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CAP Insights

Started by Senior, August 16, 2008, 03:59:24 AM

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 ;D  I will probably open a can of worms, but what is the angle/motivation
of this website.  I seems someone has an entire toolshed of axes to grind?
Is his "Hit List"  truthful? :)


he mad

Seriously, I'm all for the power of the blogosphere (heck, it got Dan Rather canned), but this is a volunteer organization.  You get out of it what you put in.  If you didn't like what you got, then find something productive to do with your time.  Designing a very poor website that has more ads than the back of Popular Science that somehow tries to expose CAP is definitely not something productive.


No, this is a case of someone who got into a mess, and won't let go. I wouldn't trust 98% of what he puts on that site.



If it wasn't for the part played in certain matters by that person, I wouldn't have a problem with it.  As it is, its just too hypocritical for my taste.


What website are we talking about?

Nevermind.  Found it.  Wow.  My ears hurt now.  Not saying we might not need the occasional person to stand up when they see something wrong with our organization.  But I believe making it public is a mistake.  How much bad press does one organization need.  Heck, I wish this site had password protected forums for members sometimes.  Maybe....  I think.... LOL  Not too mention the whole site comes off as rather unhinged.


Google it... No need to post a link here.
Mike Johnston


Its basically some dude from FLWG whoose pissed off at high ranking CAP folks. I wouldnt believe half of what they say and the other half isnt worth talking about. Its senseless. He is venting and trying to get into everyones business trying to find out about each Wing Commander and their personalities.


Nothing to see here people...Move on

LtCol White

LtCol David P. White CAP   

Admiral, Great Navy of the State of Nebraska

Diplomacy - The ability to tell someone to "Go to hell" and have them look forward to making the trip.


The fact is though CAPINSIGHTS has been correct in it predictions. Regardless of what has transpired they have been spot on and revealed even more of those pockets of corruption. In case nobody has noticed CAPINSIGHTS is working to help protect the membership. :clap:


CAP Insights seems shadowy. I would spend more time reading it if its articles weren't so long and arduous to read.

So is he p-o'ed at HWSRN being booted? Someone wrote that he's trying to help us? Um, how so?
"To infinity, and beyond!"

Eduardo Rodriguez, 2LT, CAP


Quote from: RAZOR on August 19, 2008, 01:27:38 AM
The fact is though CAPINSIGHTS has been correct in it predictions. Regardless of what has transpired they have been spot on and revealed even more of those pockets of corruption. In case nobody has noticed CAPINSIGHTS is working to help protect the membership. :clap:

I don't need the protection of a lier and a cheat thank you very much.


Quote from: lordmonar on August 19, 2008, 02:19:52 AM
Quote from: RAZOR on August 19, 2008, 01:27:38 AM
The fact is though CAPINSIGHTS has been correct in it predictions. Regardless of what has transpired they have been spot on and revealed even more of those pockets of corruption. In case nobody has noticed CAPINSIGHTS is working to help protect the membership. :clap:

I don't need the protection of a lier and a cheat thank you very much.

I think we all know and feel the same about this issue.