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Rank reinstatement

Started by The CyBorg is destroyed, February 04, 2016, 10:30:40 PM

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The CyBorg is destroyed

I realise that for a discommended former member like me, this is probably a case of closing the barn after the horse got out.

I believe, definitely in my case, and probably in the cases of not a few members/former members, having my rank reinstated hurt me, and it should be the exception, rather than the rule.

In my first six years in CAP I was unmarried and in much better health, not to mention in my 20's.

Joined; Communications School

SLS; Membership Ribbon, 2nd Lt; CLC, Wing Conference

1st Lt; Scanner qualified, Wing Conference

Captain, Wing Conference

Deputy Commander, qualified as Scanner, Wing Conference

Moved due to marriage; squadron transfer; Region Conference

Qualified as Observer; applied for Major, turned down due to Wing politics (Wing PDO setting her own policies); got disgusted, left.

Rejoined (different unit); reinstated as Captain, told by new CC "you should have been a Major years ago."

Named SM of the Year, received Grover Loening; received Commander's Commendation (see 2006) for outstanding Safety Officer performance

Conflict with Squadron member (who had friends at Wing) over my safety policies (that had earned me CC!); filed IG report and was verbally reprimanded for it (upsetting applecart) - CC lost his position for supporting me.  Got disgusted, left.
Health issues worsen gradually over the next several years.

Moved to different wing/state.

Rejoined after meeting uniformed Cadet and her mother in a bookshop; got me interested again (my mistake!); told new squadron CC I was willing to start out as SM and do all the stuff over again; however, reinstated as Captain (due to her kindness; a wonderful lady).

Transferred unit due to long drive distance and politics that forced my CC out of her position (she then quit CAP and the organisation is worse for her loss).

Change of command at unit level; re-applied for promotion to Major and denied due to "your achievements were too long ago;" former CC says he would have approved it
Wife diagnosed with cancer
Asked to be put on leave from my duties

Largely absent from CAP; asked CC to participate again...most of you know the story from there.

Received nasty memo from CC about being put on Patron or 000 status; let membership expire in June

My point?  If, in 2004 or especially 2009 I had been told, "yes, you do have to climb the ladder again," I would probably still be a member of CAP, since my really active years were so long ago and so much had changed in CAP since then.  During that time, as most of you know, I was just a squadron worker bee.  Before I left last year, I asked Group CC and Deputy CC if there were positions open at Group/Wing and was told "no."

Again, probably useless words, but I think CAP would give more traction to returning members by giving them things to work toward by not allowing retention of rank after 24 months' absence.

I'm throwing this out to hopefully help others since my CAP service is over.
Exiled from GLR-MI-011

Holding Pattern

FWIW, nothing will stop you from retaking the old courses as far as I'm aware. If I took time off and came back, I'd much prefer to have my achievements kept, and the option of taking refresher courses.

Of course, I'm also fortunate in that there are enough squadrons in my area that if politics at one annoys me, I can just hop on over to another squadron.

Holding Pattern

I also think that something needs to be done to keep people like you around that have seen CAP in action for a significant period of time; Squadrons need resources like you, especially newer squadrons.


I've lost count of the number of times I've been reinstated, at least three. 'Tain't no big thang. I play catch-up where needed, and keep on truckin'.
Dave Bowles
Maj, CAP
AT1, USN Retired
50 Year Member
Mitchell Award (unnumbered)
C/WO, CAP, Ret

Flying Pig

Ive reinstated 2x.  It was sort of a pain, but then again.... participating is participating.  Still kicking around the idea for a 3rd time.   So far I find some of the local members to be highly irritating.   I showed up to my first meeting and was asked to think about becoming the Sq Commander.  You may as well just walk up and say "Hey, we are falling you want to be in charge?"


I will be celebrating my 25th year in CAP this December. I have had many ups and downs and walked away to take a break several times. I continued to pay my annual dues and didn't really care where they put me in the squadron, wing, or National 000. When I returned I would find a friendly squadron and transfer. I would have all my experience and rank would not be affected. I would take the new courses when I can and just supported my local unit. I would find a niche to help the squadron and stay away from the politics. I just recently left my state squadron and went to a squadron in another state. As mentioned earlier, it is nice to have options and just carry on. In one way or another I share your experiences you mentioned and just persevered.  I know life isn't that simple and you have had lots on your plate. I wish you all the best going forward. I just remember I participate for the cadets. It is my way to give to the next generation in my humble way. After 25 years I found out the cadets gave more to me then I gave to them. You have to do what is best Cyborg, but it would be nice if you could find time in the future to return and help the rest of us keep this great organization going.....
Greg Putnam, Lt. Col., CAP

Holding Pattern

Quote from: ironputts on February 05, 2016, 01:30:50 PM
I would find a niche to help the squadron and stay away from the politics.

Ideally, the NCO program will be the method to do that.

Flying Pig

You know as well as I do that CAP will always be CAP regardless of what rank  symbol you choose to wear on your uniform...bars leaves or stripes


After about 9 years of inactivity and debating whether or not I should put in retirement paperwork, I've finally decided to get active again with a local unit here in Central Florida. Luckily I won't have to deal with the grade reinstatement issue since I kept my membership up.  8)
Mark H. Crary
Lt Col, CAP (1990-Present)
DDC-P, CGAUX (2011-Present)
MSgt, USAF (1995-2011)
QM2, USN (1989-1995)

The CyBorg is destroyed

Quote from: Starfleet Auxiliary on February 05, 2016, 12:36:20 AM
Of course, I'm also fortunate in that there are enough squadrons in my area that if politics at one annoys me, I can just hop on over to another squadron.

FWIW, nothing will stop you from retaking the old courses as far as I'm aware.

You are fortunate in that regard.  The next closest squadron to me is almost 50 miles away.  I would have stayed in if there would have been another closer unit.

I did attempt to take the OBC online but was not permitted to since I had done the ECI13 in 1994-5.

Quote from: Flying Pig on February 05, 2016, 06:32:34 PM
You know as well as I do that CAP will always be CAP regardless of what rank  symbol you choose to wear on your uniform...bars leaves or stripes

See thread:

A definition of insanity: "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Quote from: Starfleet Auxiliary on February 05, 2016, 12:38:43 AM
I also think that something needs to be done to keep people like you around that have seen CAP in action for a significant period of time; Squadrons need resources like you, especially newer squadrons.

Thank you.  I wish my squadron/group/wing would have thought as you do.

Exiled from GLR-MI-011


TL/DR ...
Except this part below ..
I didn't know that was the case.
CAP grade is not retained after 24 months?

Quote from: CyBorg on February 04, 2016, 10:30:40 PM
not allowing retention of rank after 24 months' absence.


According to the current 35-9,
Quote3-7. Former Members. A former member may be reinstated to the same grade held prior to voluntary membership termination, provided he or she qualifies for that grade under current criteria (including applicable professional development criteria). A recommendation for such reinstatement is neither automatic nor mandatory. If approved, the appointment will not be retroactive and the date of grade will be the date validated by National Headquarters upon reinstatement.

The same text is present in versions of the reg all the way back to 2010.
Dave Bowles
Maj, CAP
AT1, USN Retired
50 Year Member
Mitchell Award (unnumbered)
C/WO, CAP, Ret


All you gotta do is pay your dues each year.  Mother CAP is at Maxwell and they will keep you on the books.


Quote from: SarDragon on February 17, 2016, 06:21:10 AM
According to the current 35-9,
Quote3-7. Former Members. A former member may be reinstated to the same grade held prior to voluntary membership termination, provided he or she qualifies for that grade under current criteria (including applicable professional development criteria). A recommendation for such reinstatement is neither automatic nor mandatory. If approved, the appointment will not be retroactive and the date of grade will be the date validated by National Headquarters upon reinstatement.

The same text is present in versions of the reg all the way back to 2010.

It is, but we've also substantially changed the criteria for promotion in the interim AND given members a 1-time shot at being promoted under the old criteria until August 2018....

Would be nice if our grey-beards had a similar opportunity to come back into the fold.
Darin Ninness, Col, CAP
Wing Dude, National Bubba
I like to have Difficult Adult Conversations™
The contents of this post are Copyright © 2007-2024 by NIN. All rights are reserved. Specific permission is given to quote this post here on CAP-Talk only.

The CyBorg is destroyed

Quote from: NIN on February 17, 2016, 05:49:06 PM
It is, but we've also substantially changed the criteria for promotion in the interim AND given members a 1-time shot at being promoted under the old criteria until August 2018....

You also have to have a squadron CC willing to promote you.

Quote from: NIN on February 17, 2016, 05:49:06 PM
Would be nice if our grey-beards had a similar opportunity to come back into the fold.

I am quite grey/white (just like the ugly "corporate uniform"  >:D), though not currently bearded.  My wife thinks I look like David Gilmour of Pink Floyd (and like Marko Ramius when I do have a beard).

Quote from: AirAux on February 17, 2016, 05:18:50 PM
All you gotta do is pay your dues each year.  Mother CAP is at Maxwell and they will keep you on the books.

I have thought of that.  I will immediately end up transferred to the "000" as my former CC has made it clear he wants no part of me.  My dilemma: I am on a fixed income and is it worth $65 to do/say/be nothing where CAP is concerned.

But please believe me when I say I have given it serious thought.  I have about another year-and-a-half to renew and keep my grade.

Even though my experience with my last squadron/CC sucked, 20 years in CAP off-and-on have left a significant part of the organisation almost written into my DNA.  I do miss it as a whole, but I do not miss the way I was treated.  I know, that probably doesn't make sense.
Exiled from GLR-MI-011


It does make sense.  I was a cadet.  Joined the Army.  Got out, joined in Kansas for a year, dropped out.  Rejoined in Florida.  Have been a member for 35 years this time.  Had an 8 year hiatus after being pooped on by Group.  Came back and started a squadron.  Due to new Reg's, I only had CO of the squadron for 10 years and now am DCC.  Always paid my dues and got my CAP Times and CAP catalogue.  I guess I will die a LtC.  I have such good stories to tell of Cadets that went to the military, police, Air Force Academy, became Ministers, and are just good guys.  For all the crap in CAP, I take it a day at a time and love it dearly.  If any of you are thinking of leaving, just keep paying your dues and before long, you will find a squadron that needs you, I promise.  After all, you can't build that retirement pay if you quit, Right???