Cadet Life

Started by Seabee219, September 25, 2009, 02:55:04 PM

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 ;D  Ok,  When I became DCC for my squadron, it was great.  I got all the cadets up and running and got them in the new NHQ system with all the test and PT scores, and promotions started happening like they were supposed to.  We now have a much more smoother running cadet program, and not just from that but from other things as well.  Does anyone have any other things they would like to share on how they improved cadet life in there squadrons. Thanks

CAP Capt, Retired US Navy Seabee.
1. Lead by example, and take care of your people


Allow the cadet staff to run things as much as possible, it allows them to learn a lot more, and do more.


Thanks, I do that a lot, helps them learn.  ;D
CAP Capt, Retired US Navy Seabee.
1. Lead by example, and take care of your people


Quote from: DC on September 25, 2009, 05:42:44 PM
Allow the cadet staff to run things as much as possible, it allows them to learn a lot more, and do more.

I agree with Salty


Quote from: Airrace on September 26, 2009, 02:03:26 PM
Quote from: DC on September 25, 2009, 05:42:44 PM
Allow the cadet staff to run things as much as possible, it allows them to learn a lot more, and do more.

I agree with Salty


Gil Robb Wilson # 19
Gil Robb Wilson # 104


I found that I had to remove a few Senior Members who kept interrupting the Cadets everytime they did something.  I hate it every time a "know-it-all" Senior Member will interrupt Cadets when they are trying to get things done in a short amount of time.

War stories......keep them to tell your friends at the VFW.  "When I was a Cadet" story.....share only with the Squadron Commander.  "If I were you" suggestions, pass them on to the DCC or Squadron Commander.

Also, Seniors, Don't get mad that you are not asked to help out with Cadet Activities.  As Squadron Commander, My DCC and I work with the cadet Staff to choose who will best support the mission.  So, no yelling at me, when you can't go on the C-130 ride with the Cadets (even though there is no room for you).  It doesn't help to ask a few Cadets if they would be willing to skip the flight so you can go.

YA......just transferred one member to Patron Status because he yelled at me, and told me "how stupid I was", for not getting enough seats on the C-130 for him.  He has already been on the plane multiple times.

As far as Cadets go......Let them do their own thing, be observant and give input only when it appears they are preparing to screw up.


Quote from: Spike on September 26, 2009, 04:03:23 PM
I found that I had to remove a few Senior Members who kept interrupting the Cadets everytime they did something.  I hate it every time a "know-it-all" Senior Member will interrupt Cadets when they are trying to get things done in a short amount of time.

War stories......keep them to tell your friends at the VFW.  "When I was a Cadet" story.....share only with the Squadron Commander.  "If I were you" suggestions, pass them on to the DCC or Squadron Commander.

Also, Seniors, Don't get mad that you are not asked to help out with Cadet Activities.  As Squadron Commander, My DCC and I work with the cadet Staff to choose who will best support the mission.  So, no yelling at me, when you can't go on the C-130 ride with the Cadets (even though there is no room for you).  It doesn't help to ask a few Cadets if they would be willing to skip the flight so you can go.

YA......just transferred one member to Patron Status because he yelled at me, and told me "how stupid I was", for not getting enough seats on the C-130 for him.  He has already been on the plane multiple times.

As far as Cadets go......Let them do their own thing, be observant and give input only when it appears they are preparing to screw up.
Also bear in mind that sometimes they will learn more from screwing up than they will from your last minute correction. As long as it isn't going to do irreparable damage to you unit or people, or cause any undue delay, it may be worth the lesson to let them fall every once in a while.


QuoteDoes anyone have any other things they would like to share on how they improved cadet life in there squadrons.

What I did when I was squadron commander that seemed to help a lot, mind you that this worked for us, in our squadron following some pretty crappy leadership, we did what you did and then we implement a plan, and worked the plan.
1.  Plan your meetings and schedule out 6 months.  Publish the schedule and classes and instructors so that everyone knows what is going on. 
2.  Have at least one squadron activity every 2 months.  Don't rely on Wing/Group and don't count missions or schools that they have as filler for a squadron activity. 
3.  Recognize accomplishments monthly and get local press to cover if at all possible.  For us this was easy, go to the local newspaper office, pick up a camera, take pictures, write story and in a few days it would show up in the community section.........
4.  Partner with another unit and do some activities together ONLY if they have the same high standard for C&C, uniforms etc that you do!
5.  Ensure that you have a least one trained senior member with the cadets all the time, like drill, classes etc at the local meeting to keep the other seniors who don't know the cadet program or cadets who think they know the program from screwing up all your hard work.
6.  Most important, keep meetings balanced.  Don't go overboard on ES or rocketry or what ever for two months or just not do do something because its not your cup of tea.  Repetition and lack of balance is what makes meetings stale and kills attendance.
7.  Second most important, lead from the front.  The cadets need to see their commander commanding.

Worked for us, your results may vary..........
Contrarian and Curmudgeon at Large

"You can tell a member of National Headquarters but you can't tell them much!"

Just say NO to NESA Speak.


Good conversation. Iwanted to ask for peoples advice.

As a DCC I see myself as a mentor. I equate it to being an ROTC instructor. My role is to be a proper role model for cadets and to train senior cadets how to lead.

Many people say that we seniors should sit back andlet cadets run thrie program. But how canthey run it if no one has trained them? When i was in college ROTC we had a cadet chain of command. We did a lot of the planning and executing. ut we had an active duty Captain to guide us and give us direction. we didnt do it all on ourown.

So if we as 18-21 year old college students needed adult guidence to run our program. Shouldnt a 14-18 years old high school personneed the same if not more gudienc?

For example. I see my role as DC to instruct cadets on how to lead. How to make decisions. How to conduct training meetings. How to praise and correct. How to rewasrd your people. How to corect your people.

This is what I see my role as a DCC. I am a very involved senior member I dont just sit back and watch. Is that bad?


Not initially, but once the first group of senior cadets is trained the system should really be self-replicating. Teach the first group, then allow them to teach their subordinates, who should train their subordinates, and so on. You should definitely be there to assist, but it is your job to guide the cadets in running their program, not do it for them and tell them 'that's how it's done."


i agree to a certain extent. But as cadets graduate and leae theprogram and new ones come up we need to mentor them as well.

For example. I write the training schedule. The cadet officers execute the training schedule. set the guidelines and the objectives. cadet officers meet my guidelnes and objectives.

it really all depends onyour local situation. I amin a squadron with little caet officers and NCO's so every unit will be different.


Quote from: flyguy06 on September 26, 2009, 11:07:39 PM
i agree to a certain extent. But as cadets graduate and leae theprogram and new ones come up we need to mentor them as well.

For example. I write the training schedule. The cadet officers execute the training schedule. set the guidelines and the objectives. cadet officers meet my guidelnes and objectives.

it really all depends onyour local situation. I amin a squadron with little caet officers and NCO's so every unit will be different.
That's true, each unit is different, and a SQ with a small amount of senior cadets will need more SM support. You should try to include the cadet officers in the schedule writing though. At that stage in the program they are supposed to be doing more planning than doing. Doing is more the NCOs' job.


^ true but I think another issue is and I mean no disrespect to cadet officers or NCO's but a lot of them think they really are officers asd NCO's.

If you look in the dictionary a "cadet" is an officer trainee. They are people intraining. The positions they hold are not meant to be permenant. they are there for the purposes of training.

In a JROTC unit. A cadet could be a Capt one day and  Pvt the next day and a sgt the next day. At OCS cadets hold differnt positions every week. One week youmaybe a platoon leaders, the next week you may be a First Sergeant and so forth. Its all done for evaluating their leadership potential.

But from my experiences in CAP these cadets actually think they are real officers. Is it differant in CAP?

notaNCO forever

Quote from: flyguy06 on September 27, 2009, 12:22:56 AM
^ true but I think another issue is and I mean no disrespect to cadet officers or NCO's but a lot of them think they really are officers asd NCO's.

If you look in the dictionary a "cadet" is an officer trainee. They are people intraining. The positions they hold are not meant to be permenant. they are there for the purposes of training.

In a JROTC unit. A cadet could be a Capt one day and  Pvt the next day and a sgt the next day. At OCS cadets hold differnt positions every week. One week youmaybe a platoon leaders, the next week you may be a First Sergeant and so forth. Its all done for evaluating their leadership potential.

But from my experiences in CAP these cadets actually think they are real officers. Is it differant in CAP?

I've only ran into this situation once or twice in my cadet career. I think cadets having this mentality shows that their has been poor leadership and commanders should be making sure cadets know they are just cadets.


Quote from: flyguy06 on September 27, 2009, 12:22:56 AM
^ true but I think another issue is and I mean no disrespect to cadet officers or NCO's but a lot of them think they really are officers asd NCO's.

If you look in the dictionary a "cadet" is an officer trainee. They are people intraining. The positions they hold are not meant to be permenant. they are there for the purposes of training.

In a JROTC unit. A cadet could be a Capt one day and  Pvt the next day and a sgt the next day. At OCS cadets hold differnt positions every week. One week youmaybe a platoon leaders, the next week you may be a First Sergeant and so forth. Its all done for evaluating their leadership potential.

But from my experiences in CAP these cadets actually think they are real officers. Is it differant in CAP?
Yes. CAP has a relatively straight-line progression as cadets move up through the program. You aren't trying to develop leadership in everyone, with the expectation that in a few years they will all be leaders. A squadron of cadets is made up of cadets at different levels of development (CAP calls them phases), each with different expectations and training requirements. While cadet positions should by no means be permanent, they should not be frequently switched around, and cadet should not go backward (from Capt to PVT, as you put it) unless they prove themselves incapable of handing their current position.

You don't need to let everyone be the C/CC. Let the most promising Cadet Officer (or Phase IV cadet, in a large SQ) be the C/CC, and let him keep the job until he really screws up, leaves, or has held it for a long time, like over a year. The same goes with other jobs all the way down the chain. Let the cadets identify themselves as leaders at their respective levels, and choose those cadets for the staff positions. Ideally all the cadets will keep moving up, so you won't have anyone stagnating at a particular position. This process should occur more or less naturally, it isn't your job to make sure all the cadets get to play flight sergeant for a week, it's your job to make sure the natural progression runs smoothly, by observing and mentoring the cadet exec staff. Some attrition in this process is unfortunate, but also natural. Not everyone is going to be a Spaatz cadet, or even a Wright Brothers cadet.

As for cadets thinking they are real officers and NCOs: they shouldn't go off thinking they are as good as a RealMilitary officer or NCO, but at the same time, they do need to think like officers and NCOs to do their job appropriately. If you continously remind them that they are just kids that is all they will ever be. They need to think like, and be recognized as, leaders, because that's exactly what they are. Admittedly within their small sphere of influence, but leaders all the same.


Spke, et al, I would seriously talk to my legal officer before I stuck my credentials on the line by transferring a senior member to Patron status.  I don't think that is in the reg's and is not something to be used for punishment or even legally possible unless the senior member agrees to it.  Overstepping one's authority is not a good or honorable situation.
Lt. Col. Harry E. Siegrist III, CAP
Sweetwater Comp. Sqdn.


Quote from: DC on September 27, 2009, 12:51:38 AM
Quote from: flyguy06 on September 27, 2009, 12:22:56 AM

As for cadets thinking they are real officers and NCOs: they shouldn't go off thinking they are as good as a RealMilitary officer or NCO, but at the same time, they do need to think like officers and NCOs to do their job appropriately. If you continously remind them that they are just kids that is all they will ever be. They need to think like, and be recognized as, leaders, because that's exactly what they are. Admittedly within their small sphere of influence, but leaders all the same.

Very good point which is why mentorship is so important from experienced Senior members. You said it yourself. They need to think, act, and be recognized as leaders. In order to thik and act like officers and NCO's they need to be trained by senior members that have that experience. I am currently a Army Company Commander. I know how to run a unit training meeting. I know how to counsel people. I know how to develop a unit safety program. I write OP Orders all the time (get tired of it actually) so when I try to train mycadets on how to do this. I get the whole"Let them do it and you just watch" Well I want them to to it but I want them to do it to standard and if I dont teach them the standard  how will they learn?


A couple of the most difficult and time consuming issues I had as a DCC was parent SMs, and very young, super gung-ho SMs.
I was constantly butting heads with a parent/SM about how the cadet leadership was organized, who was in which position, why I did a certain thing, etc. He was a great contributor to the squadron as a whole and did a lot for the cadets, but questioned me at every turn. He also screamed at me and accused me of ethnic discrimination in a staff meeting because his cadet officer son didn't rate as well as another cadet on an evaluation.
I've also on numerous occasions had to ask new, young, SMs to back off and leave the cadets alone when they tried to play uninvited drill sergeant, interrupt with their WIWAC stories, have a bunch of cadets loitering around their cars to show off a new stereo or such, etc.
My squadron CC was a great guy, but wasn't a lot of help in getting these issued solved.
If you've got the program running the way it should, keep it up and congratulations. Keep a strong working relationship going with your Sq. CC, and be vigilant to keep non-cadet programs folks from interfering.


Quote from: capchiro on September 27, 2009, 01:08:20 AM
Spike, et al, I would seriously talk to my legal officer before I stuck my credentials on the line by transferring a senior member to Patron status.  I don't think that is in the reg's and is not something to be used for punishment or even legally possible unless the senior member agrees to it.  Overstepping one's authority is not a good or honorable situation.

Actually, it is in my power as Squadron Commander.  I gave the member a choice, transfer out to patron status, or I will end his CAP career.  Disrespect toward the Commander and swearing in front of Cadets is grounds for dismissal.  I did talk with my Commander before doing anything on this scale.  In fact, his file is flagged at National, he can not move out of Patron status or rejoin a new Squadron for 4 years.  It was not a knee jerk decision, on my part.  I should have been more clear, but I did not want to write a whole page on this guys actions leading up to what I did.

I did not overstep my authority, and never would.  This was an example to my Cadets that respect is important.