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Navy SEAL Impostor

Started by JK657, April 08, 2013, 05:30:27 AM

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Is it clear from this who this actually is? Kinda curious.. some quick google fu is revealing nothing precise..

Devil Doc

I actually know a "Legit" NAVY SEAL.

Yes, he was on a Secret SEAL TEAM, and yes is a Decorated Veteran.

He has taught me something since I have met him, he has told me, "The guys who go around Bragging about being in the Service, or Showing of there Medals, are the ones that didnt do anything in the Service, and are probably a Fake"

He says if you see a guy in town, wearing a SEAL Hat, 90% of the Time he was not a SEAL. He says SEALS have a certain deamenor about them, there look, stance, thinking process etc. he can find out in lees than a minute if they were a "Real" SEAL or not.

I have not a care in the World to show my DD-214 and my DD-215, I have no reason to hide anything. IMO people who dont show there DD-214, or Form 201a, or any other proof, is trying to hide something.
Captain Brandon P. Smith CAP
Former HM3, U.S NAVY
Too many Awards, Achievments and Qualifications to list.


I faker checked both Navy SEALs that I met that were "real deals."

The first one, Harry O'Connor, was introduced to me as "a Navy SEAL and stuntman".   My faker radar went right up.

I introduced myself, and while we were talking said "SEALs, huh?  What was your BUD/S class?"

He laughed and said "You're faker checking me, aren't you?" and proceeded to rattle off his class #, swim buddies, boat crew and instructors.

(Sadly, Harry was killed filming a scene for the movie XXX with Vin Diesel)

Second guy was a tandem-master at my DZ. Didn't come off as a SEAL, but in conversation I said "You were with Naval Special Warfare?" and he said "Yep." I said "Crewman or operator?" He said "Operator." I looked him right in the eye and he started grinning. He was legit, too.

The rest all failed basic stupid check.
Darin Ninness, Col, CAP
Wing Dude, National Bubba
I like to have Difficult Adult Conversations™
The contents of this post are Copyright © 2007-2024 by NIN. All rights are reserved. Specific permission is given to quote this post here on CAP-Talk only.


Quote from: a2capt on April 08, 2013, 04:38:21 PM
Is it clear from this who this actually is? Kinda curious.. some quick google fu is revealing nothing precise..

Based on the name in the video, it brought up the Linked In page referenced.

"That Others May Zoom"

Devil Doc

I cannot Disclose much about my Personal Friend, but lets just say this.

He was there with Jessica Lynch, He was there with Pat Tillman, He was there in Panama when Chief Don McFaul Got Killed. The names of people that he knows, the stories that he tells etc all check out. He is such a Teddy Bear, untill you piss him off.
Captain Brandon P. Smith CAP
Former HM3, U.S NAVY
Too many Awards, Achievments and Qualifications to list.


Quote from: David Vandenbroeck on April 08, 2013, 04:04:21 PM
No they only dishonor themselves.  Not sure why you think they dishonor you.
My point was backwards. You're right.
Another faker video just torked me off.

The thought wasn't really about me personally but in, "If it affects ME like this than I can only imagine what it does to those who truly did serve."
Just to clarify... even though it was off target. :)
Information Technology Officer
Communications Officer

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The CyBorg is destroyed

Quote from: Devil Doc on April 08, 2013, 04:41:41 PM
He has taught me something since I have met him, he has told me, "The guys who go around Bragging about being in the Service, or Showing of there Medals, are the ones that didnt do anything in the Service, and are probably a Fake"

I have not a care in the World to show my DD-214 and my DD-215, I have no reason to hide anything. IMO people who dont show there DD-214, or Form 201a, or any other proof, is trying to hide something.

My NGB 22 is quite boring, actually.  All it really says is that I was a good boy, showed up and did what I was told.

This guy probably got by with more than any I can think of...

Among other things, he claimed to be a monk, a professor of psychology and a surgeon in the Royal Canadian Navy during the Korean War...during which he actually performed successful surgical operations in-theatre aboard HMCS Cayuga,  including pulling a bad tooth on the Captain of the Cayuga, combat-wounded Korean guerillas, and a leg amputation.
Exiled from GLR-MI-011

Devil Doc

I dont know who is the Better Imposter Ferdinand Demara or Frank Abagnale.
Captain Brandon P. Smith CAP
Former HM3, U.S NAVY
Too many Awards, Achievments and Qualifications to list.


Quote from: Devil Doc on April 08, 2013, 06:50:09 PM
I dont know who is the Better Imposter Ferdinand Demara or Frank Abagnale.

Darin Ninness, Col, CAP
Wing Dude, National Bubba
I like to have Difficult Adult Conversations™
The contents of this post are Copyright © 2007-2024 by NIN. All rights are reserved. Specific permission is given to quote this post here on CAP-Talk only.

Critical AOA

Quote from: johnnyb47 on April 08, 2013, 05:50:37 PM
Quote from: David Vandenbroeck on April 08, 2013, 04:04:21 PM
No they only dishonor themselves.  Not sure why you think they dishonor you.
My point was backwards. You're right.
Another faker video just torked me off.

The thought wasn't really about me personally but in, "If it affects ME like this than I can only imagine what it does to those who truly did serve."
Just to clarify... even though it was off target. :)

I got it now.  Thanks for clarifying.

My thoughts on some of this might be a bit different than other veterans.  While I consider someone who lies about his accomplishments in military or even civilian life to be an embarrassment to himself and a bit of a low life, I don't take much personal affront to it.   In my mind it does not diminish my service or my accomplishments (meager as they are).  It only reflects poorly on the poser.  So while I do not care for the behavior and while I do express my opinion on it on forums such as this one, I do not get bent out of shape over it.   Now, if there was such a poser in my sphere of influence and I knew it, I would definitely take a prudent and diplomatic course of action to bring his behavior to an end but I would not let myself become agitated.
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."   - George Bernard Shaw


Quote from: David Vandenbroeck on April 08, 2013, 03:25:14 PM
However all of that being said, this guy Shipley sure is full of himself.  Yes, he was a SEAL and has my respect for that but he comes across as a major league a-hole.   

Funny, I get the opposite impression.  He seems quite patient as he (slowly) pries the truth from an individual who is apparently an educated and accomplished adult, yet who continues to deny the truth even as Chief Shipley has the BUD/S class rosters in front of him on his computer.  I saw no outrage, no outright anger, certainly no yelling or screaming, just a sort of tired disgust as the individual in question was forced to admit he has been living an outright lie for who knows how long, and just getting to that point took what, five or six minutes of discussion/confrontation?  And the guy was probably making money off of those lies, based on the business he owns as shown on his LinkedIn page.  Yeah, Chief Shipley roles his eyes a lot, but so what?  He deals with these clowns on a daily basis.
R. Litzke, Capt, CAP

"Men WILL wear underpants."

Flying Pig

Im glad to see it.  Posers are dangerous people.  Dangerous does not always mean they are out to kill you.  They take advantage of people, steal, lie without hesitation and put people in danger in many cases.  There is a guy where I am locally who runs a flight school based on his foundation of being an Army "spec ops" pilot and a former "Green Beret".  He was neither. In addition, he also specializes in teaching airborne LE tactics and SAR rescue tactics to include hoist, NVG, etc etc.  LE agencies have paid him tens of thousands to come and train the based on his "experience".   The guys military, fire, public safety and EMS claims are bogus.  Not to mention he is on his way to jail for forging military documents.   And guess what?  he is still pressing on hoping nobody will know he got caught.  People like that are con-men.... 21st century pirates looking to make a buck on the back of someone elses hard earned reputation.

Are all posers that way that in depth?  No.  They are not.  But taking them down one at a time, establishing databases and giving people the information they need to expose the dangerous posers is essential.  Taking down the ones you can puts the others on guard as well and make living the lie not so enjoyable.  Take them all down.  One poser at a time.   Most are easily debunked.  Some, like the guy we deal with out in my area, has many layers that had to be peeled back that the average person would not know how to navigate.

These are people whos lives, families, marriages, businesses and entire self identity has been formed around a lie.  Many just fade away when confronted.  Others can become violent when they see their entire identity is being unravelled in front of them.   

Flying Pig

Quote from: Stonewall on April 08, 2013, 10:30:43 AM
Ha!  He's not the first one and he certainly won't be the last.

I think we've busted at least 4 on CAP Talk alone.

1.  SEAL (CAP Group Commander)
2.  Army Officer (Artillery)
3.  Ranger
4.  Army Officer (Pilot, Purple Heart)

Am I missing one?

You forgot the Marine Chief Warrant Officer sniper who was on here, very very briefly.  He had a Purple Heart and a Navy Marine Corps Medal, Gold Parachute Wings, etc etc in his signature.    He later replied back that he was just messing around with the ribbon builder and was not aware that it actually had posted to his site but still stood by being a sniper.  He then went on to say he went to an "in house" Jump School in Hawaii as part of a Recon unit and that he didnt have to go to Benning.  (Whatever) I asked him several questions about his service and ended up with a PM telling me he had more important things to do than justify himself to me.  Weird....  They were actually extremely simple questions any service member could have rattled off with no problem.

I sent the conversations to his Sq Commander and Grp Commander because he claimed to be a DCC.  I never heard anything back. 

Devil Doc

I am wondering how that guy can teach that stuff with no "Official" Training? Also, on the show Dual Survivor who fakes his Experience. They must be really smart at fooling people. I stayed at a Holiday Inn Once, but that dosnt make me an Expert on Hotels.
Captain Brandon P. Smith CAP
Former HM3, U.S NAVY
Too many Awards, Achievments and Qualifications to list.

Flying Pig

Well the problem is, he does have the certs.  They are real and they are on his DD214.  Thats where most people stop.  He was in a position to have those certs put in to his file.  Problem is, when you contact the actual school, they have no record of him.  Oh.... not to mention, he did not go to Ft Rucker like every other pilot in history.  He was specially selected out of Special Forces and trained one-on-one to be a pilot so that he could insert his own team on operations.  yes...... thats how he avoids not having a grad cert from Rucker AND how he explains not being a Warrant. 

Trust me dude...... there are still people who dont believe it.  But the judge, the DA and his probation officer dont buy it. 


Well, someone who is able to get stuff "put into" his military records, assuming it's not just shopped, is operating on a whole
different level then the typical surplus store poser.

"That Others May Zoom"

Flying Pig

Quote from: Eclipse on April 08, 2013, 10:23:38 PM
Well, someone who is able to get stuff "put into" his military records, assuming it's not just shopped, is operating on a whole
different level then the typical surplus store poser.

You nailed that one.  But believe it or not, prior to the electronic age (this was all in the late 80s) your records were maintained at your unit.  It would be pretty easy to get some E2 admin geek to put an entry in your book.  I will spare the details, but that is what happened basically.   

But as with the video, the person Don Shipley was confronting was running a business based on his lies.  Those are the ones who need confronted.  Some guy trying to pick up some babe in a bar is of little concern. 

Private Investigator

Quote from: Flying Pig on April 08, 2013, 09:55:38 PM... Gold Parachute Wings, etc etc in his signature.    He later replied back that he was just messing around with the ribbon builder and was not aware that it actually had posted to his site but still stood by being a sniper.  He then went on to say he went to an "in house" Jump School in Hawaii as part of a Recon unit and that he didnt have to go to Benning.  (Whatever)

Marines and sailors did not necessarily have to go to Airborne training at Benning. In the 1970s the Marines and the Navy had PR School at NAS Lakehurst, NJ. Lot of riggers have upgraded themselves after discharge from packing chutes for heroes to either Recon or SEAL.

Private Investigator

My brother being a LT at a State Prison once asked me about special units. Every employee for prison guard who had a military background was Ranger/DELTA, Recon, SEAL or a PJ. I told him to ask them who cook, did payroll, or issue blankets. I saw that as a policeman too.


Our organization, though not unique to it I'm sure, is a magnet to those who.. want to live out what they may not have been able to elsewhere.

However, in this case on the surface it appears that while this particular offense was not used in CAP, rather used to boost qualifications when closing the sale to the personal coaching services. Suffice to say, it is a Small World, and it's not all "all the horses move, no chipped paint", like Disney.

When though, do you draw the line. If someone resorts to this, when have they resorted to similar nature within CAP, and in positions of leadership and mentorship, especially to cadets, what do you do? How can you be sure it's not happening?

There's now a pall of doubt cast over anything that comes from the direction.

A common theme, er, excuse is "well I was trying to motivate people". Yeah, great. What happens when they find out you were full of it?