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IT Specialty Badge

Started by JC004, February 28, 2007, 03:52:02 PM

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OK I am reading overthe recently released CAPP 227 Specialty Trac Study Guide for the ITO...

ANyone see the tests on the CAP Web Site?  Perhaps that is how you become ITO.. Figure out how to find the D@RN thing!

Pretty much for the last year plus I have been ITO for the squadron.. hehehe I had left my job as Chief technical Officer mainting the computers for a radio network of 12 radio stations and 40 translators.. All digital Audio too! 

Let's see I got into computers before the PCc was invented.. Been at it since 79.. Full time CTO for 15 years... ISSO for over 7 years...  Was into the internet before there was the internet as we know it..  Was designing graphic interfaces for BBS's which predated the web..  blah...

I am so glad I don't do computers day in and day out any more...


Quote from: 2nd LT Fairchild on March 26, 2007, 01:19:55 AM
ANyone see the tests on the CAP Web Site?  Perhaps that is how you become ITO.. Figure out how to find the D@RN thing!

Mark Curtis already pointed that out on the last page.  I subsequently wondered how many people would get put into E-services for IT ratings before the requisite tests are even released.

If you're really curious on when they'll be released, pester the Knowledgebase people for some answers.  They might have some insight.  (If they do divulge an expected timeline, do share with us).  :)
Michael F. Kieloch, Maj, CAP


Well based on what I have done in the computer area for the last ohhh almost 30 years, I would htink I would qualify.. But yeah.. Gotta take that invisble test!

I figure I'll put in for my Senior at least tonight...  I gave non existant answers for a non existant test, that is listed in the Qual!

I scored 100 too!! OPEN BOOK TEST!!!  What Book?? Oh yeah that is invisble too!


I already talked to NHQ about this late last week.

I posed several questions to NHQ related to the new track.

One was about the tests.  They indicated that they would contact me in the next few days on the status.

They didn't have all the answers, as the "experts" were actual CAP members in the field, and not NHQ staffers.

What I do know is that the tests do exist. They just are not up yet.  And, they will be on-line only, with no paper based copy.

When I hear anything, I will post it here ASAP.

/Insert Snappy Comment Here


I do think the tests shouldn't be hard based on the materials available.  They'll certainly have to be pretty much regulatory in nature, and not technical.  (Similar to other specialties such as finance, etc... since you get someone that already knows the professional process, just not the CAP regs...)

(I made this a separate post as this is what I think... my opinion... based on my other post... which is what was a result of my conversation with NHQ.)

My opinion  as well: NHQ was very friendly, and is working to ensure all of the tests are up and our questions are answered very soon. 

/Insert Snappy Comment Here


Much like LtFairchild, I've been in computers in one form or another since '79, that's right, pre-PC. I've been a database programmer, I've learned how to program "Hello, world" and more, in about eight languages. I've built PCs, I've done the PC support thing. I've been a file and mailserver admin. I've written and taught computer-related classes on many topics, both beginner and advanced. I spent the last eight years in the Network Operations section for a 22K+ user population, speaking Cisco IOS and Catalyst OS, sometimes in my sleep.  I'm now in Network Security. I would think that would qualify me for the "Been there, done that" T-shirt.  We'll see.  I did try to check one of the resources today.  It seems that the glossary they reference is only available on-line, unless one pays boucoup bucks. Great..

Oh, well, we'll all see what we shall see, eh??

John Boyd, LtCol, CAP
Mitchell and Earhart unnumbered, yada, yada
The older I get, the more I learn.  The more I learn, the more I find left yet to learn.


Based on the 227 I too cannot see this being too technical, but more managment and policy..

Hmmm summer of 79...  I was working at Ratheon...  Education center... on the PTS 2000.  I was drawing up the illustrations for the course, this was pre PC days before Photoshop, Draw, etc were out and about!  I was pen and paper!  HA!  Then programmin in Fortran, Assembly and some other gobby gook...

Ratheon dropped the ball on a great computer there BTW, never thought a PC would be of any commercial value.. And as they say. the rest is history!

Tim Medeiros

one can find the tests by figuring out NHQs way of naming things, though, after looking at it one can tell that the tests are not ready, yet.  and it seems that they are changing the design of the test system, seems decent.
Chair, National IT Functional User Group


Nice to see some good, constructive conversation <grin>
As one of the 'mods' of the unofficial IT site, and 1/2 of the primary development team for the first 3+ years of the ITO project, I'm both pleased and not-so-pleased that the 227 has been released.

Some key things that were in the original drafts, are not included:
-Specifics on what the tests will cover (to include more technical details as you progress)
-A system to give credit to members who have pertinent experience to the CAP ITO Position
-A roadmap of other publications that would govern the CAP ITO program
-More that I can't remember right now ;)
Hopefully these items are not forgotten, and they are forthcoming.

Now, that being said, I AM pleased that there is finally some headway. Our intention was to have more than just a pamphlet for the program when it was released, but NHQ does things their way.

I hope that this will at least get a few more ITO's involved in the active management of their programs - at all levels. As a Region IT 'Director', I hope this will help my wing IT Directors work a little more efficiently.


As promised, as soon as NHQ mentioned anything... I would post it here.

NHQ just wrote me (less than 5 minutes ago.)

The tests are now available on-line.

/Insert Snappy Comment Here


Quote from: TankerT on March 29, 2007, 03:05:54 PM
As promised, as soon as NHQ mentioned anything... I would post it here.

NHQ just wrote me (less than 5 minutes ago.)

The tests are now available on-line.

d00d, you've got your thumb on the pulse of the CAP IT aorta!


Quote from: tedda on March 29, 2007, 05:01:21 PM
d00d, you've got your thumb on the pulse of the CAP IT aorta!

Yeah man...he's 1337 for sure, Lyk ZOMG.

Hawt.  ;D

All kidding aside, Thanks TankerT.


Well, at least one question has the wrong answer listed as correct.


Quote from: tedda on March 29, 2007, 05:01:21 PM
d00d, you've got your thumb on the pulse of the CAP IT aorta!

Hey... it's way better than where you keep your thumb...

/got nothing
//please don't send your minions after me

/Insert Snappy Comment Here


Quote from: arajca on March 29, 2007, 05:15:38 PM
Well, at least one question has the wrong answer listed as correct.

With regards to the Technician exam, yes - I think so, too.
Michael F. Kieloch, Maj, CAP


Has anybody reported it to NHQ?

GRW 3340


I'm having trouble with the NHQ web site (mostly at the moment.  Agh.  Where is the link to these tests?  Do you get additional points for finding it?


Quote from: JC004 on March 29, 2007, 11:01:40 PM
I'm having trouble with the NHQ web site (mostly at the moment.  Agh.  Where is the link to these tests?  Do you get additional points for finding it?


Yahoo.. passed the test first try!  Didn't even need to do open book.


Quote from: mlcurtis69 on March 29, 2007, 11:44:25 PM
Quote from: JC004 on March 29, 2007, 11:01:40 PM
I'm having trouble with the NHQ web site (mostly at the moment.  Agh.  Where is the link to these tests?  Do you get additional points for finding it?

Duh.  Completely passed over it because I was looking above that.  Oh well.  Thanks.

Gr.  They should run spell check in this.