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First O-flight

Started by Extremepredjudice, September 01, 2011, 03:37:06 AM

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There are only two types of aircrew - those who have been sick, and those who will.

With that said, eat a decent breakfast (as you normally would), keep yourself hydrated, and your head on a swivel, and you'll be fine.

"That Others May Zoom"


Quote from: Cliff_Chambliss on September 01, 2011, 04:45:23 PM
If all else fails, use your hat.
And let the puke get all over the cockpit? At my Encampment's Blackhawk O-Flights, we were instructed to ralph into our shirts. Gross, I know. But at least  the person throwing up is the only one/thing that gets messy.
No longer active on CAP talk


Quote from: titanII on September 04, 2011, 02:58:17 AM
Quote from: Cliff_Chambliss on September 01, 2011, 04:45:23 PM
If all else fails, use your hat.
And let the puke get all over the cockpit? At my Encampment's Blackhawk O-Flights, we were instructed to ralph into our shirts. Gross, I know. But at least  the person throwing up is the only one/thing that gets messy.
I didn't get sick, or feel sick... :) lotsa fun!!!
I love the moderators here. <3

Hanlon's Razor
Occam's Razor
"Flight make chant; I good leader"


You didn't? Ha, I was running comms at base... for you guys and a major mission at the same time...  Anyways, I heard the plane needed a cleaning later in the day!

Anyways, how did you like your first O-flight? 


Tons of fun! We hit a bunch of turbulence coming up on lake city....

Flying wasn't as easy as I thought. Tons different than cars!  The rudders kept throwing me off....
I think I did pretty good, I had quite a few "perfect" turns (according the the instruments). I just did it slow and steady!

Lots and lots of fires, lake city was almost white out.

The other cadet kept climbing, we hit 4200 feet.  :o

The pilot's safety brief started with: If I die; you are flying. Sorta brought home the gravity of the situation...

Oh, and sone nice guy showed us his planes, and another guy showed us the flight school.
I need a job to pay for flight training now!!!
I love the moderators here. <3

Hanlon's Razor
Occam's Razor
"Flight make chant; I good leader"


What state? I know 7 states with a town named Lake City
Gil Robb Wilson # 19
Gil Robb Wilson # 104


I love the moderators here. <3

Hanlon's Razor
Occam's Razor
"Flight make chant; I good leader"


Glad you enjoyed your flight. I still vividly remember my first flight in a GA aircraft, my uncle's Piper Navajo, when I was 10. My first CAP O-Flight didn't come until a few years later, but it was still a thrill. Wait until you get to flight 3, it's a blast.

On the issue of airsickness, I've been flying since I was 10, and I've been airsick exactly twice, once while in the back of the aforementioned Piper Navajo during a particularly turbulent approach, and once while in the back of a CAP 172. I managed not to puke in the aircraft both times (lost it after getting out on the ground, thankfully), but it goes to show that no matter how bullet proof you think your stomach is, it can happen. I carry an airsickness bag in my kneeboard now, mostly for passengers, but I know its there on the off chance that I need it.

BDU hats also work reasonably well in a pinch, but for the love of all things holy, use your own. I knew a cadet that got sick on an O-Flight and puked in the hat of the cadet sitting next to him in the back. Talk about nasty...


I was just at one youll need to be current in safety. check e-services for that. you do not need and ground school training. just go there hand htem you id and form 6o, then get in the plane.