Lower Ranking Cadets Reviewing Higher Ranking Cadets

Started by PhoenixRisen, February 09, 2011, 07:04:52 AM

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I've been throwing this around in my mind for a while, and wanted to get everyone's input on the matter.  What do you do in regard to review boards when you've got a cadet promoting that's higher ranking than the cadet commander?  Do you let them actively take part in the reviewing / decision-making?  Do you simply have them on the board, accompanied by others who rank higher than the cadet being reviewed, and let those higher in rank do the reviewing and decision-making?  Or would you simply not have the cadet commander on the board, period?

Many units fall into this scenario:  C/CC is, say, a C/2d Lt, while you've got Phase IV cadets still in the program, who have already served as the C/CC.  When I was the C/CC of my unit, we were just starting out, and had a mass of cadets join at the same time.  Due to this, I had to place cadets in leadership positions that were the same grade(s) as those they were leading.  Since everyone obviously promoted at their own pace, we happend to have certain cadets within flights that promoted faster than some of their flight staff.  When this happend, and it came time to review a cadet that was higher in grade than one of their superiors, I simply wouldn't have that superior on the board.  My rationale for this was that it would not be proper for a cadet to review another cadet for a grade that they have not yet earned themself.

Any input on this?


CAPR 52-16 actually has something to say about it.   It requires any cadets sitting on a review boards to be cadet officers and be at least one grade higher than the cadet being reviewed.

That being said, a cadet's supervisor (regardless of grade) may have good input to contribute to a review board's decision; a review board may want to formally or informally speak with the cadet's supervisor. 
Michael F. Kieloch, Maj, CAP


Quote from: Pylon on February 09, 2011, 07:09:02 AM
That being said, a cadet's supervisor (regardless of grade) may have good input to contribute to a review board's decision; a review board may want to formally or informally speak with the cadet's supervisor.

Well said.  Thanks for the input, sir!


Where does it say that in the 52-16?  I just went through it, and didn't notice it (especially in the section regarding promotion boards).


Quote from: PhoenixCadet on February 09, 2011, 07:18:13 AM
Where does it say that in the 52-16?  I just went through it, and didn't notice it (especially in the section regarding promotion boards).

Edited to strike:

CAPR 52-16, Section 2-4 (Cadet Promotions), paragraph b. (Leadership Feedback) reads, in part, "Senior members and cadet officers may conduct CAPF 50 evaluations (cadet officers may evaluate cadets who are junior to them in grade). Commanders may approve or disapprove the evaluation; ultimately the commander must ensure the cadet's progress is evaluated properly."

That was a reference from the last version.  The new version is:

CAPR 52-16, Section 5-2 (Cadet Promotions), paragraph c. (Leadership Feedback) reads, in part, "Senior members and cadet officers may conduct CAPF 50 evaluations (cadet officers may evaluate cadets who are junior to them in grade)."

and paragraph d. (Promotion Boards) reads, in part, "If used, promotion boards must meet the following criteria:
(1)   A completed CAPF 50 must serve as the promotion board's basis for discussion."
Michael F. Kieloch, Maj, CAP


...I guess I shouldn't try and research things when I'm as tired as I was.  It was right in front of me!

Thanks, sir!