help tying knots

Started by bricktonfire, September 23, 2008, 10:43:27 PM

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I'm doaming a Program at a tech school (non military for high school)  and it called Public Safety and i need a really easy  ways to rember how to tie knots for SAR and Climbing PLASE HELP oh before oct that when we go rappelling off a fire training tower

jimmydeanno are taking people rappelling and don't remember how to tie the knots?!
If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law. - Winston Churchill


Try to find out what you'll be using for equipment, and practice accordingly. There's no sense trying to remember 30 knots if you only need a few. Practice the figure eight, Munter hitch, Prusik knot, clove hitch to start with.

Tie them with your eyes closed, in the dark, behind your back, whatever it takes, until you know them cold. Stepping off the tower isn't the time wonder if your knots are good! You'll be able to relax and enjoy the ride.


the only problem with going down a tower is that i hate heights but love to fly weird. they have taught me all thought knot


The only way to make sure you know the knots is to practice. practice. and practice some more.

When you think you have it down pat, tie a length of rope around a sturdy, fixed object (senior members don't count ;D) and lean back against it. After picking yourself up (it happens to everyone), retie and try it again.


Quote from: arajca on September 24, 2008, 01:30:30 PM
When you think you have it down pat, tie a length of rope around a sturdy, fixed object (senior members don't count ;D) and lean back against it. After picking yourself up (it happens to everyone), retie and try it again.
funny i will try that thank Arajca ps i'm not teaching the class i'm a student in it