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Family Membership

Started by CAPDCCMOM, March 15, 2016, 01:42:33 AM

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In our household we have four, that's right four, CAP members, two Cadets and two Senior Members. As a result we are very active in our Squadron. I am sure that we are not a unique situation in the CAP world. Recruiting and retention have been named the Number One Priority by the good people at NHQ. What I am asking is this, is there a possibility of creating a Family Membership, with a discount on dues. To qualify for the Family Membership, they would need to keep a certain level of participation and activity of course. What are the thoughts out there?

Holding Pattern

I don't think that will work. The amount of discount that could reasonably be applied  would probably be less than the amount that it would cost to implement the program.  Better would be to implement programs that maintain interest in the program itself.

I've floated discount ideas before, and in that thread it was also mentioned that such programs weren't terribly effective.

I also have yet to hear someone say the annual fee is the reason they aren't staying in cap. Annual uniform costs yes, membership fees no.


It all depends on the amount of discount we are talking about.

Say a single member cost is $70.  Two members would be $140.  Add a Cadet for $30 for a total of $170...add a second for a round $200.

Now.....what would a "family" membership cost?
What would be the Plus Vs Minus....that is how many people out there are NOT getting involved because of cost VS how much money would we lose if we implemented this plan.

I'm not saying it should not be done....just that someone ought to do the numbers first.
As for "they would need to keep a certain level of participation and activity of course."  I could care less.  Pay your dues and you are golden as far as I'm concerned.


I belong to an organization about the size of CAP that has family memberships. The primary difference is that the family members do not receive the monthly local and national magazines. This is essentially a database management item. Given the current state of our national IT, and the lack of paid personnel to do the work, I don't see any great advantage to a family membership.
Dave Bowles
Maj, CAP
AT1, USN Retired
50 Year Member
Mitchell Award (unnumbered)
C/WO, CAP, Ret


Although a "Family Membership" would be nice, it would not be a real advantage for CAP.  First, National dues make up about half of most members' dues.  Regions, most Wings, and almost all Squadrons need every penny of dues money to survive, and with our sorry state of contributors, I don't see this changing in the foreseeable future.  Second, the cost of the Volunteer Mag is borne by advertisers; not by dues.  Other pubs are online, and isn't a consideration.  Administrative cost's won't change, and would probably go up, plus it may be a disincentive for adult (senior) members to stay after their cadets leave the program.  Just say n'...


I've not given this much thought until right now. 

Quote from: lordmonar on March 15, 2016, 02:46:34 AM
It all depends on the amount of discount we are talking about...

I'm not saying it should not be done....just that someone ought to do the numbers first.
As for "they would need to keep a certain level of participation and activity of course."  I could care less.  Pay your dues and you are golden as far as I'm concerned.

Pat makes a great point on this, and would totally agree.

And to the other comment regarding magazines and IT support.  Right now there are 3 of us polluting CAP, with 1 more to follow in a few months.  We receive only 1 magazine.  There is a box to check whether you want one or not.  Family memberships become eligible for only one magazine per address.  (yeah, this would take some work and planning).  Heck, I'm considering stopping that one...  It's digital.  We could download it and read it on our phone, tablet or computers.  That would save more money.  But magazine money and IT money are not driving this.  I mention it here as suggestion.

I would compare this idea to how one pays for participation in youth sports organizations.  The more kids you have, you would get a bigger discount (at least where I am).  4 kids in soccer, both spring and fall, adds up!  We are talking $70 a season per kid.  The program we belonged to, the fourth kid was free.  He is 19 now so we don't get that discount now.   But still it added up.

I think this is a great idea that merits consideration.  But at the end of the day, I am a member, and probably will always be a member.  And my kids will be members, until they tell me why they don't want to anymore.  Price will only be  a minor factor.
There's only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water that's lying about being milk.


Thank you for the comments. As stated above, may sports and some private schools, offer multiple child discounts. Retention remains a big issue. I think that any option that could even possibly retain members is worth looking at.


Quote from: CAPDCCMOM on March 15, 2016, 01:09:28 PM
As stated above, may sports and some private schools, offer multiple child discounts.

They certainly do. My daughter went to a private school for 3 years and they offered multi-child discounts that could potentially save $10,000 or more depending on how many kids you have enrolled. However, I would have to be a member of CAP for more than 150 years at current rates to even pay $10,000 in dues.

I think that the better way to save members money and increase retention is to work at expanding access to AAFES and DRMO for the average member.

Quote from: CAPDCCMOM on March 15, 2016, 01:09:28 PM
I think that any option that could even possibly retain members is worth looking at.

I fully agree, I just don't think that membership dues are the reason that we aren't retaining people. It might be the straw that breaks the camel's back for a few people, but not the primary driver.
If you are confident in you abilities and experience, whether someone else is impressed is irrelevant. - Eclipse


I currently have 3 cadets (of a family of 8 kids), and their father.

There are also two brothers and their cousin.

There are two other brothers.

Two of my cadets' and their dads are in the program.

We have a senior member mom and a senior member son.

The parents of two other cadets are considering joining.

I need a drink after all this math...


How will NHQ define family? If there should be any discount,it should be for Seniors  >:D 55 and up only!


And Veterans, and members with over 20 years of membership.  Oh and fatties and fuzzies because they don't get the glory of wearing the military uniform...  Oh and don't forget members with degrees..