Task Validation

Started by jdh, August 07, 2015, 04:50:20 AM

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Where can I find a list that shows what each Operations Qualification can sign off on. I know that a GBD can sign off on any ground team / udf task, a AOBD can sign off on any MS/MO task as well as IC3 can sign off on Section Chief tasks but where can I find a list that shows me all of them? I know its based on permissions in ops qual but I dont know where to find that report.

Ed Bos

That's not exactly true.

In order to evaluate (or sign off) someone on a task toward qualification, you must be SET, have held the rating for at least a year, and be approved to be an evaluator on that qualification.

Currently, there are Ground Branch Directors who are UDF qualified, but not GTM or GTL qualified. They cannot evaluate on tasks for a qualification they aren't qualified in.

Same for IC's that aren't qualified as Logistics or Finance/Admin Section Chiefs. They can't evaluate toward those qualifications.

And so on.

To answer your question, in the OpsQuals utility, you can look in the Reports menu for the "Skills Evaluator by Qualification" report. That should get you the information you need. If you don't see anyone on there that can evaluate the qualification you're looking for, you can ask higher headquarters (via the chain of command, natch) to get you a list of evaluators in other units.

Email: edward.bos(at)orwgcap.org


Quote from: Ed Bos on August 07, 2015, 05:21:32 AM
That's not exactly true.

In order to evaluate (or sign off) someone on a task toward qualification, you must be SET, have held the rating for at least a year, and be approved to be an evaluator on that qualification.

Currently, there are Ground Branch Directors who are UDF qualified, but not GTM or GTL qualified. They cannot evaluate on tasks for a qualification they aren't qualified in.

Same for IC's that aren't qualified as Logistics or Finance/Admin Section Chiefs. They can't evaluate toward those qualifications.

And so on.

To answer your question, in the OpsQuals utility, you can look in the Reports menu for the "Skills Evaluator by Qualification" report. That should get you the information you need. If you don't see anyone on there that can evaluate the qualification you're looking for, you can ask higher headquarters (via the chain of command, natch) to get you a list of evaluators in other units.


The system allows our GBD and AOBD to sign off on GT and Aircrew respectively even though they no long are active in those lower specialties, it has something to do with permissions in the Ops Qual system but I havent been able to find a list of what those permissions are. If it didnt work that way none of the people in my squadron would be able to get ES quals without attending a NESA, we have very few SETs for anything in our Squadron or Group and most of the SETs we do have are upper level stuff like GBD, AOBD, IC3, OSC.

Storm Chaser

Ed is right. Just because the system allows it, doesn't mean the regulation allows it. Until recently, units could appoint skills evaluators without group and wing approval. All it took was a trouble ticket to fix that. I'm about to submit one for a similar reason regarding aeronautical ratings and ES badges.

Having a local need for skills evaluators is not a good reason to bypass the regulation, which is there for a reason.


This is the document you are looking for. As you can see, GBD is a qualified supervisor/evaluator for GBD, GTL, GTM (all), UDF, MSA, and GES.
If you are confident in you abilities and experience, whether someone else is impressed is irrelevant. - Eclipse

Phil Hirons, Jr.

That document dos not have the word evaluate anywhere. It's who can supervise a trainee on missions.

Storm Chaser

That's correct. Qualified supervisors are not necessarily skills evaluators on that specialty.

Ed Bos

Quote from: jdh on August 07, 2015, 06:33:39 AM
The system allows our GBD and AOBD to sign off on GT and Aircrew respectively even though they no long are active in those lower specialties, it has something to do with permissions in the Ops Qual system but I havent been able to find a list of what those permissions are. If it didnt work that way none of the people in my squadron would be able to get ES quals without attending a NESA, we have very few SETs for anything in our Squadron or Group and most of the SETs we do have are upper level stuff like GBD, AOBD, IC3, OSC.

FWIW, assuming the computer is right is a problem in several situations. We let "the tail wag the dog" if we don't read the guiding regulations and use common sense... I don't believe someone who has never (at the very least) been trained in wilderness search and rescue should be evaluating someone and confirming their competency. This is what would happen if a UDF-trained GBD was evaluating a GTM1.

Does that make sense?
Email: edward.bos(at)orwgcap.org


I think this is why the ops qual system lets them validate the tasks.

"ICs, Section Chiefs, Branch Directors, and Communications Unit Leaders are allowed to serve as supervisors of remote personnel for
documentation of qualifications, but should not do so unless they can verify that tasks were actually accomplished."

I understand the need for having people that are SET qualified but not every unit has access to personnel that are SET qualified. Many of the personnel that are SET in the lower quals (GTM3, GTL, MSA, MRO, ETC) are more than an hour away by air. We are a pretty remote squadron. Now the closer squadrons to us (about 75-100 miles) have plenty of SET for upper level staff positions. Our GBD was certified as UDF GTM2 and GTL for years but doesnt go into the field anymore and only keeps GBD and other mission staff quals active, he as also completed the AF Inland SAR course. Our AOBD spends their time in the Air in the pilot seat working toward hours for MP but became an AOBD though the Observer route. They have the training, knowledge and experience they also teach the classes on how to perform the tasks so why should they not be able to sign off on it but some one that did the task once 2 and a half years ago and never since be able to sign off just because they have had the qual for a year and it hasnt expired yet?

Ed Bos

The computer "let's" it happen because there is 1 guy at NHQ who's job is programming eServices. While he does the best he can, it's not easy getting the system to reflect the minutiae of the regulations.

It's a bug, not a feature.

NESA trains hundreds of folks and has covered every wing. Add other training opportunities like LESA, Hawk, etc, that's even more personnel. Shoot me an email if you want some help locating someone who is current, qualified, and an SET that can come do a weekend activity with your unit. I'm happy to oblige in any way I can.
Email: edward.bos(at)orwgcap.org


We had a recent transfer from another group and were able to use their contacts in the previous group to get some assistance today. They will be loading up two GA-8's with SET personnel to fly out and assist us in exchange for us sending our upper level SETs out to train and sign off their staff personnel.