I just got the best Christmas gift

Started by spaatzmom, December 24, 2012, 10:03:49 PM

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I want to thank anyone who participated in me receiving the best Christmas gift of all ..... not an hour ago a car pulled into my driveway and out popped a young man in ABU's --  my son.  What a surprise as I expected him to be on base in AZ.  Chris Thompson thank you for driving Tim to the airport this morning.  MER Vice Commander thank you for going way out of your way, from Lakeland, Fl winter home, in picking Tim up from the airport and bringing him to the house in St. Petersburg.  I cannot tell you how shocked I was to see and hug him.  It has been a year and a half since he left for Davis-Monthan.  Though his visit will be very short, he leaves the 26th at 11am, I am very happy he is here.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.


That's awesome. Anytime a warrior can make it home for the holidays to be with and, in this case, surprise, family, is awesome!

Serving since 1987.


True that.  This is definitely the time of year for awesome things to happen and to be with family.  Especially family that one has not seen in a long time. 


I feel for those members of CT who are on deployment or assignment overseas, without families.  As I am sure for some who are overseas or who have spent holidays overseas, this is a tough time.  I know, I had four Christmasses overseas in my Army career: two in Germany, one in Korea/Japan and one in Viet Nam.

For those who are deployed or who have loved ones deployed: God Bless you and yours.  Merry Christmas for all.
Paul M. Reed
Col, USA(ret)
Former CAP Lt Col
Wilson #2777

Al Sayre

What great news!  Hope you and Tim enjoy your holidays together.
Lt Col Al Sayre
MS Wing Staff Dude
Admiral, Great Navy of the State of Nebraska
GRW #2787

Private Investigator

It is always great to have he children home for the holidays.



That's great. I spent 3 Christmas seasons away from family due to military obligations. It was nice to be home after that stint, and I haven't missed one since.