At least I'm half dry

Started by SSgt Rudin, March 11, 2008, 08:26:16 PM

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Would you disreguard regulation and wear the gortex pants?



I remember going through high-school and the only days that school would be canceled would be when it was so cold the buses wouldn't start.  If they thought they could get them going, then we'd get a delay unless the anti-freeze froze.

In 1998 when the "Northeast Corridor" had that huge ice storm that dropped like 6 inches of rime ice on everything most of the state was without power (some areas for weeks) we only had one day off from school.

I just have to chuckle when I hear about you guys in the south that have their jobs tell them not to come into work because there is frost on the roads...

Oh, and I'd wear the gortex pants - common sense prevails!
If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law. - Winston Churchill