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When to wear?

Started by Cool Mace, February 10, 2010, 02:36:16 AM

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Quote from: Mason Huston on February 10, 2010, 03:37:43 AM
Quote from: davidsinn on February 10, 2010, 03:30:49 AM
Quote from: Mason Huston on February 10, 2010, 03:29:01 AM
Does anyone know what would happen to a cadet that did wear the uniform outside of CAP?

2b, demotion, stepping down from a command postion?

Drawn and quartered.

You really think it should go that far?

That was a late night attempt at humor. That's actually a very grizzly form of execution.

If the cadet did it out of ignorance I'd give him a stern lecture, maybe plant some suggestions in his mind and let him punish himself so to speak.

If he asked and was told no and then went and did it anyway, I would start with removal from position and depending on his attitude possibly go to a demotion as well.
Former CAP Captain
David Sinn


Is it just me or is this very trivial.


I'm beginning to wonder if the "Ask your CC".. is the fallback that "everyone" cites  ..  *hoping* that CC says "No, you may not." and put an end to it before it starts vs. "Yes,you may... " rather than it turn into a case of coulda, woulda, shoulda.

None the less, it shouldn't be done, however was any harm brought, was any intent done to defame, mis-represent or otherwise cast a dim image on the organization and it's parent organization?

I sorely doubt it.

"Don't do that again. You're dismissed." .. next. CAP has more real problems to deal with. If someone needs to push their time to make a federal case out of this, they are surely misdirected and confused, and have screwed up priorities.

Then again, we can only go by what we have read right here.

Flying Pig

Oh good grief.  So he wore it to a wedding.  Did he disrespect the uniform at all?  Was he doing the congo line with a stripper?
If you wore it and looked squared away and were not trying to bring any harm to the organization, take it as a lesson and move on.  If its done, its done.  If your asking to see what kind of trouble you might get in to weigh if you want to wear it then you need to be hammered.  If you wore it thinking you were OK and later fond you were the above post stated....Check first next time and move on.


Quote from: Mason Huston on February 10, 2010, 04:01:08 AM
Quote from: cap235629 on February 10, 2010, 03:58:03 AM
what exactly did you do?

Wore it to a wedding, and a Sr. M. Is on my case about it and trying to get me in trouble.
Good for him.  You were wrong.....not life and death wrong...but wrong none the less.  Can you be 2b'ed or removed from postion?  Yes.  You violated the regulations and you can be 2b'ed or removed from positon for that.

Suck it up.

Tell him you are sorry, that you did not know it was against regulations and that you won't do it again and move on.


Quote from: Flying Pig on February 10, 2010, 04:07:09 PM
Oh good grief.  So he wore it to a wedding.  Did he disrespect the uniform at all?  Was he doing the congo line with a stripper?

So should we check with you to see which regulations are important and which are optional?   'Cause that's the message I am getting loud and clear from that statement.

Lordmanor hit the nail on the head.


Quote from: davidsinn on February 10, 2010, 03:30:49 AM
Quote from: Mason Huston on February 10, 2010, 03:29:01 AM
Does anyone know what would happen to a cadet that did wear the uniform outside of CAP?

2b, demotion, stepping down from a command postion?

Drawn and quartered.

If  a Sea Cadet violates their policy they get keel hauled.  ;D
Maj. Richard J. Walsh, Jr.
Director Education & Training MAWG 
 Gill Robb Wilson #4030


Aside from the fact that we have certain rules for uniform wear, a uniform shouldn't be worn to a wedding unless the individual has been specifically asked to do so by a key member of the wedding party.

I think this instance is wrong on more than one count.



Made a simple mistake that some here are droolin about 2B's

Very Trivial ...pretty soon CAPers will worry about people in BDU's and flight suits filling up at the gas station...was it OK with the Sqdn CC??

Wasn't?  2b 'em that 'll teach em!!

These are the reasons some CAPers and their worries about uniforms can get jacked up over some really poor mistakes made by individuals..

What would happen if CAP changed the Form 2B to CAPF   ZZZZZ1234EEO...could anyone rattle that one off for every CAP uni infraction?

Putting all the onus on the Sqdn CC is also pretty weak in my book  when the the even lamer 39-1 carries even less authority and weight but yet CAPers would have nothing else to chirp about.  Could a new CAP uniform be in the offing?   How about ONE uni for everyone?  Could CAP wear it to any function? Standby a for more fun and frivolity over CAP uniform and when and when not to wear them!!


Quote from: Spike on February 10, 2010, 03:28:00 PM
Is it just me or is this very trivial.

Yes. Seems like a simple "Don't do that again" or "Ask the commander before you do that next time" would suffice.
Public Affairs Officer, NCR-KS-055, Heartland Squadron

Quote"I wish to compliment NHQ on this extremely well and clearly written regulation.
This publication once and for all should establish the uniform pattern to be followed
throughout Civil Air Patrol."

1949 Uniform and Insignia Committee comment on CAP Reg 35-4

Major Lord

The regulations seem to be written in such a way as to forbid wearing the Uniform to CAP members' funerals or weddings. Would you concur that is what the manual states? ( please RTFM before commenting unless you have it memorized)

Major Lord
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."

Al Sayre

I would disagree based on Note 1.
1. The National Commander and other commanders may specify the wear of a particular uniform type
for the purpose of achieving a uniform appearance at squadron, group, wing, region, and national
functions. However, all commanders must be mindful of the objective of attaining a neatly
uniformed appearance at a minimum of personal expense to the individual member and will
consequently refrain from imposing unreasonable uniform requirements.

I would say that as a commander, if the member (or the family) requested a CAP presence; then I certainly could declare that it was a squadron function, and appropriate uniforms could be worn.
Lt Col Al Sayre
MS Wing Staff Dude
Admiral, Great Navy of the State of Nebraska
GRW #2787


Quote from: Al Sayre on February 10, 2010, 05:39:51 PM
I would say that as a commander, if the member (or the family) requested a CAP presence; then I certainly could declare that it was a squadron function, and appropriate uniforms could be worn.

In that case, hopefully higher HQ agrees with you.   I wouldn't, unless it was a member of the unit getting married and multiple members were invited.


So the Honor Guard comprised of my CAP Cadets for the marriage of two of my CAP members three years ago was illegal?

I am just so confused now.  The manual says one thing, leaves room for interpritation, people throw in thier opinions, I have my own and now we are talking about termination of members for wearing a CAP uniform to a wedding.

39-1 needs to follow Air Force regualtion writing guidelines, and perhaps we should ask CAP-USAF for assistance in this area.  It is appearant that CAP can not get this done. 


Quote from: Major Lord on February 10, 2010, 05:26:19 PM
The regulations seem to be written in such a way as to forbid wearing the Uniform to CAP members' funerals or weddings. Would you concur that is what the manual states? ( please RTFM before commenting unless you have it memorized)

Major Lord that case you the commander would authorise it as a CAP function.  I would allow that honoring a fallen member of CAP falls into the broad range of acceptable CAP functions.

If the wedding was for a CAP member and the members of the unit were invited.....I would see a CAP uniform being acceptable....again with commander's agreement.

Bottom should not be wearing a CAP uniform at NON-CAP activities.  For the gray areas (social functions, other people's meetings, etc) where members are invited to attend in their CAP capacity ask unit commander for guidance.


Gunner C

Quote from: lordmonar on February 10, 2010, 04:26:45 PM
Quote from: Mason Huston on February 10, 2010, 04:01:08 AM
Quote from: cap235629 on February 10, 2010, 03:58:03 AM
what exactly did you do?

Wore it to a wedding, and a Sr. M. Is on my case about it and trying to get me in trouble.
Good for him.  You were wrong.....not life and death wrong...but wrong none the less.  Can you be 2b'ed or removed from postion?  Yes.  You violated the regulations and you can be 2b'ed or removed from positon for that.

Suck it up.

Tell him you are sorry, that you did not know it was against regulations and that you won't do it again and move on.
No, not good for him.  He should have pulled him aside (possibly at a not too much later date) and made the correction, quietly and professionally - as a friendly gesture.  Period.  If the "purp" told him to "shine it on" or something equally colorful, then further discussion with the commander is warranted.

What a chicken [Filter Subversion] goofball.  Let's be smart about this.  If someone is doing something that isn't dangerous or embarrassing, then be an adult and be a gentleman.  If someone's openly and consciously violating regulations, then pin their ears back.  I'm kinda tired of CAP members playing "gotcha".  There's a way to go about this and this isn't how it's done.


Quote from: heliodoc on February 10, 2010, 05:05:02 PM

Made a simple mistake that some here are droolin about 2B's

Not so fast. The OP was the one who brought up a 2b, and I don't recall anyone being hasty to recommend that as the punishment for a first time offense. Someone did mention is as a possibility, which is certainly true, but wasn't insisting that it be used in this instance.
Dave Bowles
Maj, CAP
AT1, USN Retired
50 Year Member
Mitchell Award (unnumbered)
C/WO, CAP, Ret


Quote from: Gunner C on February 10, 2010, 08:47:59 PM
Quote from: lordmonar on February 10, 2010, 04:26:45 PM
Quote from: Mason Huston on February 10, 2010, 04:01:08 AM
Quote from: cap235629 on February 10, 2010, 03:58:03 AM
what exactly did you do?

Wore it to a wedding, and a Sr. M. Is on my case about it and trying to get me in trouble.
Good for him.  You were wrong.....not life and death wrong...but wrong none the less.  Can you be 2b'ed or removed from postion?  Yes.  You violated the regulations and you can be 2b'ed or removed from positon for that.

Suck it up.

Tell him you are sorry, that you did not know it was against regulations and that you won't do it again and move on.
No, not good for him.  He should have pulled him aside (possibly at a not too much later date) and made the correction, quietly and professionally - as a friendly gesture.  Period.  If the "purp" told him to "shine it on" or something equally colorful, then further discussion with the commander is warranted.

What a chicken [Filter Subversion] goofball.  Let's be smart about this.  If someone is doing something that isn't dangerous or embarrassing, then be an adult and be a gentleman.  If someone's openly and consciously violating regulations, then pin their ears back.  I'm kinda tired of CAP members playing "gotcha".  There's a way to go about this and this isn't how it's done.
You are reading a whole lot into this situation.  Don't know where any of that came from.

Cadet wears his uniform to the wedding.  Senior Member tells him he can't and and he can get into trouble for it.  Cadet comes on to CAPTALK and says "where is it written I can't!?"

That is all there is to the story.

We can assume just as easilly that the SM in question did his dressing down in private in a polite, professional manner and the Cadet in question just can't see the truth of the matter.

We can maybe assume that the cadet was told not to wear the uniform and he did it anyways...and got caught!  Now that changes the scenrio to a whole other sort of bugaboo!

Cool Mace

Here's the deal. I wore it to a wedding last year.  I've been in for 8 years, hold the rank of c/Maj and I know how to act when I'm in uniform.

So, I just want to know if this case should get me in trouble, or just a simple "Don't do that again."?
CAP is what you make of it. If you don't put anything in to it, you won't get anything out of it.
Eaker #2250
C/Lt Col, Ret.
The cookies and donuts were a lie.

Gunner C

Quote from: Cool Mace on February 11, 2010, 02:38:39 AM
Here's the deal. I wore it to a wedding last year. A Sr.M saw it, I never asked if I could wear it, I just did. I've been in for 8 years, hold the rank of c/Maj and I know how to act when I'm in uniform.

So, I just want to know if this case should get me in trouble, or just a simple "Don't do that again."?
I would go directly to your commander and tell him what happened.  When the other guy "tells on you" it will be old news.

  • Bad news doesn't get better with age
  • C/Maj doesn't have a lower case "C" in it.  ;D

Beat him to the punch and be done with it.