Question about USCG Aux.

Started by JohnKachenmeister, February 05, 2011, 02:41:50 PM

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Quote from: RiverAux on June 15, 2011, 08:49:11 PM
Yes, a CAP unit that routinely has most of its members at meetings not wearing uniforms is incorrect and in my experience would be unusual.

It is my experience that a unit with MOST is unusual as well. I've never been to a single squadron where every member in attendance was in uniform. Again, life happens, but yes I recognize MOST is unusual. It does happen though... obviously.. haha.


Quote from: honolulugold on June 15, 2011, 08:27:17 PM
Quote from: Eclipse on June 15, 2011, 08:18:21 PM
...the fact that upstream CC's haven't said anything to you, doesn't mean they don't have an issue with it.  You simply lost credibility points when they arrived.

Really? Interesting. So, the fact that the wing and group commanders have shown up to the squadron in civilian clothes sort of puts a little kink in your logic though. How is it that I'd lose credibility points with someone for not wearing the CAP uniform when they weren't wearing it either?

I would say it is additional part and parcel of the problem.

Now, benefit of the doubt being on sale this week, since for whatever reason you were misinformed about the regulations, how you choose to
react and comport yourself forward is really the indicator of the attitude.

"That Others May Zoom"


Quote from: Eclipse on June 15, 2011, 08:54:35 PM
Now, benefit of the doubt being on sale this week, since for whatever reason you were misinformed about the regulations, how you choose to
react and comport yourself forward is really the indicator of the attitude.

Well, now that I've seen the regs I will do my best to meet them; however, in my home squadron if the CO says its alright to show up, on occasion, not in CAP uniform if I can't change than that will probably happen. Again, life happens. There are times I simply cannot change clothes, and if the option is go in what I'm wearing or not go at all... who knows.

But yes, I will do my best to attend in a CAP uniform.


Quote from: honolulugold on June 15, 2011, 08:38:20 PM
So yes, as I read the manual my squadron, and hundreds of others across the nation, are incorrect. I'm adult enough to admit it; however, I do think that regardless of the manual, exceptions can be made (and obviously are).

I'll admit that I and others in my squadron have come to meetings not in uniform due to extenuating circumstances once in a while. Once when I was commander I had to take care of some paperwork at a meeting but couldn't stay the whole time and showed up in the civies I was already wearing.

However, this is the exception, not the rule. Last night, we had a change of command ceremony. One of our members is an AF pilot. He got off work, went home (off base) to get into uniform for the meeting. This included finding a set of wings to put on his coat as he recently earned a star above them and polishing his GT badge because it was dirty compared to the wings. With all of that he was still early (mostly because the new commander and inspection party was running an hour late).

Yet you and others in your squadron can't stick a pair of grey slacks and a polo in your trunk and take 10 minutes before the meeting to change?

You're at a CAP meeting to do CAP business, not to recruit for the CGAUX or any other organization.
If you are confident in you abilities and experience, whether someone else is impressed is irrelevant. - Eclipse


I don't think anyone here or anywhere in CAP would freak out about someone occasionally showing up in civies or another uniform even though it is technically "wrong".  It is just an issue when it becomes commonplace (my rule of thumb -- no more than 25% of the time).

PA Guy


You mention having probs. with explaining office insignia to others when you augmented during DWH.  Why were you wearing office insignia?  When augmenting you are supposed to wear the member insignia, I know it makes things easier for both the  gold and silver sides when I augment.  I mean that was the reason for allowing velcro to be used on the collar with the ODUs. One of the things I really like about the Aux is the lack of "rank".


Not necessarily for augmenting ashore, although some units do require it as a condition for assignment to duty.  You'll note that AUXMAN Chapter 10 A.9. specifies "when working as crew on a Coast Guard vessel,"
Mike Johnston

PA Guy

OK, must be a local station policy.  I saw the cite in the AUXMAN but thought I saw it was expanded to shore installations in an ALAUX several yrs ago. In any event wearing the member insignia seems to cause less confusion, at least for me.


Quote from: jeders on June 15, 2011, 09:02:36 PM
Yet you and others in your squadron can't stick a pair of grey slacks and a polo in your trunk and take 10 minutes before the meeting to change?

You're at a CAP meeting to do CAP business, not to recruit for the CGAUX or any other organization.

No. Clearly not a priority for us. As I've said before we're at a CAP meeting to DO CAP business... not LOOK like we're doing CAP business. I will make an effort to wear the CAP uniform, but if given the choice of DOING the work, or LOOKING the part... I'll choose doing all day long.

Look, if its a question of following regs, than I've already admitted I was wrong.

However, you're asking a subjective question about priorities. My priorities are different than yours. Not better, an not worse. Different. I don't judge you for having different priorities, why the judgement back?


Quote from: PA Guy on June 15, 2011, 09:12:57 PM

You mention having probs. with explaining office insignia to others when you augmented during DWH.  Why were you wearing office insignia?  When augmenting you are supposed to wear the member insignia, I know it makes things easier for both the  gold and silver sides when I augment.  I mean that was the reason for allowing velcro to be used on the collar with the ODUs. One of the things I really like about the Aux is the lack of "rank".

Hey, yeah I know about the member insignia but the base CO stated it was fine to wear the "LT bars" (ADSO symbol). His reasoning was that in public affairs we're supposed to wear the ODU now versus Trops, and since the "rank" is sewn on he didn't expect us to maintain a separate blouse just for this purpose, or to have new ones sewn on for TDY stuff. I think it goes base to base. I've never liked the velcro. Just looks cheesy to me. While I was at the Material Center it was different. Had orders which allowed me to work on the base, but I worked in an all Auxiliary office even though the building was PSU and STAN teams. So, wasn't really an issue.

Besides, the issue wasn't the Coasties not knowing. It was when I would run across civilians or other military.

Even when we would go onboard the AIRSTA not there under orders but for a mission or to pick stuff up we were saluted by officers a lot. That was something I thought odd. The enlisted didn't salute (which isn't an issue at all of course), but we'd have O-3 and above salute. Clearly it was just a matter of respect and courtesy versus seasoned officers not knowing the difference.. or at least I hope!

The CyBorg is destroyed

We had a dual-hatter CGAUX/CAP officer in my unit until personal commitments necessitated his transfer to another unit - their gain, our loss.  Great, great guy with a long military career behind him, active, Reserve and Guard.

He never showed up to a CAP activity in his CGAUX uniform.  We only had that happen once...and that person was a guest, who was just curious about CAP.  We welcomed him and showed him every courtesy.  We have a very good relationship with the CG and nearby Auxiliary units.  I've never seen anything but respect shown between us.

Hono, do you have any cadets in your unit?  If so, it must be confusing to them - especially the newer ones - to see your CGAUX office insignia, try to equate it with Navy/CG rank insignia and then be perplexed to find it's not what it seems.  Especially so when you live in an area when you see gold side CG and Navy personnel wearing nearly identical insignia...not to mention the occasional Canadian naval officer...

(Apologies to VADM Bruce Donaldson)

...and saluting, and form of address...

One of our former cadets is now in AFROTC at college, and he shows up in his ABU on the occasions he does show up, but he is not performing CAP activities; he's just dropping in to say hello.

Someone correct me out of 39-1 if I'm wrong, but I do believe, after almost 18 years in CAP, a uniform is required when working with cadets.  I've been in a senior squadron where they did not want to work with cadets (even doing O-rides) but they knew enough to at least throw on a polo shirt when they did.

I remember working a job where I had to virtually go straight from work to CAP.  On CAP meeting nights I took my uniform with, changed in the men's can executive washroom and headed for CAP.

Of course, what do I 45 (and a bit) I'm just one of the "alte Fürze"...and probably too darn rigid to accept such new innovations as wearing a non-CAP uniform on a regular basis to a CAP activity... :P
Exiled from GLR-MI-011


Quote from: CyBorg on June 15, 2011, 10:17:38 PM
One of our former cadets is now in AFROTC at college, and he shows up in his ABU on the occasions he does show up, but he is not performing CAP activities; he's just dropping in to say hello.

Someone correct me out of 39-1 if I'm wrong, but I do believe, after almost 18 years in CAP, a uniform is required when working with cadets.  I've been in a senior squadron where they did not want to work with cadets (even doing O-rides) but they knew enough to at least throw on a polo shirt when they did.

wearing a non-CAP uniform on a regular basis to a CAP activity... :P

Couple things. When I'm not in a CAP uniform (regardless of what I'm wearing) I am not taking part in training other personnel or cadets. I think that might be one of the issues people had with the statement. I never interact with cadets or SMs for the purpose of training unless I'm in a CAP uniform. However, I will sit in on a class or safety briefing regardless of what I'm wearing.

Also, I didn't say I wore non-CAP apparel "on a regular basis." I said usually, and usually only applies to one squadron. The other squadron I visit I'm always in a CAP uniform. I've stated those point multiple times now.


Anyway, look people. I already said I was wrong concerning what to wear to a meeting. I said I would make the effort to change. Is there really a need to continue with sarcastic and/or condescending remarks? Lets just get back to the topic of the post.

Yes the uniforms are pretty close. I've had a few people ask if I was Air Force when I was out and about. You should see some of the looks you'd get at MacDill AFB. Some of those AF guys would almost rip their head off with a double take!

Here's something though... the working uniform is all Coast Guard. The service uniform is close to AF blues, but the dress uniform is all Navy. Dress whites are the Navy chokers, and mess dress are the Navy's white or blue (which is really black) mess uniforms. Makes it cheaper for the Coast Guard for sure.


Does anyone here wear there polo to work on meeting nights if you know you don't have time to change? I know it's a uniform and we're not supposed to, but it would be significantly better than, say, wearing BDUs to work.


Quote from: Spaceman3750 on June 16, 2011, 01:38:07 AM
Does anyone here wear there polo to work on meeting nights if you know you don't have time to change? I know it's a uniform and we're not supposed to, but it would be significantly better than, say, wearing BDUs to work.
Nope!  Sometimes I do wear the polo uniform with a different shirt; it looks like typical business casual attire.  I only have to change shirts before the meeting.  It takes 30 seconds or less.
"You can't stop the signal, Mal."

Al Sayre

^ +1  I have several pairs of grey dockers chinos that I wear to work on a regular basis, I just grab a polo shirt on the way out the door when I know I have to go straight to the meeting and change in my office.
Lt Col Al Sayre
MS Wing Staff Dude
Admiral, Great Navy of the State of Nebraska
GRW #2787