other companies,  send a general email requesting who you should contact in order to get free assistance etc.

I have Powerbar, Gatorade, Nestle, Folgers, KFC/ Taco Bell and Nike as past sponsors.  They all donated material (mostly food), but in the case of Nike, we got running shorts for all of the Cadets, as well as Shirts.

Right now I have a request out to Verizon for free internet at the Squadron.  I should know by next week.

In the business world, helping the community is a good thing.  They are always open to new ideas.

As far as grant writing, you should know that if you do write a grant request to a private company they will want to know if they are matching a Government grant to you.  If you don't have that government grant, you will most likely not get any money.

Start small, in your town, ask your business neighbors for assistance.


Added:  Seeking grants is fundraising, and the fundraising regulation applies.  So be aware, in addition to complying with all of the regs requirements (including using CAP vs. USAF Aux. and other important details), you will also need Wing Commander's approval before asking anyone for a donation or grant.

Also to clarify, asking a company for a donation of their merchandise is typically not called a grant.  That's considered an in-kind donation.  Grants typically come from Foundations (and sometimes other organizations) which distribute a portion of their monetary endowment to particular causes or projects.

Last, a squadron generally will not (or should not, generally, in my opinion) receive permission to ask for a donation from a national corporate office.  The reason being is that if Podunk Cadet Squadron asks Canon for a donation, it may diminish the future chances of other squadrons, wings or Civil Air Patrol as a whole who may want to request a donation or set up a relationship later on down the road.   Typically, your best bet for in-kind donations will be local stores or branch offices of larger companies. 

If you want a digital camera, start with Best Buy.  Best Buy has a community giving program based around giving store merchandise (aka: electronics) to support community-based youth programs (aka: the cadet program).  There's a form you can get at the service desk of any store that you'll need to fill out and attach to your request on squadron letterhead.  This does still fall under fundraising though and you'll need Wing CC permission before you can submit your request to the store manager. 

Good luck!
Michael F. Kieloch, Maj, CAP


I have applied for many grants over the years and they are hard to get. Must of them I had no chance of getting. I did however get an Air Force grant just last mont for $250.00.

Try and find someone that writes grants for a living that can help you out. You can also use Google to search for grants and find ones that are small.

Good luck!


There's probably a lot more money (grant) and donations (in kind) out there than we really know about.

It doesn't hurt to make up a squadron "wish list" of equipment & supplies you need and try to get some "in kind" donations for this.  It might be easier to get "in kind" versus monetary donations, especially from smaller businesses.

Generally, I think it is best to get durable type supply & equipment  items rather in consumable type supply items.  HOWEVER, I've seen donations used specifically as scholarship for cadets to attend wing encampments.

With the national companies that administer local grants & in kind donations e.g. Walmart, I wonder if the corporate staff looks at the diversity of the donations, so if you had too many local CAP units getting donations they might be inclined to give more instruction to the local level ???


Thank you guys for all of the responses. Anyone have any ideas on getting grants or donations to attend encampments or other activities? (blue beret)(Security ops familiarization course)


Quote from: coolkites on August 23, 2009, 08:06:36 PM
Thank you guys for all of the responses. Anyone have any ideas on getting grants or donations to attend encampments or other activities? (blue beret)(Security ops familiarization course)
Those are almost always locally provided. You might inquire up your Chain of Command about getting your squadron to sponsor you. You can also look to local businesses and community organizations. Often times veterans groups can also be very supportive if approached the right way.


Quote from: DC on August 23, 2009, 08:23:52 PM
Quote from: coolkites on August 23, 2009, 08:06:36 PM
Thank you guys for all of the responses. Anyone have any ideas on getting grants or donations to attend encampments or other activities? (blue beret)(Security ops familiarization course)
Those are almost always locally provided. You might inquire up your Chain of Command about getting your squadron to sponsor you. You can also look to local businesses and community organizations. Often times veterans groups can also be very supportive if approached the right way.

I like the veterans idea very much thank you. Unfortunately I know for a fact that my squadron couldn't sponsor me but I will look to other sources thank you all.


Quote from: coolkites on August 23, 2009, 11:49:53 PM
Quote from: DC on August 23, 2009, 08:23:52 PM
Quote from: coolkites on August 23, 2009, 08:06:36 PM
Thank you guys for all of the responses. Anyone have any ideas on getting grants or donations to attend encampments or other activities? (blue beret)(Security ops familiarization course)
Those are almost always locally provided. You might inquire up your Chain of Command about getting your squadron to sponsor you. You can also look to local businesses and community organizations. Often times veterans groups can also be very supportive if approached the right way.

I like the veterans idea very much thank you. Unfortunately I know for a fact that my squadron couldn't sponsor me but I will look to other sources thank you all.

I wouldn't contact other organizations about funding/sponsoring your cadet experiences without your chain of command's knowledge and without Wing Commander approval.
Michael F. Kieloch, Maj, CAP