Help Me With Input For A CFC Toolkit?

Started by ProdigalJim, June 12, 2015, 02:55:21 AM

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I'm trying to put together a toolkit for members trying to navigate the process of applying for funds from the Combined Federal Campaign. There are checklists and guidelines (and even stuff I posted here on CAP Talk a few weeks ago), but I'm getting the sense from the three dozen or so folks I've worked with to date that there would be a lot of gratitude for an "Instant CFC: Just Add Water" kind of approach.

I'm presenting at the National Conference again on CFC stuff, and I'd like to have toolkit packages to hand out. If you were getting one, what would it include? So far, I'm thinking about:

1. A sample CFC application to use as a guide (some local campaigns use local versions of the forms, so a single National form in this case will have to do)

2. A sample "pro forma" IRS Form 990, with versions for squadrons, groups and wings

3. Varying ways to write the 25-word descriptive statement (kind of like the word guide in the Making Awards Easy pamphlet?)

4. A non-jargony checklist, with dates, so you can keep yourself on-target

5. The full list of local CFC campaign contacts, maps and campaign boundaries

Other stuff? Marketing stuff? Promotional copy? What would really help move aside obstacles and help you get the application done at the unit level? If you went to a workshop on this, what would you want to walk away with in your hands?
Jim Mathews, Lt. Col., CAP
My Mitchell Has Four Digits...


The issue we had with the CFC is that we had to have an Office that was open to the public at least 16 hours a week in order to demonstrate that we had a substantial presence in the Community.  This was a difficult thing to pull off.  The Weekly meeting was four hours a week and the facility wasn't ours.

Ed Bos

Hey Jim,

I was the Executive Director of Alaska Community Share for a few years, and I ate, lived and breathed workplace giving.

Send me a message if you want to talk about this and share some thoughts.

Email: edward.bos(at)