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Worth Repeating

Started by EMT-83, April 24, 2009, 01:33:08 AM

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After reading the posts from the last couple of days, I thought that this was worth repeating:

Quote from: arajca on August 09, 2005, 04:32:30 AM
A couple more reminders...
1. There is a button labeled "Spell Check" to the right of the "Post" button. This button is your friend. It can easily take care of simple spelling errors that usually creep in when we're not looking.
2. There are punctuation rules for English/American. Please follow them. They make reading posts easier and increase the likelihood of getting a good response.
3. If you look at your keyboard, there is a key on the left side, usually one up from the bottom labeled "Shift" or with a bold arrow pointed up. Please use this key when appropriate according to the grammar rules regarding capitalization of words. IE. use "I" instead of "i" when referring to one's self.
4. If you are asking a question about something, say what you are asking about. You'll get appropriate replies.

Thank you.

Quote from: SarDragon on August 09, 2005, 05:57:28 AM
Regarding the aforementioned spell check feature, it will not prevent you from using a correctly spelled word incorrectly! I thought I had made a Grammar Police post earlier, but can't seem to find it., so here goes with some common problem areas -

there, their, they're
your, you're
its, it's
were, where, we're
whose, who's
would of - should be would have

If you have any problems with the differences, PM me and I'll give you the detailed version. If I get enough feedback, I'll even post the detailed version here.

Remember, the quality of your posts is often a reflection on the quality of you! Attention to detail and good writing skills can both be very important in your life. This is a great place to practice and improve your skills in a less critical (as in importance) environment.

[Edit] Oh, yeah, bone up on the use of the apostrophe - that's probably the biggest problem area, other than general spelling errors, in our language today.  :o Most of that problems above involve apostrophes!

Quote from: Pylon on August 09, 2005, 12:50:19 PM
I'm agreed with the above sentiments.  This is a professional Civil Air Patrol discussion community.

We've never allowed much non-CAP-related chat as we feel our boards should be focused mostly on its main purpose.

In addition, most everybody here posts with proper English.  That means, posts that have proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, and coherence are the ones we'll pay attention to.   We like that here.   "posts that talk bout stuff we cant reed very well go ignored cause they make th poster look ignorant ok"



 :clap:  Thank you!

It gets annoying to read so many posts with bad spelling, no punctuation, inappropriate use of the spacebar, etc. 

I'm not a "grammar cop" type of person, but I at least make the attempt to use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization (including proof-reading my posts).  If you have enough time to post a reply to something, then please, do us all a favor and take the 10 extra seconds it takes to go back and read your post then correct any mistakes!
On CAP Hiatus- the U.S. Army is kindly letting me play with some of their really cool toys (helicopters) in far off, distant lands  :)

Larry Mangum

Is anyone else having trouble getting spell check to work since the upgrade?
Larry Mangum, Lt Col CAP
DCS, Operations


Heres another suggestion. Its called understanding shorthand. Its not that most people cant spell. Many people,such as myself type very fast. And we dont take the time to do spell check because either (a) we have other things to do,or (b) most people get the gist of what we are trying to say.



Quote from: Who_knows? on April 24, 2009, 03:19:05 PM
Is anyone else having trouble getting spell check to work since the upgrade?

Alternatively you could try ieSpell or install the English (US) dictionary for Firefox.
Mike Johnston

notaNCO forever

I use Google chrome, and it has an automatic spell check.


Quote from: flyguy06 on April 24, 2009, 03:26:01 PM
Heres another suggestion. Its called understanding shorthand. Its not that most people cant spell. Many people,such as myself type very fast. And we dont take the time to do spell check because either (a) we have other things to do,or (b) most people get the gist of what we are trying to say.


That doesn't work for me. If it's not important enough for you to make presentable posts, then they aren't important enough to spend time reading them.

Why is your time more important than the reader's? The time you save is subsequently wasted by the reader trying to decipher the mess you've created.
Dave Bowles
Maj, CAP
AT1, USN Retired
50 Year Member
Mitchell Award (unnumbered)
C/WO, CAP, Ret


+1.  If you don't care enough to make an effort, then I can only assume that you don't care enough about your subject, either.  I can only disregard incoherent comments.
Good luck and good hunting,


Quote from: flyguy06 on April 24, 2009, 03:26:01 PM
Heres another suggestion. Its called understanding shorthand. Its not that most people cant spell. Many people,such as myself type very fast. And we dont take the time to do spell check because either (a) we have other things to do,or (b) most people get the gist of what we are trying to say.


Are you joking? I can't tell one way or another.
"Eagerness and thrill seeking in others' misery is psychologically corrosive, and is also rampant in EMS. It's a natural danger of the job. It will be something to keep under control, something to fight against."


There are cadets here.  They do NOT learn proper spelling and grammar in school, since the schools are too busy providing left-wing indoctrination to them.  If we, their officers, don't correct them AND set a proper example, they will be crippled for the rest of their semi-literate lives.

You cannot be a leader without good communications skills.

But "You want fries with that?" requires very little skill.
Another former CAP officer


If you can't be bothered to speak to me properly than it's obviously not important enough for me to bother.

"Shorthand", and what not? Thats just utter nonsense.

You drive for a living, so do you drive sloppy and "short" when you get off the clock?

We used to have one person hang out in our IRC gathering that was like that, if there were a shortage of punctuation it would be because this person used them all. So she obviously knew where the shift key was, and what it did. You might get 10 !'s on a sentence, etc.

But she couldn't be bothered to type properly otherwise, names, things like 'ru', etc. Just gross. When asked, "I do tech support all day, I'm too tired to type properly" was the typical response. Again, I say, so you drive all day, do you run stop signs on the way home because you are too lazy, tired, or whatever you want to call it, to move that foot over to the other pedal?

.. if you can't be bothered to speak to me properly, I can't be bothered to give you the courtesy of an answer, because I can't be bothered to read it. There's a bit of respect there too.

Yes, I'm also convinced the art of communication is headed down the drain.

This isn't court, I'm not reading off a tape. Use real words, speak like you want to be spoken to.


I agree on taking the time to be professional in terms of spelling, grammar, etc.  I don't have as much a problem with shorthand/abbreviations (after all, this is CAP Talk and not Civil Air Patrol Talk) as long as they're used with discretion.

a2capt...I couldn't agree more.  I do tech support all day, but still take the few extra seconds for formality.  I'm even to the point (even in a tech support response) of the little details like not ending a sentence in a preposition.  I can thank a college neighbor (that we affectionately called Captain Grammatica) for that.

It's been said many times that language evolves.  I know that's the case, but I agree that it's been "accelerated" lately.  That said, my degree says "College of Engineering" so I'm probably not the best metric for use of the English language. :)
TNWG Director of Personnel & Administration
GRW #2699


Quote from: brenaud on April 25, 2009, 01:26:05 AM
I agree on taking the time to be professional in terms of spelling, grammar, etc.  I don't have as much a problem with shorthand/abbreviations (after all, this is CAP Talk and not Civil Air Patrol Talk) as long as they're used with discretion.

Hence my "shorthand", with "quotes", accepted, established and standard acronyms, abbreviations in the dictionary, etc., are perfectly acceptable.

Another friend used to tell me, "Burn me a ROM with that on it."..

Well, me, being into electronics, that is a literal statement to me. Except, I don't have a ROM that can hold a 200 meg pile of files. What he means is "burn me a CD-ROM", but he speaks 'lazy', and I give him crap over it because as I said, that statement also is a proper statement to me, that means something totally different.  Ironically, he could have said "Burn me a CD with that on it" and that would have been about as much vocal energy and been 'correct'.  I guess he's preserving syllables and/or jaw flaps.

Burn a ROM, make a ROM for the Pac-Man machine, etc. Way before the days of flashing the firmware.

Another thing that there seems to be a fad that waxes and wanes is using the subject line of a forum post or email as the first sentence of the message. Ugh.

Quoting entire messages, and quoting entire messages of entire quotes .. to just add one word, one sentence, etc- and then for that matter, putting it at the bottom of the message.



Quote from: MIKE on April 24, 2009, 03:28:04 PM
Quote from: Who_knows? on April 24, 2009, 03:19:05 PM
Is anyone else having trouble getting spell check to work since the upgrade?

Alternatively you could try ieSpell or install the English (US) dictionary for Firefox.

Google tool bar also has a spill chicker ah spell checker  :angel:


Has the spell checker been disabled? I can't get it to work on either computer, Vista or Windows XP. Yes, I'm aware of other spelling options but it would be easier if the one on the screen worked.

notaNCO forever

It hasn't been working for me lately.


What browser and version are you using?  It might also be a plug in issue, if it is using Javascript (not sure that it does) and you either don't have it installed or it is out of date... If you do have it, then it is in your best interest to make sure you have the latest runtime and that you get rid of any old ones.
Mike Johnston



My spell check button is also not working. It just takes me a blank screen. Is it a problem with the server or do I need to update something. Any sugestions would be helpful.


notaNCO forever

 I'm using google chrome. All it says on the page is "about: blank." I know it used to work for me; I don't know if that was before I started using google chrome.