New Iowa Wing commander Announced

Started by isuhawkeye, December 22, 2007, 04:45:17 AM

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Quote from: capchiro on January 16, 2008, 01:18:08 AM
I have monitored the Iowa Wing Experiment for the past year and I have been concerned about some of the changes and how they might affect CAP in general.  One of the areas of concern was the NCO program.  I could see no need for it and only the possiblity of interference from a different source, specifically NCO's that were being set up as knowing how to administer the program better than anyone else.  I have never known an NCO that was worth his/her salt that didn't support a program as presented from above.  NCO's have are instrumental in upper level decision making but only to a very limited, if requested way.  Officers are managers, and make policy decisions.  NCO's are to assist and see that orders/regulations are carried out to a "T", not change things.  Now Chief Chiafos has classified himself as being one that takes his bat and ball home when he isn't happy with how the game is going.  This does not demonstate the professionalism that was so bantered about in the recent past.  JMHO although I have over 30 years of CAP/military experience.

Knowing Chief Chiafos and having worked with him I find this letter more profound.  He has high integrity and for him to issue something like this goes against what I think he would normally ever do.  I think he feels obligated to warn the troops of what he feels the impending problems will be and that he feels he would be negligent for not.


The sad part of this is that there is no doubt that the Chief is an honorable man, with good intentions, who was ultimately sold a "bill of goods" by someone who didn't' seem to understand the program any better than he did.

If it happened to any of us we'd have the same response he did.

I have sympathy for his situation, but based on my (amazingly superficial) understanding of the situation don't' necessarily agree with his characterization of the events.

"That Others May Zoom"


Quote from: cyclone on January 15, 2008, 11:59:45 PM
I have not knowledge of any "duress" applied to lay low so I cannot comment on it either way.

Either way this is the first exit of major players prior to the change of command with, I fear, more to come.

I actually do.
Quote from: cyclone on January 15, 2008, 11:39:31 PM
Today Chief Master Sergeant Chiafos submitted this letter to the Officers of Iowa Wing and resigned due to this situation...


During his tenure as a squadron commander not a single member of his squadron ever participated in a WTA and, again, because of his relentless and very public insubordination, he was relieved of that command.  He has not been seen or heard from in this wing for more than a year – till now.

Really,  I attended two as I was able, as were a couple of others.  There also happened to be those that only wanted to do their job at the local level, were trained and couldn't afford to go that far for so long.  It wasn't until that there were more college members that could go, that did.

Right before Ron was removed, he asked a question pertaining to a Mandatory Safety Academy.  Our Safety Officer was the Former Wing Safety Officer.  The question was about that all units that did NOT participate would be grounded.  He hadn't heard that and was asking about it, and the Chief went off about it.  Cyclone and the Chief forgot to mention a critical detail.  All Field Grade Officers were relieved of their commands, which were given to Company Grade Officers.  The only difference was that Rons' was moved to October, instead of December as planned.  It was the Safety issue that forced it forward.  if any are interested, I can post all of them here.

GRW 3340


Quote from: RogueLeader on January 16, 2008, 02:54:23 AM
Cyclone and the Chief forgot to mention a critical detail.  All Field Grade Officers were relieved of their commands, which were given to Company Grade Officers.  if any are interested, I can post all of them here.

All field grade officers were removed of command?  What was the reasoning behind that?  Even in the USAF you will see a squadron commander that is a major.  Heck, I have seen army units that have company commanders as a major and the XO as a captain. 

if any are interesting, you can post all of what?  Sorry, just missing what you are referencing here.

Quote from: cyclone on January 16, 2008, 01:20:22 AM
I think he feels obligated to warn the troops of what he feels the impending problems will be and that he feels he would be negligent for not.

Personally, I would expect out my first sergeant or any SNCO for that matter, to stand there warn the members of any impending problems and help fix them.  If he is honestly the Commander Chief of CAP, then would he not have the ear of the National Commander?  To walk away now, I feel, is just neglecting the members.

Short Field

Quote from: cyclone on January 15, 2008, 11:51:38 PM
He was relieved twice in a year span.   Then has been inactive for over a year without a peep to the wing he is about to lead.

Guess he took to heart the axiom "Lead, Follow, or get the heck out of the way".

Seems the Chief is also following it.

Wilson #2640


Quote from: cyclone on January 16, 2008, 01:20:22 AM
Quote from: capchiro on January 16, 2008, 01:18:08 AM
I have monitored the Iowa Wing Experiment for the past year and I have been concerned about some of the changes and how they might affect CAP in general.  One of the areas of concern was the NCO program.  I could see no need for it and only the possiblity of interference from a different source, specifically NCO's that were being set up as knowing how to administer the program better than anyone else.  I have never known an NCO that was worth his/her salt that didn't support a program as presented from above.  NCO's have are instrumental in upper level decision making but only to a very limited, if requested way.  Officers are managers, and make policy decisions.  NCO's are to assist and see that orders/regulations are carried out to a "T", not change things.  Now Chief Chiafos has classified himself as being one that takes his bat and ball home when he isn't happy with how the game is going.  This does not demonstate the professionalism that was so bantered about in the recent past.  JMHO although I have over 30 years of CAP/military experience.

Knowing Chief Chiafos and having worked with him I find this letter more profound.  He has high integrity and for him to issue something like this goes against what I think he would normally ever do.  I think he feels obligated to warn the troops of what he feels the impending problems will be and that he feels he would be negligent for not.

He's way out of line - not that he would be the first in CAP to do that.  However, he's not only a SNCO, but he's supposed to be the SNCO of CAP.

Is this a raw deal?  Sure, esp. the yo-yo effect Lt Col C was subjected to.  However, being an SNCO is understanding that you don't drive the circus train.

As an SNCO you hold forth your opinions as strongly as you feel is right with the bosses - behind closed doors.

Further, if you can't back the new boss you can get out. You can even announce that you're stepping aside because you can't support the leadership and their change of direction and you want them to have the support they deserve.

Under no circumstances, however, can you get up in front of the troops and say, "well, this new guy's a right rotter and I'm against everything he stands for."

If you're doing that, it'd better be because the new guy is sanctioning torture or planning to overthrow the elected government, because in the military that's really close to inciting mutiny.  It's certainly "conduct unbecoming," "prejudicial to good order and discipline" and "insubordinate."


Quote from: Whocares on January 16, 2008, 03:05:57 AM
Quote from: RogueLeader on January 16, 2008, 02:54:23 AM
Cyclone and the Chief forgot to mention a critical detail.  All Field Grade Officers were relieved of their commands, which were given to Company Grade Officers.  if any are interested, I can post all of them here.

All field grade officers were removed of command?  What was the reasoning behind that?  Even in the USAF you will see a squadron commander that is a major.  Heck, I have seen army units that have company commanders as a major and the XO as a captain. 

That is referencing to the Field Grade Transition Program, where all Field Grade Officers are assigned as Wing Staff- meaning that they can only be advisers to a squadron, or hold a "major" staffing slot.   The reasoning behind it- as I've been told, is so there . . . um . . . not sure, but it ticked those people off.  Our Safety Officer was the former IAWG/SE.  He did that for a number of years and got tired of it.  He chose to go to ILWG instead of going back to Wing Staff.

if any are interesting, you can post all of what?  Sorry, just missing what you are referencing here.

Sorry, the email cavalcade about the Safety Academy that hastened Ron's removal.

Quote from: cyclone on January 16, 2008, 01:20:22 AM
I think he feels obligated to warn the troops of what he feels the impending problems will be and that he feels he would be negligent for not.

Personally, I would expect out my first sergeant or any SNCO for that matter, to stand there warn the members of any impending problems and help fix them.  If he is honestly the Commander Chief of CAP, then would he not have the ear of the National Commander?  To walk away now, I feel, is just neglecting the members.

My feelings exactly.  I was not happy when Lt. Col. Scheitzach was replaced, and was seriously considering transferring to ILWG as well, but my duty to the Cadets caused me stay stay at IA-043

GRW 3340



on second thought no one cares about me. 

mods please delete


Quote from: isuhawkeye on January 16, 2008, 04:46:55 AM
and then you left

Yes. I left, but not because of CAP.  I left to get out of a relationship that was going down fast.  My duty to IA-043 just made it that much harder to do.  I did not want to leave, but in order to survive, I had to.  It is because of IAWG that  helped convince me to keep on living, things were that bad.  Thank you to all IAWG.

GRW 3340


Just curious.  What would you have done if Lt. Col. Scheitzach had been selected, then reversed to have Lt. Col. Critelli in charge?

GRW 3340


Quote from: isuhawkeye on January 16, 2008, 04:54:58 AM
on second thought no one cares about me. 

I obviously do not have the whole story about what's going on Iowa Wing.  Crap like that happens, but CAP still needs good seniors.  Even if you're not involved in the CP, there are countless great deeds that any involvement in CAP has helped.  Even if you weren't directly involved, you've helped facilitate the development of hundreds of young people. 

It's absolutely horrendous that stuff like what's happening in Iowa is happening, but terminating yourself from the entire organization will only hurt it.  And I am certain people do care about you. 


Quote from: isuhawkeye on January 16, 2008, 04:54:58 AM
on second thought no one cares about me. 

mods please delete

Actually I do care.  I know that I haven't taked to you much, but you are a VERY talented person, and i believe that both Critelli and Scheitzach have noticed that as well.  I think that the Wing loosing you will be a big blow to all of Iowa.  I feel the same way about Nick.  We all know how I feel about him, but that does not mean that he doesn't do an extraordinary job.

GRW 3340


Wow.......Don't go!  You and I have "debated" some in the past, and from every post I read from you, you are a very intelligent person.  The organization as a whole does not need to loose you.  Keep doing your Job out there, and make the best of the situation. 

If you do go, I will be sorry to not get to read very insightful posts. 

Anyway, good luck!   :)
What's up monkeys?


Well if you try and send your CAPF 2B to Amanda via this fax number (515) 252-41685, you might not get to far.  Sometimes it is better to use the correct fax number.  I have come to realize that if I use the correct numbers, I, for some odd reason, get better results.  (This is all humor since humor cannot be easily transmitted over the internet)

The fact of quitting vs staying is your own business.  For that reason, I will not say anything to convince otherwise.  So, I wish you a happy freedom, enjoy the time with your new wife.

To remind me of my brothers:

We live in illusion and the appearance of things. There is a reality. We are that reality. When you understand this, you see that you are nothing, and being nothing, you are everything. That is all

Just always remember:
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned.


Hey!  You can always come play with us on the Eastern side of the Mississippi!

"That Others May Zoom"



When you are advised that your professionalism is suffering because of what is happening, you make decisions based on what yout need is, not what CAP's needs are.

FYI, i posted this to all officers of IAWG, thought you should all know as well what we lost.


I write to you all tonight feeling the need to let you all know what
is happening with our beloved wing in regards to our immeduate future.

I will only tell you what I know, and suffice it to say it is first
hand knowledge.

The relationship IAWH has with HLSEM and IANG is no longer. HLSEM and
IANG view the recent events in Iowa as a symptom of a larger issue and
for that they have decided to pull all funding. Iowa Wing now has NO
MONEY for a budget, other than what USAF and CAP NHQ gives us.

Zero Money equals many things....

No more WTA's, Can't pay for them
No more Hanger rent paid by wing
No more fuel cards in Vehicles
No more "Free" training
VHQ will shut down due to no funding
As far as wing HQ goes, unknown, but remember IANG is not happy with
CAP right now, we may lose our facilities.

There have been 4 highly effective officers and/or NCO's that have
resigned from their commissions due to professional damage.

Everything we have done in the past four years are all gone now.

Look at the bright side though. No more buckets to wear in the field,
and Field grade officers can command squadrons again.


Quote from: RogueLeader on January 16, 2008, 05:12:35 AM
Just curious.  What would you have done if Lt. Col. Scheitzach had been selected, then reversed to have Lt. Col. Critelli in charge?

Applauded that the right decision was made.

Lt Col Critelli has been an active member of CAP.  Col Select Scheitzach has not.

mikeylikey guys are feaking screwed out there.  Because one man doesn't get to be Wing Commander, the State of Iowa decides to cut your funding.  That blows of being on "shaky" ground before any of this new stuff broke.

Also that email you sent out, was pure hate.  There were no Commissions to resign from, you wrote it to make sure the Iowa Military can equate that "officers" are leaving the CAP because National and Region screwed you over. 

I hope your Iowa plan dies a quick death and the new Colonel replaces all of you very quickly. 

I am sorry this is happening but you really are spreading gas on a fire out there.

If Iowa NG pulls your funding, your meeting space locations, stops paying for your fuel, etc I really have to believe something MORE was going on in your Wing than what we all have been witness to in the past 2 weeks.

I really feel bad for the Cadets out there.  Perhaps your wing should be absorbed into region, and Region should run everything for a few years.  ??

What's up monkeys?