Search And Rescue software for Windows XP.

Started by Hoorah, March 26, 2010, 10:57:38 PM

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Quote from: Leading_Edge on March 27, 2010, 11:42:25 PM
I'd like to apologize to anyone reading this post. The manner in which i posted it is unacceptable for anyone to read. I feel that this could have been written with better wording and organization and it could have shown more professionalism from myself with in it.

I apologize if anyone feels offended by this message but it is what i felt and i thought that the above information coming from fellow cadet would make it easier for Hoorah to understand and comprehend what our roles as cadets are in emergency services. Kodos to SARDragon for correcting me in the manner that I wrote this. I think that i am going to limit my use on CAPTalk from now on for it is not my place to speak on behalf of other member's issues. If anyone feels significant offense from what I previously wrote then please PM me. Thanks
Leading Edge:  While the delivery was not perfect, the advice in your earlier post was perfectly acceptable.  There is no harm in sharing your experiences and perspective with someone.  Just keep a civil and professional demeanor in all posts.

While I encourage all cadets (and plenty of senior members) to improve their writing skills, there is no need for anyone to feel unwelcome on CAPTalk.  Cadets, and their perspectives, should be as welcome here as any senior member. 

Some senior members would do well to remember cadets are still learning their way in the world.  We do them a disservice if we discount their insights because of imperfect writing.  Harsh smack-downs run the risk of alienating the young folks we should be trying to mentor.
"You can't stop the signal, Mal."


I totally agree and I will only make topics jf I deem it neccessary but I will reply to topics more often when I deem it neccessary.