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Pocket Classes

Started by Jacobsnyder70, December 12, 2019, 01:36:46 PM

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I'm serving as a flight commander at FLWG winter encampment, and I need pocket classes. I can't think of more than like 3. Does anyone have any good ideas?

Luis R. Ramos

Not sure what you mean as "pocket classes." But here are topics for classes.

1. Winter Survival, to include symptoms for dehydration, hypothermia, and frostbite
2. Dressing in layers
3. Building and dousing a fire
4. Shelters
5. Some tasks on the GTM, MRO, UDF, and MSA SQTRS; if you can find SETS to test and qualify members on these tasks ideal, but not necessary as you can train without testing
Squadron Safety Officer
Squadron Communication Officer
Squadron Emergency Services Officer


How about how to do an elevator speech on CAP?

Too many of our members cannot give a cogent explanation of what CAP is or does.
Michael P. McEleney
Lt Col CAP
MSG USA (Retired)
50 Year Member


Quote from: Luis R. Ramos on December 12, 2019, 03:16:43 PM
Not sure what you mean as "pocket classes."

In this context, the "classes" are things that a Flight Commander or similar can present or discuss
with the student in their flight during down times waiting for chow, or the range to open up, or on the
way to the flight line, etc.

They are generally focused on narrow-lanes of followership, leadership, required knowledge for the tests, etc.

Far too many FCs just put their cadets at ease with the encampment guide in front of a thousand yard stare
instead of engaging them directly.

From FM 7-0:
"Hip-pocket training usually consists of individual tasks on which the unit can train when it experiences inactive periods during scheduled training.
Ideally, leaders train these selected tasks in 15 to 30 minutes since more time may not be available."

(Not much here directly CAP related, but the definition fit nicely and the FM certainly provides the reasoning
for those interested in a deep-dive in small squad training)

"That Others May Zoom"

Shawn W.

Quote from: Luis R. Ramos on December 12, 2019, 03:16:43 PM
Not sure what you mean as "pocket classes." But here are topics for classes.

Hip pocket training.. Something you can give on the fly that takes 5 to 10 minutes to brief or teach.

1. How about talking about the core values.. It's easy enough to say the words, but talking about them and elaborating on them can bring a whole new understanding to them.
2. You could do a "This day in Aviation" brief.
3. Talk about the meaning of the Cadet Oath.
4. You could talk about some tenants of Leadership, or followership.
5. You could pick a couple of the Cadet Achievements and talk about who they are named after.
6. Pick an aerospace chapter and talk about some facts.
7. Proper reporting.
8. Proper Saluting.

Hope these help get you started.

Good luck and good on ya for stepping up to a leadership role!


I strongly encourage that whatever classes you conduct that they actually be productive and worth the time. Avoid nonsense/meaningless hip-pocket speeches about nothing just for the sake of "getting people comfortable at speaking."


Well since the OP was asking about classes for while at Encampment, you could do what we do here in CAWG.
Teach drill movements.
Part of the Encampment is teaching the students on how do perform all of the drill movements that are in the CAP Drill and Ceremonies Pamphlet.
Only takes 3 to 5 minutes to teach a single movement like a facing movement or a simple drill movement like a flank.
Much better use of time then the old standby, "study your SOP's".


Whatever you come up with, and there are some great suggestions on this thread, make sure it gets into the Continuity Book for the position. No need to reinvent the wheel every year.
Strup-" times...."
NSS ISC 05-00
US NWC 2016


Quote from: THRAWN on December 16, 2019, 07:41:39 PM
Whatever you come up with, and there are some great suggestions on this thread, make sure it gets into the Continuity Book for the position. No need to reinvent the wheel every year.

This.  Also agree with phall on "not reading SOPs Encampment Handbook", however whatever you choose needs
to be simple, like the encampment chain of command (protip: it does not include POTUS), or information from the various classes,
or what to do for graduation pickup, or good wingman examples.  The problem with drill is that it doesn't work well if the students
are standing in a chow line or sitting in bleachers, unless it's purely a demonstration and everyone can see.

"That Others May Zoom"