Help with an ES presentation

Started by Walkman, February 01, 2008, 05:30:28 PM

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Short back story:
Because of the actions of a some less-than-stellar members many years ago, UTWG basically has no ES program with the exception of Aircrew. I think I was told that there are 6 GT qualified members in the wing (don't quote me on this, though). Up in our valley, we're not even blipping on the radar of the local ES providers. Our Group CC and a few of us are working hard to change that.

I'm going to do a presentation to our County Sheriff's department in about a month (part of my Tech rating in PA is to present CAP to an outside group). I want to lay out our full ES capabilities to them and get them sold on having us be part of their work. Our squadron is currently working hard on our ES training so that within the year, we'll have a solid core of trained GTMs and other to be able to really assist the Sheriff & others. We've mostly been focusing on CP for many years (reigning RMR Color Guard Champs!) but with me and some other new members, we're trying to get the full ES program working.

So, my request to the forum is to help me plan out this presentation. The Sheriff coordinates all SAR and disaster relief work up here, so this is the group I need to sell. What should I tell them about? If you were giving this presentation, what would you include?

When I finish this, I'll make it available here for others to use if they wish.

Thanks, y'all!

Al Sayre

Don't try to "sell" him anything, find out what he needs and then tailor your training to fill the order if you can.   
Lt Col Al Sayre
MS Wing Staff Dude
Admiral, Great Navy of the State of Nebraska
GRW #2787


Good thought. I could give an overview of all the CAP ES training and abilities, then ask them for what we can train for specifically to assist them.

So, what's included in the full ES spectrum for CAP?


ill post some stuff when I get home


My suggestion would be not to sell something that doesn't exist.

Spend the time getting ramped up and qualified and then start selling.  You may be surprised at how fast other agencies want your help, and if you can't deliver right away, your credibility will be questionable from the start.

Undersell and overdeliver is the way to go.

"That Others May Zoom"


The presentation I mentioned previously is going along well.
The Sheriff's dept. is very excited to get a relationship going and have us be part of the ES team here in the valley. Instead of presenting to just the Sheriff's dept. team, I'm going to be able to introduce us to all of the ES players in our county (fire, EMS, police, etc...).

What I'm looking for here is examples of things you have done in your community in a disaster relief of general ES mission other than SAR.

For example, we've had above average snowfall this winter in the valley. We'll be preemptively filling sandbags for flood control in a few weeks, and the Sheriff has been briefed on how to contact AFNSEP to deploy us if there is flooding and they need us to help.

What other things can we do to help the local community? According to our Wing DO, we only need to have GES for something like sandbagging, so I'm trying to come up with other situations we can be of assistance in without needing lot of training (i.e. GTM).


Mike Johnston


"That Others May Zoom"


Find out what the capabilities of your Wing are first. How many planes do you have. Aircrews? Average response times? Max sorties per day?

Don't go in telling them all about ARCHER, etc unless you have a GA-8 in your back pocket. Tell them what you guys, locally, can perform (SDIS, AP, aerial damage assessment, aerial assessment platform for government workers, etc). You can mention National capabilties, and it is good to note that, on big things, resources from surrounding states can be pulled in if needed.

I've also got a bunch of photos from the DR work we did in TN over the past few weeks from the tornadoes. That especially may be good for you, since we have some good aerial shots of Union University in Jackson TN, which was real high profile stuff, and some of the real hard hit areas up in Macon County, TN. I can also get you shots of our ground crews in action doing DR work.

Shoot me a PM and I can get something on the way to you if you need it.

Steven Fedor, NREMT-P
Master Ambulance Driver
Former Capt, MP, MCPE, MO, MS, GTL, and various other 3-and-4 letter combinations
NESA MAS Instructor, 2008-2010 (#479)


I'm also looking for non-aircrew stuff. Our squadron doesn't have a plane (although there are several planes available in the nearby units), and we only have a couple of qualified aircrew members. So I'd like some ideas for "feet on the ground" types.


Quote from: Walkman on February 21, 2008, 06:40:30 PM
I'm also looking for non-aircrew stuff. Our squadron doesn't have a plane (although there are several planes available in the nearby units), and we only have a couple of qualified aircrew members. So I'd like some ideas for "feet on the ground" types.

What can you put out in terms of personnal tomorrow?
"Eagerness and thrill seeking in others' misery is psychologically corrosive, and is also rampant in EMS. It's a natural danger of the job. It will be something to keep under control, something to fight against."


Quote from: JThemann on February 23, 2008, 02:58:37 PM
What can you put out in terms of personnal tomorrow?

If you mean how many people are currently at least GES qualified, we have at least 12 people (4 cadets) off the top of my head ready to go in that regard. There may be a few more cadets, not sure. As far as GTM, we have 3 ready with more in training.


You can check out training programs offered by other wings. Here in PAWG we have Hawk Mountain Ranger Training.

They may have some es photos and/or footage you might be able to use.

I agree with the other posters that one very important part of your presentation is to provide specific information on what services your unit can provide and how quickly you can be deployed. This isn't just, "We have five ground team trained members." There are different levels of ground team training. For instance, it's not a ground team unless there's at least one member with Ground Team Leader qualifications.

You should also be able to answer questions about team members availability during work/school hours and late night missions. You may have two or three ground teams, but if only one GTL can take time off work for missions, you have ONE team available.

Finally, you can also mention that CAP members from adjacent wings are also available to assist on missions, especially if the mission extends more than one day.