Started by Stonewall, February 04, 2008, 01:22:04 AM

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Quote from: BTCS1* on April 28, 2011, 01:52:59 AM
I can already tell! They seem like a solid pair of glasses, well made, already took two falls to the concrete!  8)

Just 2 so far? Either I'm clumsy or I like to abuse my gear.  ;D
••• retired
2d Lt USAF


I've had them for less than a week... And probably both!
C/2d Lt. B. Garelick, CAP


my application was denied.... :(


Quote from: Abdomina on April 28, 2011, 03:31:33 AM
my application was denied.... :(
Did they say wwhy? Do you have the photo ID?


Being too lazy to reread the entire thread, I'll ask - Do they require a picture ID, or is a membership card sufficient?
Dave Bowles
Maj, CAP
AT1, USN Retired
50 Year Member
Mitchell Award (unnumbered)
C/WO, CAP, Ret


Quote from: SarDragon on April 28, 2011, 06:02:37 AM
Being too lazy to reread the entire thread, I'll ask - Do they require a picture ID, or is a membership card sufficient?

Any membership card is sufficient - I used my "library card" the first time I applied for an account.

I got a pair of their sunglasses at about 1/2 off retail through government sales. AWESOME deal!


I just got denied. I took a picture with my camera. Maybe I need to fax?


Thanks for the tip...I'm gonna see if they can do a good deal on prescription sunglasses.

Huey Driver

I applied twice.. and got denied twice.. :'(
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right...


Quote from: C/Conlin on April 28, 2011, 09:19:06 PM
I applied twice.. and got denied twice.. :'(

Make sure the picture isn't fuzzy, I got denied the first time. I don't know what their problem is. I am waiting for them to accept it now.

Two hours later-- I got accepted. Make sure the picture isnt fuzy. on your profile, make sure you say you are in ES in the UNIT box.


Quote from: mclarke on April 28, 2011, 04:21:05 AM
Quote from: Abdomina on April 28, 2011, 03:31:33 AM
my application was denied.... :(
Did they say wwhy? Do you have the photo ID?
You dont need a photo ID. Mine didn't have a photo.


Electric, are you a cadet? i think i have a reason.


It seems that he is from his previous posts.
C/2d Lt. B. Garelick, CAP

Huey Driver

I'm a cadet too. If Electric is a cadet, I guess that they're not accepting cadets. Yeah, I can see why,  ::) but we still go out in the field and their products are great for ES. In that case it doesn't matter whether your a senior member or a cadet.

BTW, my ID card scan was crystal-clear.
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right...


They let mine go through. Granted, that was over a year ago, and they may have changed their registration requirements.
••• retired
2d Lt USAF


I am a cadet and I was just accepted. Conlin, then fix your profile, a member on one of the first few pages said what to put.


Someone also said that there where hundreds of items, that is not true. The only difference after signing up is that you get to see the prices.


Been Denied twice. I submitted a good quality photo of my non-photo ID. I have updated the profile info to reflect ES and SAR. I have no idea what is going on. I think I might give them a call and see what gives. The only thing I can think of is maybe age. other than that who knows.

EDIT: Spent a nice 15 minutes on the phone with a lady who said that because my card said cadet they could not accept it. They told me that I need to have something that explicitly says what my role is. Still working on it.

EDIT: Called back after submitting a 101 card to view and show my qualifications. I was told that they simply do not accept cadets. I was told I could talk to the manager which I did. I talked with the manager for almost 45 minutes regarding the cadet status. Even after viewing a 101 card and looking up the certifications he said that even if he did believe that I was certified and active in SAR, because I'm a cadet he could not authorize me. He said he would run it up the flagpole (Oakley for the chain of command) and see if they would consider authorizing cadets who participate in SAR. I'll (theoretically) get an email from him withing a week telling me what was decided. I was told that in the meantime I could contact a SM and they could create an account, they would be approved, and I could have them order anything I need through them. We shall see what comes out of this.

EDIT: I got an email back. Here is most of the email...

I discussed your position with someone at our headquarters.  It was determined that the Cadet program seems to partake in almost all of the same duties as a senior member.
It was also determined that the Civil Air Patrol program as a whole does not  meet the requirements of entry into US Standard Issue.  As stated on our website,
                "The program is for active duty military, reserve, federal and local law enforcement, fire, EMS and those holding military retiree credentials. We have developed a strong program over the past 20 years and we want to ensure that the integrity of the program is held high."

Basically they are saying that neither cadets nor SMs are qualified under the program. On the phone I was told that there appeared to be no reason why any CAP member would need their products. They said they had to determine that we had a need for ballistic eye-ware and and other products. I tried explaining prop-wash and how many members use their boots and gloves in the field. They wouldn't hear it.

EDIT: fixed typo and removed #


I don't see why they're having an issue with cadets all of a sudden. Unless some policy changed the ability to register to just SM's, then they're just losing business.
••• retired
2d Lt USAF


They said they changed management about a year ago and that since then they have tightened the policies. Read the email though, It says that ALL CAP MEMBERS are deemed not qualified.   >:(