CAP/CC Letter 28 Jan 08

Started by SJFedor, January 28, 2008, 06:06:19 PM

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Quote from: tedda on January 29, 2008, 01:40:04 AM
Gets "who" around the uniform regulation?  Top CAP leadership or USAF? 

After reading your post a few times, all I gather from it is that the uniform should have come before all else.
Never mind the fact that the program is new and only in a test phase right now.
Never mind the fact that it is being developed by the highest levels of CAP leadership and USAF.
Never mind the probability that there is a lot that you or I don't know yet.

Go tell USAF they should have minded CAP regs before being a developer in this project.  Better yet, go ask them to put it on hold while you iron this whole uniform issue out.  Be sure to let us know how that turns out.  :D

Do you really believe that someone in need of insurance bennies in the event of an accident, wearing the uniform that they were directed for VSAF, is gonna be SOL because it hasn't been put into an ICL, much less a grossly outdated uniform manual?


I pick up on the sarcastic tone of your post, but...

What you describe is exactly what happened!

Paragraph 1:  "We have a new mission."

Paragraph 2:  "And we have a new uniform to go along with the new mission."
Another former CAP officer


I consider the VSAF uniform to be much more akin to a wear test than actual prescribed dictum.

Basically, we're doing this new program we've never done before, as part of the pilot effort, we've thrown together these threads to wear.

As such, I wouldn't expect to see an amendment to CAPM 39-1 to accommodate it, just as you don't see the new USAF wear test uniforms in AFI 36-2903.



Quote from: cnitas on January 28, 2008, 09:16:09 PM
Still no word on Berets/Ranger Bling...   >:D
You say that like it's a bad thing LOL
Gene Floyd, Capt CAP
Wearer of many hats, master of none (but senior-rated in two)


Quote from: RiverAux on January 29, 2008, 04:20:48 AM
I don't think I'm being unreasonable in pointing out that this shirt is not currently authorized by regulation.  It would take all of about 10 minutes for the National Commander to write an interim change letter authorizing this uniform for this specific activity.  Its not a big deal to do right. 

Doesn't it stand to reason that a gigantic "Click me!" ad on the main page, plus a full-page article on the link's destination page with accompaning photo, both which are still on, are more than enough to label this as "authorized"?! Not to mention the same news being given on

I'm just trying to be the voice of reason here. The news announcement will do fine for now. Give the program time to get on its feet and see if it will even stay around before you start calling for an ICL.
Brad Lee
Maj, CAP
Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, Communications
Mid-Atlantic Region


Quote from: Brad on January 29, 2008, 07:56:16 PM
Doesn't it stand to reason that a gigantic "Click me!" ad on the main page, plus a full-page article on the link's destination page with accompaning photo, both which are still on, are more than enough to label this as "authorized"?! Not to mention the same news being given on

Just went and took a look. Looks pretty sharp. I think it ought to replace the polo. Just require that be the only uniform when on working VSAF.

An option for embroidering your name would be nice, too.


That is a DARNED snazzy optional uniform if you ask me (which you didn't). I think this should be the non-uniform uniform instead of the polo shirt. At least to me it is some how more professional looking, not sure why. Maybe it is the button down front and collar.
Chris Arnold, 1st Lt, CAP
Pegasus Composite Squadron


Quote from: carnold1836 on January 29, 2008, 09:59:19 PM
That is a DARNED snazzy optional uniform if you ask me (which you didn't). I think this should be the non-uniform uniform instead of the polo shirt. At least to me it is some how more professional looking, not sure why. Maybe it is the button down front and collar.

Kinda what I was thinking. Nice to know I'm not alone.


Quote from: Hawk200 on January 30, 2008, 03:42:48 AM
Quote from: carnold1836 on January 29, 2008, 09:59:19 PM
That is a DARNED snazzy optional uniform if you ask me (which you didn't). I think this should be the non-uniform uniform instead of the polo shirt. At least to me it is some how more professional looking, not sure why. Maybe it is the button down front and collar.

Kinda what I was thinking. Nice to know I'm not alone.

IMHO, a button down shirt is ALWAYS better looking- provided that they are taken care of. . . washing. . .ironing. . . etc. . . . . . . .

When is the Golf shirt going away again. . . . . . .

GRW 3340


Just a personal opinion, but I hate short-sleeved button down shirts...always looks like "Hi, I'm a geek, and I'm here to help". For me, if it buttons all the way down, it should be long sleeved. Short sleeves are for t-shirts and "polo" shirts.
Ben Dickmann, Capt, CAP
Emergency Services Officer
Group 6, Florida Wing

Gunner C

Quote from: carnold1836 on January 29, 2008, 09:59:19 PM
That is a DARNED snazzy optional uniform if you ask me (which you didn't). I think this should be the non-uniform uniform instead of the polo shirt. At least to me it is some how more professional looking, not sure why. Maybe it is the button down front and collar.

It doesn't sound like it is going to be an optional uniform.  Rather, it seems to be a :::required::: uniform for the VSAF program.  If so, I believe it will be the ONLY uniform required for an activity/program with the possible exception of IACE.

Snazzy?  I get nauseous when I think about another uniform along the same lines of the CAPPGA uniform.  ;D