Mission Ops: Who is supposed to sign people in and track resources?

Started by Eclipse, November 29, 2011, 06:05:48 AM

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It's actually (ICS/NIMS) Finance/Admin section that has little to no role in a CAP operation.
This is a simple mismatch in terminology and title.
The ROLE has to happen.  What you CALL it maybe different.
Who it falls under in terms of org chart does matter.

Nobody is getting paid, and most likely not filing claims (these are FASC roles)
The 108 process as we do it probably not being done in house, while the mission runs (unless it's a long duration mission, but even then, probably not being done the ics way)

Receiving, Tracking, and Releasing people,
These are all PSC roles.

Ed Bos

Quote from: coudano on November 29, 2011, 08:51:58 PM
It's actually (ICS/NIMS) Finance/Admin section that has little to no role in a CAP operation.
This is a simple mismatch in terminology and title.
The ROLE has to happen.  What you CALL it maybe different.
Who it falls under in terms of org chart does matter.

Nobody is getting paid, and most likely not filing claims (these are FASC roles)
The 108 process as we do it probably not being done in house, while the mission runs (unless it's a long duration mission, but even then, probably not being done the ics way)

Receiving, Tracking, and Releasing people,
These are all PSC roles.


If the issue is that you haven't stood up a Planning Section with a chief in the early part of a large mission, then the Resource Unit Leader can report to the IC, but it's definitely a Planning function, not an Admin one.
Email: edward.bos(at)orwgcap.org


Having worked sign up at the last eval, let me share my .02.....

Having a RUL be in charge of sign-in is fine if certain conditions are met. First, the RUL needs a copy of the ICS 203 for the mission so that they know which positions have been filled, who is filling them, and where the needs are. Then as people sign in and the quals are reviewed they can be assigned to fill open slots or put into a "stand by pool" if they are extra GT, AC(These also need a designated area to be in to await an assignment and not just wandering around mission base looking for a job.)

Second, there need to be several people working sign-in initially. Most can be reassigned after the initial rush, but it avoids having people piling up at the sign in table. We spent a lot of time hunting down people who came in and said, "Oh, the lines to long and I'm too important, I'll go ahead and get started and sign in later.

Third, once the initial sign in is over, the RUL should be sitting in with the PSC and not stuck out at the foyer. An MSA can be assigned to the personnel holding area and keep track of all unassigned personnel and  be ready to assign or dispatch someone when requested by the PSC or RUL.

Forth, all supervisors should have a clear and concise knowledge of the resources request system and how to fill out a 308 instead of "hey, you, are you scanner qualified? I've got a aircrew that needs a scanner right now. We'll figure out the paperwork later."

Lastly, although we need to follow the ICS forms and be familiar with them, I think a 211 that is more tailored to CAP needs for internal use only would be in order. Half the time, we couldn't reed the info on the 211s because the space provided was so small.

Lt. Col. Randy L. Mitchell
Historian, Group 1, IL-006


Didn't we all have to sign in again after you ran sign-ins? >:D >:D

Just ribbing you, please don't lock me up somewhere in your jail... ;D


Lt. Col. Randy L. Mitchell
Historian, Group 1, IL-006



^ A good start, but their use assumes the wing is not locked into the mentality that ICS forms are engraved in stone.

"That Others May Zoom"