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Background Check

Started by Smoothice, September 18, 2009, 01:51:05 PM

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I understand why a background check needs to be done. Believe me, I have nothing to hide. But, I got thinking about something though. I am a current pilot and a holder of my state's highest level firearms license. My figerprints are on file with the town/state/FBI because of the permit, and my driving records are with the FAA. So, if CAP is a "government" outfit, why can't they just go and consult the outfits that already have that information on file?


Unfortunately the systems are not that organized.  Many of us have had literally dozens of background checks.  Even within the world of secret and top secret clearances there are different agencies with different checks very few of which talk to each other.  I know that HLS does not always communicate well with DOD. 

Phil Hirons, Jr.

CAP NHQ is in the same building as AFROTC. The fact the ROTC has you prints / background check does not cover it either.


Well, even if they could, they would still want a new set of fingerprints to make sure that the person presenting themselves to CAP is the same person that those other checks were run on. 

Additionally, who knows what kind of mischief you might have got in since the last time someone did a check on you?


Quote from: RiverAux on September 18, 2009, 03:22:33 PM
Additionally, who knows what kind of mischief you might have got in sense the last time someone did a check on you?

Especially with a car, airplane and a gun!   ;D

"That Others May Zoom"

Johnny Yuma

Bottom Line: Left hand doesn't know what the Right hand's doing.

This isn't necessarily a bad thing.
"And Saint Attila raised the Holy Hand Grenade up on high saying, "Oh Lord, Bless us this Holy Hand Grenade, and with it smash our enemies to tiny bits. And the Lord did grin, and the people did feast upon the lambs, and stoats, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and lima bean-"

" Skip a bit, brother."

"And then the Lord spake, saying: "First, shalt thou take out the holy pin. Then shalt thou count to three. No more, no less. "Three" shall be the number of the counting, and the number of the counting shall be three. "Four" shalt thou not count, and neither count thou two, execpting that thou then goest on to three. Five is RIGHT OUT. Once the number three, being the third number be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade to-wards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuffit. Amen."

Armaments Chapter One, verses nine through twenty-seven:


Big Borther doesn't have it together that much yet.  So everyone does their own backgrounds. 

The day it all comes together is when SkyNet takes over.   :o
"You can't stop the signal, Mal."


I had the same problem. I am a Governing Board member of our local school district and have been finger printed by the state and federal goverment but unfortunately the systems are not that organized.

Flying Pig

Ive worked for 3 separate law enforcement agencies.  Each time I had to submit a separate fingerprint card when I got hired on.  When you fill out a fingerprint card, you also sign it as well as the person certifying that those prints ACTUALLY came from you.


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You have smeared the reputation of a fellow Civil Air Patrol member, in a public forum, based on rumor or innuendo? Perhaps a review of Core Values is in order.

Major Lord

You would think that someone so up to date on other people's backgrounds that he would risk Libel, would at least be able to spell.....If you have an issue like this, you go through the chain of command. You are way, way, out of bounds.

Major Lord

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."


 believe what you want you want, oh i'm not a member anymore,

notaNCO forever

 Even if that is true it is none of your business to be posting it on a public forum. In fact I believe publicly accusing a member of something like that should be grounds for dismissal from CAP.


again i'm not a member, i'm looking out for the safety of the  of the CAP cadets

Short Field

Quote from: bricktonfire on October 16, 2009, 10:33:41 PM
Subject to being waived by the Executive Director or National Commander, any one of the following may be the basis for rejection of membership.

How do you know it wasn't waived?  I know of other senior SMs who have felonies they picked up after joining that are still members.  Each case is adjudicated on its own merits.
Wilson #2640


he covered it up, and would u waiver soem one who was charged with DWI

Short Field

Not my call.  National has the decision on it. 

Would I waive someone?  Depends on the case.  I know people that have had a DWI in the past that I do not consider a threat to anyone today.  Each case is different based on the specific facts.
Wilson #2640


he did  it  in the past 5 year

Cecil DP

Quote from: bricktonfire on October 16, 2009, 11:12:08 PM
he covered it up, and would u waiver soem one who was charged with DWI

Depends on how long ago these alleged DWI's occured. Has he enrolled in a diversion program. WAs there any injuries as a result?

I would seriously reconsider granting a CAP drivers license, but membership termination?-Only if he intentionally covered up the charges and as stated earlier the background check does catch people. Though I do wish they would reverify every 5 years or so.
Michael P. McEleney
MSG  USA Retired
GRW#436 Feb 85