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Started by Dutchboy, September 07, 2008, 01:44:00 AM

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Is there anyone that has time to make me a CAP recruiting banner for submission to a website?


What do you want it to say? Look like?

"That Others May Zoom"


Cache Valley-- nice website!!
"To infinity, and beyond!"

Eduardo Rodriguez, 2LT, CAP


Quote from: stratoflyer on September 08, 2008, 03:09:18 AM
Cache Valley-- nice website!!

Thanks . Our PAO (not me) did an awsome job on it.  I do help with content though.


Quote from: Eclipse on September 08, 2008, 01:27:18 AM
What do you want it to say? Look like?

Just a good general CAP recruiting statement. along with appropiate CAP graphics. Why, do you know where I can get one done?