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Looking for CDIs...

Started by Brit_in_CAP, March 25, 2014, 12:59:39 PM

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Full disclosure:

I am a CDI, it was the reason I joined CAP and I thoroughly enjoy the work I do with my cadets, and occasionally some of the Senior Members.

That said, I've been feeling quite lonely in my specialty track recently; my CD, who is able to frequent far more wing and group meetings than I can, suggested it was something of a minority specialty and that the material is often covered by the Chaplain or another Senior Member.


Amongst the CAPTALK fraternity, who's a CDI?  Is it your 'primary' track or do you 'major' in another and take the CDI as one of the collateral tracks that we all end up with?  Were you an MLO originally?  If you aren't a CDI, does your squadron have one or is the topic covered by someone else?

This is purely for my own interest except that I am interested in finding any other CDIs within VAWG who are active in the track as CDIs.

I did query NHQ to see if they could help locate the VAWG CDIs....three unanswered emails and several unreturned telephone messages later, here I am!  Sadly, I've also been unable to contact the Wing Chaplain.


Not a CDI.

The only ones who can lead the Character Development seesions are a Chaplain, CDI, or unit commander (as a last resort). My unit does not have a CDI or Chaplain, so the commander leads the sessions.

Query your wing chaplain to see who the other CDIs in your wing are. He'll probably have a better idea of which ones are active.

Storm Chaser

We have a chaplain. He does an outstanding job with character development and our cadets really seem to enjoy his instruction.


I'm a CDI. Been doing it for about 3 years now. It's not my "major", but it's one of my "minor" tracks.

I've really enjoyed my time doing it.

Private Investigator

Your Wing Personnel Officer should create a pdf for you with all the Wing's CDIs.

I was interested in CDI when I first joined but ended up doing everything else.   8)


I thought about being MLO, but unfortunately, CAP did not allow atheists to lead ML sessions.  When CAP got rid of the religion requirement, I considered it briefly.  However, I was unable to convince my wing chaplain that atheists were allowed.  Well, instead got interested in the historian track among others.


I'm not a CDI (i don't hold the specialty), but I used to lead char dev forums at my squadron, and i've written a few modules.

Do you have specific questions, or are you just looking for people in general?


Quote from: coudano on March 26, 2014, 02:19:48 AM
I'm not a CDI (i don't hold the specialty), but I used to lead char dev forums at my squadron, and i've written a few modules.

Do you have specific questions, or are you just looking for people in general?
I was really looking to get an idea of how many actual CDIs there might be and to get some ideas of how other people present the lessons.

Since making the post I did get hold of NHQ and Ms La Barre is going to send me a list of the active CDIs in my wing so the post is probably moot at this point.


Quote from: LSThiker on March 26, 2014, 02:09:36 AM
I thought about being MLO, but unfortunately, CAP did not allow atheists to lead ML sessions.  When CAP got rid of the religion requirement, I considered it briefly.  However, I was unable to convince my wing chaplain that atheists were allowed.  Well, instead got interested in the historian track among others.

I've heard that from other people, and that's a real shame.

As I said in another thread I've met some life-long atheists who have a better developed set of morals, values and ethics than some life-long Christian ministers I've met.

It will be a point to watch in the future; the regular military is (IMHO) going to be under pressure to have non-religious 'chaplains'; I think that the US Army Chaplain Corps has already encountered this (no citation available but I'm sure I read this somewhere...) and I know its been encountered in some of the European militaries.   They have to function under the same rules as religious chaplains.  I think (IMHO) we'll eventually have some more CDIs that aren't endorsed by a religious body, just not very quickly.  As ever, YMMV and it's simply my opinion.

Thanks for sharing.