CAP service under a President that you just can't support

Started by RiverAux, September 15, 2016, 07:20:16 PM

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I've been in CAP under President's that I disagreed with on many political issues, but never considered that my service under them constituted any sort of endorsement of them.

However, in this election there is a candidate (lets not discuss specifics) that I believe could begin to order our military (and through them ask CAP to do) acts that I couldn't personally support.

If that person is elected I may have to really pay attention to how things are going and may have to decide to resign rather than put myself in a position I don't want to be.

Obviously, as volunteers that can resign and really can't be asked to do much of substance that would go against my principles, we aren't in anywhere near the situation as those in the military.

Of course, we're supporting the Air Force and through that service, the United States as a whole rather than the President as an individual. However, I could definitely see the person I am thinking about attempting to use the various services for personal purposes.

What do you all think? If a President was elected that you just couldn't in any way, shape, or form put yourself in a position of supporting, would you resign immediately? Wait to see if that person ordered anything you couldn't stomach? Wait it out?


Considering that the President is not directly in our chain of command, I am not too worried he/she will ask me to do anything (in regards to CAP).  Whomever the US President is has little consequence on my CAP work.


Oh good grief.

As our politics have become more polarized, each side is convinced that the other is going to start WW3 or institute martial law.

There is nothing the military can "order" CAP to do that would be unconscionable. Our scope is bound by federal law.


"Too Much Free Time" is an accurate description of this debate...

Suggest the monitor's "Lock" the thread.


Admittedly Jill Stein is pretty hawkish, but really it's a non-issue.

As someone who lived through the Pierce administration you should know that if the US could survive him,
it can survive anyone.

With that said, seriously, no factor.  the POTUS may set a tone, but considering the gridlock the guv'mint has been mired in for decades,
can't do much beyond shake hands and wage ground wars in Asia.

As mentioned, POTUS is not in CAP's chain, and barring Red Dawn-level events, which would change the equation for everyone in the US,
can't direct CAP members to do anything that violates 18 USC 1385.

The political nature of this thread probably violates the CoC, but regardless, CAP and it's members have a lot more risk of
funding freezes due to gridlock and then being asked to do things they traditionally shouldn't.

It might be time to step away from the internet for a while.

"That Others May Zoom"

Майор Хаткевич

I mean...depending on who you listen to, CAP will either be disbanded if one side wins, or we'll have lots of border patrol missions if the other side wins. :angel: >:D


The question isn't the office holder - its the organization. I feel that CAP has a pretty ok track record for not accepting (or for backing out of) missions that we're not appropriate for, for many reasons.

On the one hand, the Posse Comitatus limitations on our work for LE are pretty good examples, and on the latter, the history of recognizing that we needed to get out of Operation Drop In was another, pretty good example (see We may screw up (we're human) but we generally should hold (and be held) accountable enough to correct our path.

So, my summary reply would be:
1. Stay Calm - Volunteer On,
2. Vote your conscience, but don't vote with your feet until you find you're being asked to perform an unethical, illegal, or immoral act,
3. Watch your leadership (like a hawk holding a whip between its talons) within CAP and on a local, state, and national level, and continue to hold them accountable as your delegated representatives.
4. Have the courage to step up and volunteer FURTHER, as a leader, where you want to be the change you want to see.



In my time in uniform(s), there have been more than one that I couldn't support. didn't impact how I did my duty.
Strup-" times...."
NSS ISC 05-00
US NWC 2016


It is not the POTUS that concerns me about the organizational health -- I have served in CAP under a couple of 2-term presidents now...neither one had a direct impact on my CAP service.   But I have served in CAP under 8 National Commanders (1 of which my late grandmother would describe as "being so crooked that when he dies, they will just dampen the ground and screw him in") and 3 Corporation Execs...and it is those folks that concern me. 

At one point, I considered leaving the organization because as a Chaplain I found it hypocritical to lead the charge with our members on embracing/espousing the Core Values of CAP when there were folks (one in particular) who blatantly disregarded them.  Oh well...we know how that went.

So November is not an issue for me....rather what direction the BOG goes in when Maj Gen Vazquez completes his tour of duty.
Disclaimer:  Not to be confused with the other user that goes by "Chappy"   :)

Luis R. Ramos

I think starting posts like this before the elections is too premature. Wait after those are over...
Squadron Safety Officer
Squadron Communication Officer
Squadron Emergency Services Officer


Quote from: Spam on September 15, 2016, 08:20:25 PM

1. Stay Calm - Volunteer On,

^^^^ This. I'm more interested in trying to find a date to schedule some Cadet O-Rides than I am worrying about how national politics will affect my CAP experience.
"Don't try to explain it, just bow your head
Breathe in, breathe out, move on ..."


I was going to write a post about how irrelevant who the president is to our service in CAP, but there are no words... just... do CAP. If something in CAP makes you uncomfortable, don't do CAP. It's that easy.
SM Toth Mendius, CAP
C/CC RMR-MT-053 (ret.), RMR Ass't Rep NCAC (ret.)
Mitchell #65174, Earhart #17361


Quote from: Toth on September 16, 2016, 01:12:53 AM
I was going to write a post about how irrelevant who the president is to our service in CAP, but there are no words... just... do CAP. If something in CAP makes you uncomfortable, don't do CAP. It's that easy.

Very true. Good to remember that 95% of the time (or more) we are a civilian organization. I try to keep my eyes focused on my local Squadron and what we do and how I can help. I think of it as if its a local civic group. It can be a good thing to do. :)
"Don't try to explain it, just bow your head
Breathe in, breathe out, move on ..."


Hey, look at it this way:

CAP, when wearing a USAF style uniform, may be the only visible presence representing the federal government in very small towns all over the nation. In a time when our society needs (but isn't getting many) positive, stable, politically neutral voices promoting civil behavior and service before self... we are it.

You are it.



Quote from: Luis R. Ramos on September 15, 2016, 10:46:46 PM
I think starting posts like this before the elections is too premature. Wait after those are over...

Or don't even start them in the first place.


And that about covers the tower fly-by.

It's been real, and it's been fun, and now it's done.
Dave Bowles
Maj, CAP
AT1, USN Retired
50 Year Member
Mitchell Award (unnumbered)
C/WO, CAP, Ret