UDF Course Test in the Regs.

Started by bassque, April 24, 2012, 03:13:09 AM

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Been looking but I cannot find in the regs where it says taking the UDF Course Test does the following:  But I've seen it on a few sites and I have some cadets asking me about this.  Typically, I'd tell them to pound sand and go to a Sarex.  But I know these cadets can do these tasks.  I dont mind getting them signed off if the regs stipulate that if they can pass this test, they can get signed off.  Hopefully at the descresion of the CC or ES Officer. 

Complete the UDF Course test from the CAWG Online Testing site. This exam satisfies the following tasks:
O-0201 Use a compass
O-0204 Locate a point on a map using map and compass
O-0207 Locate a point on a map using a polar plot from a terrain feature
O-0211 Determine elevation on a map
O-0212 Measure distance on a map
O-0214 Determine and plot an azimuth on a map
O-0215 Determine azimuths on a map using two points
O-0304 Triangulate on a distress beacon signal
O-0412 Conduct individual actions on a find
P-0201 Sign in team on a mission



Hmmm. That must be another one of those CAWG unique items, because I've never heard of that before.

Without knowing anything about the test, my first thought is that there's no way that can meet the nationally required standards. However, upon further thought, it is up to the Wing Commander to set policies in the wing in regards to training and requirements. So I suppose that if that's what the wing commander wants, then that's good enough for CAWG. Someone more knowledgeable than me about CAWG policies will have to way in on this one. But I don't think that it's the wisest way to go about training people.

Edit to add: I finally found the link to the test on the CAWG site. It points to the old pre-server-move address. So it would seem that taking the test is presently not possible.
If you are confident in you abilities and experience, whether someone else is impressed is irrelevant. - Eclipse


You're talking about an online deal?


Those tasks have multiple steps which require practical demonstration.

"Use a compass", alone, requires 4-600 meters of walking area and 4 targets.

"That Others May Zoom"


About half the gt tasks can be done with written (or online) quizes.  They're simple tests of knowledge.  The ones cited aren't very amenable to that technique though. 


It's also here.  But Jeders may be correct that the decision may be with the Wing as to how they want to handle training. I'll check with my group and see if this is acceptable.




On further study, only 3 of those tasks are even on the UDF SQTR. And O-0207 isn't even in the task guide.

Quote from: bassque on April 24, 2012, 03:28:13 AM
It's also here.  But Jeders may be correct that the decision may be with the Wing as to how they want to handle training. I'll check with my group and see if this is acceptable.



That's where I finally found a link to the actual test. It looks like they basically copied and pasted the relevant parts from the G&UDFT Reference Text to create that. But as I said, the test points to a now non-existant address, so taking the test is a non-starter at this point.
If you are confident in you abilities and experience, whether someone else is impressed is irrelevant. - Eclipse


That doc above is a pretty good tool.

I have no issue with online training - learn it where you can (though the nuances of field work will be lost if you only find your info in a book).

But I can't imagine how you could task this stuff online.

"That Others May Zoom"

Check Pilot/Tow Pilot

Quote from: bassque on April 24, 2012, 03:22:17 AM
Pretty much what I was thinking.  Here are a few sites that reference:


Don't dump on SQ188's website above :)

That said I know it needs updating... UDF tasks not valid anymore, MS still valid.


The study guide is a nine year old document. It has some outdated info in it. I'm not sure CAWG even endorses its use any more. Same for the test.
Dave Bowles
Maj, CAP
AT1, USN Retired
50 Year Member
Mitchell Award (unnumbered)
C/WO, CAP, Ret


Thanks MP.  Didn't mean to dog on 188. :). Cadets were citing your page as regulation, which is a teaching moment in itself.  But you weren't the only one with that up there.  Interesting how many places cite that.


There was a inspection of CAWG a few years back where the USAF noted the ES rating tests and said that they were equivalent/good enough to meet the standards and thought they were a good idea that should be picked up by others.

The actual doc that cites this is on the member only part of the CAWG web site, but I've read it.


There is no reason why you as SETs evaluatior could not write you own test.

Just use the SQTR task guide to find out what the standard is and them write a test to match.

All those "explain" tasks....such as heat/cold injuries, danger outs plants and animals, etc.

Could save you some time in insturction....assign the reading then administer the test the next meeting.
Spend more time on the hands on stuff.

Check Pilot/Tow Pilot

We miss your sage advice!

Quote from: dbaran on April 26, 2012, 04:55:26 AM
There was a inspection of CAWG a few years back where the USAF noted the ES rating tests and said that they were equivalent/good enough to meet the standards and thought they were a good idea that should be picked up by others.

The actual doc that cites this is on the member only part of the CAWG web site, but I've read it.