How to become encampment 1sgt?

Started by Mcmdad50, January 31, 2015, 02:41:25 AM

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 I attended my basic encampment last year and as soon as I left I wanted to go back as staff. I'm currently a C/MSgt and should be a C/CMSgt by encampment. I have decided that I want I be a First Sergeant at this summer's encampment. I am in the arizona wing so there's no advanced encampment that I need to take. I am wondering what I need to do to increase my chances of getting the position. Thanks in advance.


Best place for that answer is your wing Director of Cadet Programs.

I suggest that you go through your commander or deputy commander for cadet programs and get in contact with him/her.

Майор Хаткевич

Typically "slow burners" get that role as they either do an "advanced" or a flight sergeant role before the "big one".

That said, how do other encampments fit a " top 4" first shirt with the new program? Or are we talking about Squadron   level first shirts?


AZ Wing had two first sergeants for the two squadrons last year. Our encampment is too small to have 4 of them.


Apply, via the published procedure, and tell them why you think you'll make an excellent choice for them.

... and then see where the cards fall.




Ok.  Check the wing website monthly, that is where they will put out the encampment dates, location and cost.  They will also tell you how to go through the staff selection process.  If I recall correctly you will need to do a resume, and attend the staff selection activity when it is posted.  The site will also give you the date for the staff activity and any further information you may need.  Look for this to be put out about Mar/Apr of this year. 



Quote from: Mcmdad50 on February 02, 2015, 07:44:28 AM
Delta flight
Yeah! Go Delta! If your encampment requires a resume make sure to have as much requirements as you can. It also helps if you serve as your home squadron's 1st Sgt before encampment. If that position is filled, job shadow his/her position and learn as much as you can about it. Make sure to ask lots of questions to your senior staff about it, maybe find someone who has served as a 1st Sgt before and ask them about their experience. Good luck!
There are two types of countries, those that use the metric system, then that one that has been to the moon.