Iowa Summer 07 Flooding

Started by isuhawkeye, August 23, 2007, 03:44:19 PM

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Iowa CAP is active responding to state disaster proclimation for several counties. 

More to follow. 


Are some areas the same as this Spring?  The photos were very good from March.  The Scanners were/are very well trained.

GRW 3340

Nick Critelli

Here's an update and some photos from our current mission.  We are in Mission Day No. 3.  Previously we have been concerned about flooding in north west and central Iowa. Last night the sky opened and poured ten inches of rain on south central and south east Iowa.  Today's mission has resulted two recon flights sending back live video (SSTV) to the Joint Forces HQ State Emergency Operations Center.  The video has allowed HLSEM and the National Guard to get real time input into their planning strategy.  2PM today was a critical time for an estimated bolus of water to inundate  a mid size town in south eastern Iowa.  A CAP aircraft was dispatched to be over the city at 2PM and send back photos.  The Governor was here, the Lt. Gov, the TAG and HLSEM administrator.  It was tense.  The videos came across and showed that the flooding was much less than experienced and that the town was safe. CAP was the big hero of the day.  After the impromptu celebration, the Adjutant General, Maj Gen Dardis and HLSEM administrator David Miller posed for some photos and agreed that they could be posted on Captalk.  Here they are:

The first on is Maj Gen Dardis and Lt. McLaughlin, Lt Newton and Lt Col Hawkinson. I'm working the camera.

Nick Critelli

More Photos.

The next photo is of Iowa HLSEM director David Miller and the CAP crew manning the CAP station at the Joint Forces HQ- State Emergency Operations Center.

Nick Critelli

Lastly, here is an over view shot from the CAP station at the SEOC.  The photo on the large screens is from a live CAP shot simply stating "Keosaqua coming soon." which introduces the photos that everyone was waiting for.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Nick Critelli

Iowa Gov, Lt. Gov, HLSEM and the CAP crew manning the SEOC


Fox News reports on CAP's response.

Go to the web news videos link on the left side,

Then the check out todays top news stories

"State officials examine state wide flood problems"


Nice pictures, I trust you folks are sending them on to The Volunteer?

Good job as usual, Iowa! You've had several very busy weeks, with the Iowa Flag exercise, immediately followed by the DR mission for the floods.


Quote from: Nick Critelli, Lt Col CAP on August 24, 2007, 08:19:10 PM

Lt. McLaughlin,

??? I see two bars on each of his collars, but I'm tired. . . . .  ;)

GRW 3340


Another busy day of operations and over 12 hours of flying and a ton of pictures to give to the customer.   Hopefully we can dry out during the WTA.  The WTA will be a cake walk compared to our real-world tempo in the last 2 weeks.


Quote from: RogueLeader on August 25, 2007, 07:55:49 AM
Quote from: Nick Critelli, Lt Col CAP on August 24, 2007, 08:19:10 PM

Lt. McLaughlin,

??? I see two bars on each of his collars, but I'm tired. . . . .  ;)

One thing I've learned in my 5 years of CAP......Hundreds of Atta Boys can be wiped out with one "Oh Crap"...

Lt. Col. Critelli has been forgiven....again....for the second


I know, I was just joking.  He has done quite a bit for IAWG.  My apologizes go to him if he was offended.

GRW 3340


[mafia]you know he's Italian right?  You cannot ever offend the Critelli's of the world because of you do there are always concrete slippers in you future......[/mafia]

Nick Critelli

SM McLaughlin  I read your post. Meet me behind the orderly room "I gotta offa youse can't refuse."


well, I'm part Italian as well., but mostly German.  Just let me finish my beir. ;D ;D ;D

GRW 3340


Quote from: isuhawkeye on August 25, 2007, 03:25:38 AM
Fox News reports on CAP's response.

Go to the web news videos link on the left side,

Then the check out todays top news stories

"State officials examine state wide flood problems"

Great coverage!  It's nice to see the Media get it correct, no "Civilian Air Patrol" or the like!!  I take it you're going to get a copy of this to use in OTS orientation and/or your recruiting presentations?  Excellent example of the kind of missions you do.

Good job as usual you guys!
Lt Col Dan Kirwan, CAP
Nebraska Wing