Silver Medal of Valor Picture Pride or Pretentious

Started by James Shaw, September 04, 2007, 04:59:05 PM

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James Shaw

I was recently sent an email that my use of the SMV Medallion is in bad taste. The individual who sent it to me identified themselves and was very respectful in thier opinion and suggested that I remove it from my signature block. As I do appreciate their opinion I thought I would get a general "feel" about this.

I my defense I have not bragged about nor put this information in full form on any webpage. The only time I have addressed it was when someone asked me a question about it after it showed up in the NB notes and found its way to CAPTalk. I dont feel that I have "put it in anyones face" that I was awarded this distinction.  I have also been asked to help start the Medal of Valor Association that will be similar to the Spaatz Association.

So my question for you is this:

Is this bragging or pride?

What is the difference between doing this and having my Spaatz #, Wilson #, or any identifying information for some sort of accomplishment in my signature block. Is this over the top and demeaning to others? How is this different? Should I remove any reference all together? I would appreciate others opinions.
Jim Shaw
USN: 1987-1992
GANG: 1996-1998
CAP:2000 - SER-SO
USCGA:2019 - BC-TDI/National Safety Team
SGAUS: 2017 - MEMS Academy State Director (Iowa)


You hit the nail on the head, people post their Spaatz, Wilson, etc...  And the old addage of

"how do you know if theirs a Spaatzen in the house?  They'll tell you"

rings true here just like everywhere else.

You earned it, as long as you represent it in the same honorable way you received it, you can show your pride anyway you want
"All of the true things that I am about to tell you are shameless lies"

Book of Bokonon
Chapter 4


You earned it.  You have a right to be proud of it.
Daniel L. Hough, Maj, CAP
Hemet Ryan Sq 59  PCR-CA-458


Seems more than fine to me.  Pretentious, nope.  It's a distinction you've earned, so for someone to say that you are pretentious for putting your (medal/award/award #/badge/wings/etc.) in your signature block would be a far stretch for me to buy.

Good for you, and continue to display your accomplishments proudly.  It's a distinction that not many earn.
Michael F. Kieloch, Maj, CAP


Do what you want.  People will gripe about anything.


Quote from: caphistorian on September 04, 2007, 04:59:05 PM
I was recently sent an email that my use of the SMV Medallion is in bad taste. The individual who sent it to me identified themselves and was very respectful in their opinion and suggested that I remove it from my signature block. As I do appreciate their opinion I thought I would get a general "feel" about this.

I my defense I have not bragged about nor put this information in full form on any webpage. The only time I have addressed it was when someone asked me a question about it after it showed up in the NB notes and found its way to CAPTalk. I dint feel that I have "put it in anyones face" that I was awarded this distinction.  I have also been asked to help start the Medal of Valor Association that will be similar to the Spaatz Association.

So my question for you is this:

Is this bragging or pride?

What is the difference between doing this and having my Spaatz #, Wilson #, or any identifying information for some sort of accomplishment in my signature block. Is this over the top and demeaning to others? How is this different? Should I remove any reference all together? I would appreciate others opinions.

Everyone has something to be proud of in this organization. In my signature block, I noted that I do licensing for my Wing. One thing I never noted was that I managed to get two years back log out of the way in about a half hour. I, like you, just have something that I'm proud of shown on my profile. You don't brag about it. I don't brag about it. If you something that depicts the SMV, you have earned this. This is an outstanding achievement that should be recognized by all persons. If they are just pissy that they think you are rubbing in their faces, then they are just jealous. Don't worry about it. Put it back up. You've earned the right.

Major Carrales

Quote from: caphistorian on September 04, 2007, 04:59:05 PM

Is this bragging or pride?

I'm demanding you put it back!  

C'mon people, when a person is awarded in CAP it is an honor...treat it as such.  The same goes for your rank and other accolades.

The self-loathing that sometimes manifests itself in certain elements of CAP is distasteful and disgraceful.  Maybe it stems from the inferiority complex of being an "Auxiliary."  Being a CAP Officer or Cadet does not diminish anyone else's service as a military Officer, NCO or Enlistedman, nor as a policeman, fireman or teacher.  Being awarded an honor is not "pretentious," unless one sees no value in it.

Until we put value in the traditions, awards and honors of CAP we will not have inherent value others will see.

Never apologize for being a CAP Officer or Cadet, the minute you do you take a step back into obscurity.
"We have been given the power to change CAP, let's keep the momentum going!"

Major Joe Ely "Sparky" Carrales, CAP
Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron


Quote from: Major Carrales on September 04, 2007, 05:14:11 PM
Quote from: caphistorian on September 04, 2007, 04:59:05 PM

Is this bragging or pride?

I'm demanding you put it back!  

C'mon people, when a person is awarded in CAP it is an honor...treat it as such.  The same goes for your rank and other accolades.

The self-loathing that sometimes manifests itself in certain elements of CAP is distasteful and disgraceful.  Maybe it stems from the inferiority complex of being an "Auxiliary."  

Until we put value in the traditions, awards and honors of CAP we will not have inherent value others will see.

Never apologize for being a CAP Officer or Cadet, the minute you do you take a step back into obscurity.

I'm with that Major here. I, too, am demanding that it's put back up.


Put it back up!!!   You absolutely earned it so you can display it proudly.   I have 24 ribbons on my left chest that I earned in 4 yrs USAF (Black Ops in Nam) , 26 yrs US Army (made it to O-6 before retirement) .   Right breast pocket has quite a few as well.   Just let somebody try to tell me not to display them proudly and see what happens!

SMV:  show your stuff proudly !!  You earned that right.   Like others here have said, there's always somebody jealous who is looking for just any reason to gripe.  That's why my keyboard has a DEL key :)


Gene Jackson
COL (R) US Army
Danville VA


Actually, I was wondering what it was. Now I know!

By all means, display it proudly, and be proud of it. If you were starting every post with "Well, when I earned the SMV...", that would be different.

It's a proud award, and it's an extremely proud thing you did to earn that. Don't let anyone tell you different.

Steven Fedor, NREMT-P
Master Ambulance Driver
Former Capt, MP, MCPE, MO, MS, GTL, and various other 3-and-4 letter combinations
NESA MAS Instructor, 2008-2010 (#479)


Why is everybody demanding it to be put back up?  It's been in his sig all along, folks.


I think it's a bit pretentious... I feel the same way about those who put their award numbers for cadet or senior awards or other accomplishments in their sigs.  JMHO.

If your gonna put it in there though, at least use the table code so it takes up less sig space.  ;)
Mike Johnston

James Shaw

Quote from: MIKE on September 04, 2007, 06:12:36 PM
If your gonna put it in there though, at least use the table code so it takes up less sig space.  ;)

Please let me know how this is done Mike.

I appreciate everyones opinion. I do not feel that it is over the top and have no intention of letting it "go to my head".

Jim Shaw
USN: 1987-1992
GANG: 1996-1998
CAP:2000 - SER-SO
USCGA:2019 - BC-TDI/National Safety Team
SGAUS: 2017 - MEMS Academy State Director (Iowa)


Quote from: tedda on August 24, 2007, 01:07:09 AM
10. "How do I get it to look all left-justified and pretty in my signature?"
First, please host it somewhere other than my website, so it doesn't eat up my bandwidth.  Then, use this code:

[table][tr][td][img][b]URL OF IMAGE[/b][/img][/td]
Mike Johnston


My old lady is always after me to dye my gray hair, but I tell her "My gray hairs are like my ribbons... I earned 'em, I wear 'em!"

Same with the SMV.

Now, if all you got is the Curry Award and a Membership ribbon... well, THAT might be a bit pretentious!

But the Silver Medal of Valor... no way!  Keep it up there!
Another former CAP officer


I don't have any problem with you displaying it but I wouldn't do it.

Having served in the military and the CAP I know that the awarding of decorations, and especially those for valor, is too capricious to have much real meaning.

Far too many I know deserved such decorations never got them and even more got them that didn't deserve them.

(No reflection on your award of course, of which I know nothing)

PA Guy

I seldom wear ribbons or list awards etc.  It is a matter of personal taste.  I know what I have done and those that matter know what I have done so I see no reason to advertise.  Like I said, it is a matter of personal taste.


I've got it set not to display signature blocks, so I hadn't noticed.  I probably wouldn't list it in such a place myself. 



Please continue to display it and display it proudly.

Kudos to you on your having been awarded it for your act of valor.
If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.
To err is human, to blame someone else shows good management skills.
