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Raising money Having fun

Started by Smithsonia, March 09, 2009, 10:54:53 PM

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I thought I'd run this by you all. We need to raise some money for the squadron. Does anyone
have things like the following for a Senior Squadron meeting.
1. No uniform $2.00
2. Uniform improperly worn $1.00
3. Miss a meeting without excuse $1.00
4. Miss a small assignment $5.00 (not ready with a report)
5. Miss a big assignment $10.00 (not doing the assignment)
6. Miss shaking hands with a guest $3.00
7. Miss shaking hands with a new member and remembering their name - $5.00

I was in Rotary years ago and this was a light thing done in a friendly teasing manner and was a fun part of every meeting. Everybody paid something. President on down was gigged on a fun thing... everybody paid up with a groan and a laugh... $40-$75 per year at a couple of bucks a clip. We'd raise a couple of thousand dollars this way. For our squadron I'd suggest a training fund.

I also figure that once everybody gets the uniform squared away we can add a few things. The object is to not make this a punitive command level thing but a brotherly fundraiser done from the bottom up. Whatcha think?
With regards;


I like that. Almost tempted to try it.


To help combat the near total lack of customs and courtesies at my squadron, I created an "Oops" jar, similar to a cuss jar.

Miss a sir or sergeant, act up in class, or something like that, drop a quarter in the jar.  Suffer a loss of situational awareness and use some less-than-savory language, that'll be a dollar please.  This applies to everyone in the squadron, though we waive it in the senior staff room.

The point was not to raise money or cause some hardship, but just to serve as a gentle reminder to use proper customs and courtesies, and not use dirty language.

Despite the fact that it's been a source of good-natured ribbing from the get-go (to include one cadet paying her bounty with 25 pennies once), it's starting to show it effectiveness.



That is a really good idea. We might just have to start that up at the squadron.


I would say its most likely to be effective in a closer group where members really want to get it right but are having trouble keeping all the details square.

The units where members just aren't interested or actually disdain the courtesies, etc., might have them telling you to go "salute yourself" if you ask them for money for not wearing their uniform.

Interesting idea, though.  If you do it make sure to run it by the Wing King as an approved fundraiser

"That Others May Zoom"


For me, it'd also be more effective if the fines are small. If they're too large, I might consider transferring to another unit.

Besides, someone who's having problems remembering how to do everything right can claim, "I'm nickle and diming myself to death!"  :D

I'd also exempt anyone below 1stLt rank and cadets below the rank of C/SSgt with less than a year membership. Give the noobs a chance to learn.

Capt Rivera

Would this be something allowed under current regs/policies? Just seems like it wouldn't be enforceable?

Joshua Rivera, Capt, CAP
Squadron Commander
Grand Forks Composite Squadron
North Dakota Wing, Civil Air Patrol


What you do to someone who refuses to play the game and pay up?

Flying Pig

Dont like it.  CAP is expensive enough for everyone.


Be a sweet deal IF:

Everyone is employed and wasn't /weren't facing issues of the economy

Granted its small to some

Are u sure this isn't monitored by the Wing banker system?

I'm with Flying Pig on this deal, between "other issues " in CAP.  Besides, who is "gonna" keep Vanguard afloat in its quest to part the membership from its dinero through its high prices?   Save those dollar bills folks, Wing patches are at least $2.00 each ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

The Org gets plenty of my time as well as others here


Use the proceeds to buy cadet "stuff"

Ribbons, Rank, name tapes, ect......


I think its a good idea, but keep it low .25. Easier to carry pocket change.

Capt Rivera


Joshua Rivera, Capt, CAP
Squadron Commander
Grand Forks Composite Squadron
North Dakota Wing, Civil Air Patrol