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Second Encampment

Started by JD, March 06, 2011, 08:29:47 PM

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Last summer I attended the GLR - North and MIWG Basic Encampment. I plan on going back to encampment this summer. I'm just not sure what to do. I've had people recommend going back as Squadron/Flight Staff or doing CLS (Cadet Leadership School). Of the few cadets from my squadron that went to basic last year, one plans on going as staff and another plans on going to CLS. I'm a bit torn as to what I should do. Whatever I decide on I'm positive I'll enjoy it and gain a fountain of experience, but I'd like to know maybe which one would be the most beneficial for me at this stage in the Cadet Program.

If I go as Staff would I want to go back to CLS the following year? Will I even get on Staff without going to CLS?

I'll be at least a C/CMSgt by the start of encampment. Thanks for any and all input and recommendations.

PA Guy

Going back to encampment as a basic would be a waste of your time.  CLS wouldn't be a bad idea or trying out for staff but the bottom line is what do you want to do?  There is no wrong answer.


Quote from: PA Guy on March 06, 2011, 08:43:30 PM
Going back to encampment as a basic would be a waste of your time.

Going back to an encampment as a basic is not a "waste of time" - encampments fly through concepts and activities and no one learns anything
the first time, this is especially true when you are in the new grades and even more so if you can go to different encampments.

With that said, as a Chief you should be reaching for First Shirt or another staff position, not considering being a basic again.

"That Others May Zoom"


Oh, I have no intention of going back as a basic again. I didn't even know that was possible.


I have some familiarity with this encampment, so feel free to PM me for more info.

If you go as staff, will you want to go to CLS? Maybe. You should definitely make plans to attend an RCLS within the next two summers, but I know once you get on staff the first time, it can be very tempting to stay there, keep moving up and not attend the MIWG CLS.

Will you get on staff without CLS? Totally possible. Usually, only about 2/3 or less of the staff up north has been to CLS.

If I was you, I'd honestly try and find either another encampment or CLS. I'm a big believer that cadets should have encampment flight staff experience at some point, so you should definitely try and do both if you can.


I have some familiarity with this encampment also (attended 26 of them, commanded one, and am this year's commandant of cadets). 

Staff or CLS?  I will say that it can go either way.  I've known cadets who have gone right from basic to CLS, and cadets who had a year on flight staff prior to going to CLS.  One isn't really better than the other as far as options go, but I will say this.  Most of the cadets I know who did staff first, then CLS have all universally said "Gee, now I know what I was doing wrong last year."  I also know of cadets who got bitten by the staff bug, and didn't do RCLS until much later in their career, and their only real regret was wishing they'd done CLS earlier.  However, keep in mind that our CLS format is being revamped (again) with new requirements and curriculum mandated by NHQ, so CLS might not have the exact same "feel" that it did last year.  By the way, I'm also a guest instructor for NCOS/CLS.

I will say that having attended CLS will have _some_ bearing on whether you make staff or not, but it isn't the be all-end all of the decision.  This advice is coming from the person who has to select the cadet staff for this encampment, so you can take is as pretty valid.  Getting a staff position here is based more on what you know, how you look, how you carry yourself (both privately and in front of others), and your level of maturity, than it is on what boxes you've checked or what's on your collar.  If you know your stuff, act the right way, interview well, etc, you stand a much greater chance of getting a staff position.

I would suggest that you at least put forth the effort and apply for staff, if you don't make it-for whatever reason-you have the option of attending CLS.  You certainly won't be disappointed by attending in either capacity.



You need the RCLS (or equivalent) later in your career. Burn it off now when you know you have the time. If you put it off, you may never have the time or opportunity to do it later.
Michael P. McEleney
Lt Col CAP
MSG USA (Retired)
50 Year Member


I definitely agree with Maj Freytag and forgot to say that in my last post-go ahead and apply for staff. Whether or not you get selected, the application and selection process will teach you a great deal about yourself.

But again, if possible, I'd try and work both into my summer. As MSG Mac said, you'll need RCLS (or COS) at some point, so if you can manage to fit both RCLS (whether in Alpena or not) and an encampment staff experience in, that's definitely going to set you up for success. Either CLS or staff at GLR-N will be incredible experiences for you.


RobertAmphibian, I like the idea about trying to get both done this summer. I never really thought about that before. If I do have any more questions I appreciate the invitation to ask them. (:

Thank you Maj Freytag for the more personal and experienced reply. It definitely helped my thinking process. At the moment I'm leaning towards getting a CLS done early. I just read another topic,, that might be an option. It would be before the GLR Encampment, so if applying for staff, I'd have that experience beforehand. I think it would be a benefit to apply for staff no matter what. When are staff applications going to be open? Btw, congratulations Sir on your appointment to Commandant of Cadets. I look forward to seeing you there.


Sent you a PM with the staff application information. Right now, only cadet DC, XO and Command Chief are being taken. You might want to look into Command Chief.


I would definitely go back to the encampment as staff, go as a flight sergeant. If there is another encampment that you can get into this Summer, then go for First Sergeant. Then next year as an officer go as a Flight Officer, then if you are able to go to another that same year, apply as Cadet Commander. Get the whole set. Keep moving up, and learning. You will get more out of moving up step by step than you would by going for the highest slot you can as soon as possible. You will also have more fun as you will better understand the next job up better, and that would make the whole experience all the better.


Quote from: manfredvonrichthofen on March 08, 2011, 01:33:47 AM
Flight Officer

Do you mean Flight Commander? Flight officer is entirely different from the encampment rank structure and is actually a senior member grade.


Quote from: Spaceman3750 on March 08, 2011, 02:49:42 AM
Quote from: manfredvonrichthofen on March 08, 2011, 01:33:47 AM
Flight Officer

Do you mean Flight Commander? Flight officer is entirely different from the encampment rank structure and is actually a senior member grade.
At least you understood what I meant.


Quote from: J DeAngeloWhen are staff applications going to be open?

Applications for the rest of wing staff are due this coming Sunday.  Give us a week or two to get those filled, then we can start working on filling out the rest of the staff.  We're hoping to have a selection day right around the beginning of May.  Remember, we're about a month past our usual mid-July window this year, so that's why things seem to be a little later than usual this year.

QuoteBtw, congratulations Sir on your appointment to Commandant of Cadets. I look forward to seeing you there.

Thanks, it looks to be a pretty good year.  C/Lt Col McLean and I are already hard at work on planning and getting things set up.
