USAF Orientation Flights?

Started by justin4airforce, November 02, 2011, 01:39:29 AM

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Has anyone been on any USAF orientation flights? Such as on C-17's, KC-135's, C-130's, etc. My squadron has been really interested in doing something like that. How can we organize a flight like that? Our weekly meeting spot is at an ANG base that keeps about 20 KC-135's so thats an option. Just how can we get one scheduled? thanks


Yes, CAP cadets fly on military aircraft all the time.

Your best bet is to have your squadron commander talk to your State Director.  The State Director should be able to work through some channels and get something arranged.

At your end, since you're on the base, you can make your squadron more visible by helping with some community events the base does, getting tours of some stuff on the base (fire station, etc), so when the request comes in they don't ask "CAP who?"

Also, if the channels are a bit tied up or nobody really knows who to talk to, see if one of your senior members is also a member of that guard unit.  They'll be able to point someone in the right direction.

If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law. - Winston Churchill


Squadron Commander should contact State Director.
State Director will Contact the Liason Officer at the Guard/Reserve/ AD unit.
Liason Officer will check with his boss and begin the paperwork. (Can take several months)

Illinos Wing allows a C-130 or KC-135 flight once or twice a year.
C. A. Edgar
AUX USCG Flotilla 8-8
Former CC / GLR-IL-328
Firefighter, Paramedic, Grad Student


Certainly a possibility.  A few years back the 128th Air Refueling Wing took us on a flight in a KC-135.  Good luck!


I wouldn't be surprised if that unit runs orientation flights every six months or so already for near-ish J/ROTC units as that isn't uncommon. It may just be as simple as getting on that list/going that route, too.


I have had good luck with the Public Affairs office. They hooked us up with a C-17 orientation flight with an AFROTC group. Had one last year, and one scheduled for next month.
You gotta be tough to fly the heavies!