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Senior Transition

Started by JROB, August 29, 2008, 03:22:14 PM

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I have been planning to Join the National Guard. after looking at regulations and taking to a few senior members I have been told that once I go into basic training being that I will be on active duty I will have to become a Senior Member. Is this true
Maj. Jason Robinson
Squadron Commander, Desoto Composite Squadron

"If you are in trouble anywhere in the world, an airplane can fly over and drop flowers, but a helicopter can land and save your life"-Igor Sikorsky


Quote from: CAPR 39-22-5. Upon Joining the Armed Forces. Cadets who join any branch of the active duty Armed Forces (this does not include military service academies) will furnish NHQ CAP/LMMR written notification along with a CAPF 12 and fingerprint card, at which time they will be automatically transferred to senior membership status. Additional membership dues are not required for the duration of the current membership year; they will be billed as senior member renewals. NOTE: Cadets who join the National Guard or Reserves are not required to become seniors upon attending "basic training. " Regardless of the wording of the orders, "basic training" is not interpreted by CAP as "extended active duty." However, National Guard or Reserve members who enter "extended active duty" are not eligible to be cadets and must become senior members. Individuals who join the Armed Forces under the delayed enlistment program are not required to become senior members until such time as they actually report for duty.
Mike Johnston

Capt Rivera


Joshua Rivera, Capt, CAP
Squadron Commander
Grand Forks Composite Squadron
North Dakota Wing, Civil Air Patrol


Well thats a good thing I'm planning to become a SM i just want to be able to enjoy the cadet program a little longer
Maj. Jason Robinson
Squadron Commander, Desoto Composite Squadron

"If you are in trouble anywhere in the world, an airplane can fly over and drop flowers, but a helicopter can land and save your life"-Igor Sikorsky


Don't count on the Guard and Reserve as a way to cheat the system especially in this day and age.  Join thinking you can remain a cadet, and surprise, surprise... you get activated.
Mike Johnston


I'd say its not only possible, its likely.

There is also the issue, especially at your age (myspace says 19), that when you are done with BMT, you will consider yourself much more an adult than your cadet peers.

Unless you're on a Spaatz track, or have some IACE or NCSA you're aiming for, there's not a whole lot to keep you in the CP.

"That Others May Zoom"


Actually, it has been my experience that Guard or Reserve training can do excellent things for a cadet's career.  It's good for the troop, good for the service, and good for CAP.  What's not to like?

And remember, most Guard / Reserve enlistments involve basic / BMT during one summer,  followed by AIT / tech school usually the following summer. 

And at least in the Army, non-MOS qual soldiers under 19 are normally not deployable.

Of course, once anyone in a unit is job-qualified and out of high school, they are eligible for deployment just like any other reservist.

Which is the very nature of the reserve components, and should not be a surprise to anyone.

Ned Lee