When someone is mistaken or off base...What should a CAP Officer do?

Started by Major Carrales, February 10, 2007, 07:02:46 PM

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Major Carrales

Recently, on another forum, I made a post on an issue of which I was mistaken.  It involved ground team badges.  Now, before I begin, let me say that I am no God among men.  I am subject to the same human fallacy as that we all are and...in keeping with that...will from time to time err.

This is a situation that happens.  I learned long ago that I could do two things 1) be frustrated by the human tend to demand prefection from everyone when we are incapable of giving it and 2) learn to take responsibility for my mistakes in actions and words.

In that I have chosen the latter, I begin with this question.

Why not, when someone is mistaken, use the Personal Message feature (PM) to address the issue rather than resort to the theatrics of a flaming?

We have many newbies or sometimes even cadets that lack information on basic topics.  They come to places like this for understanding or to better understand.  Yet, because of a very unbecoming trend we sometimes display, we seem to have a need to metaphorically "spit in their face."

Be it the "we talked about it before, use the search function, dolt!" line, the "you misspelled something, dummy!" routine, the "don't you read the regs, you imbecile" banter or the basic "your an idiot" type post.

Fact is, very few people here have the regs committed to memory, even fewer are perfect and less than one of those that are perfect at times are prefect all the time.

So...what's it to be? Let me know...it if is the path of understanding be it that we draw people here in droves.  Be it flaming and one-upery and I will no longer feel confortable referring people to this once useful tool.

"We have been given the power to change CAP, let's keep the momentum going!"

Major Joe Ely "Sparky" Carrales, CAP
Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron


Quote from: Major Carrales on February 10, 2007, 07:02:46 PM
Why not, when someone is mistaken, use the Personal Message feature (PM) to address the issue rather than resort to the theatrics of a flaming?

An excellent suggestion, Major, one we should all take to heart.

For the sake of accuracy, however, the original poster needs to post the correction of the erroneous material (e.g., "Someone was good enough to point out to me that....")

Major Carrales

I should very much like to offer my apologies to Robert Hartigan and others who I have been guilty of jumping to radical conclusions and being "quite boorish."

I am a creature of growth and request of my associates in the Civil Air Patrol to extend to me a private notice if I should ever offend.  The sad thing about being an idiot from time to time is that the one being an idiot never knows their condition until it is pointed out.  I ask that of you all.

Again, I apologize more sincerely.

Major Jose Ely Carrales, CAP
"We have been given the power to change CAP, let's keep the momentum going!"

Major Joe Ely "Sparky" Carrales, CAP
Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron


If we don't publically post when we think somebody is wrong, we will have a very long series of one post threads.....  ;D

Major Carrales

Quote from: RiverAux on February 11, 2007, 01:27:04 AM
If we don't publically post when we think somebody is wrong, we will have a very long series of one post threads.....  ;D

Noted, but we can be civil.  I want to be civil.  ;)
"We have been given the power to change CAP, let's keep the momentum going!"

Major Joe Ely "Sparky" Carrales, CAP
Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron


My general procedure is to use a PM in the beginning, in hopes that they will respond on the forum and clean up their mess. Should that be ineffective, I have no problem with bring it up again right in the forum.
Dave Bowles
Maj, CAP
AT1, USN Retired
50 Year Member
Mitchell Award (unnumbered)
C/WO, CAP, Ret


Major, you mean we just can't take you out back and shoot you?

Where's the fun?


Oh the humanity!

Robert Hartigan

GRW   #2717


Brothers and sisters of CAP. When someone is wrong, we should talk to them privately and with compassion. There is no need to jump on someone just because they made a mistake. As officiers, we need to be professional in our dealings in public and in private.
Ch, Lt. Col., Alex Alvarez
Alamo Composite Squadron, Bexar County Squadron, San Antonio, Texas
Group V Chaplain
Mitchell 1967, Earhart 1967, C/ Lt. Col. 1969
Fifty Year Member 2014


Judy LaValley, Maj, CAP
GRW #2753


You know, why not take this a little further...beyond the board...

When someone is mistaken or off base, What should a CAP officer do?

Does this differ if dealing with a Senior Officer vs a Cadet?

Major Carrales

Quote from: Spogden on February 12, 2007, 03:07:39 PM
You know, why not take this a little further...beyond the board...

When someone is mistaken or off base, What should a CAP officer do?

Does this differ if dealing with a Senior Officer vs a Cadet?

I say this thus because I am a CAP Officer and can only speak for my own station in the Civil Air Patrol.  Civility is, however, not merely the duty of an officer as it is as that of a citizen.
"We have been given the power to change CAP, let's keep the momentum going!"

Major Joe Ely "Sparky" Carrales, CAP
Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron


I feel that someone should point out the error as soon as possible and with all professionalism, which eliminates the nastiness.  If it is not pointed out, someone else may think the error is correct and will pass on the incorrect knowledge as fact.  We need to keep this Board as simple and comfortable to use as possible.  I will sometimes ask my buddy or wife (whichever is sitting next to me) how to spell something rather than look it up.  I may have done the same thing on this board instead of trying to find something in the Reg's.  Is this truly a sin?? I figure we are all here to help each other and share information.  If not, we can all shut down our computers and get out our Reg's and look everything up.  There was recently a question about having a CAP activity involving cadets and flinging questionable flying objects off of piers.  Now obviously, someone could look in the Reg's, but the post led to some interesting and funny comments and someone finally listed the reg.  No harm done and an interesting diversion from my long work day.  Let's all play nice and remember, we are all brothers in the same organization.  as usual, jmho.
Lt. Col. Harry E. Siegrist III, CAP
Sweetwater Comp. Sqdn.


As a minor issue - if you aren't sure how to spell a word and the spell checker doesn't, put a question mark in parenthesis behind the word - Supercalifragilisticexpialadosous(?). You can do the same thing if you aren't sure you are using the right word as well.


It seems to me, in my experience, that the form of communication with the most trouble associated and most likely to be understood is e-communication such as this.  It's much easier (again, in my opinion) for offense to be taken with e-communication because you don't "hear" the tone behind the words, or "see" the body language of the speaker/writer. 

I think that it would be a good general policy to have corrections offered in personal messages and phone conversations, then in a public forum such as this. 

Strongly held opinions are understandable...challenging others for the sake of clarity and common ground is understandable.  I would hope that we can self-moderate enough that we never lose sight of how we our words might be interpreted.  It seems to me (again, my opinion) that if we say things with out regard to how they may be interpreted, we are being irresponsible posters.  I would invite anyone and everyone who views my postings as offensive would contact me and tell me.
Ch. Maj. Bill Boldin, CAP


There are some that come just to incite criticism and be an antagonist.  Maybe there should be a thread just for the flamers, or this be allowed solely in "The Lobby".  Then strict enforcement with a degree of protocol in the remaining?


You don't hear the tone, and the written word is generally given more weight than it may deserve.

My suggestion, not that I follow this all the time,

Only correct if you can quote chapter and verse of the reg.

Don't argue opinion.

"That Others May Zoom"



GRW 3340


Please do not bump old topics unless you have something relevant to add or ask.


I figured that remind many new, and some older residents of this forum- including myself of that when we make mistakes, that we should own up to them and move on.  I also believe that the point made earlier in the thread are just as valid- if not more so- now when there is a wider population than before.  I believe that this thread makes very good points about professional conduct that enhances this forum.

GRW 3340