What are your Form-5 Experiences?

Started by Smoothice, February 01, 2010, 08:26:58 PM

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I am working on getting my form-5 ride done soon. I was wondering if any of you could share on some of the experiences you had. Mainly, I am wondering how intense it was, or how easy it was. I recall my PPL checkride was low stress back in the day, but it turned out that I knew the examiner well so for me it was easy.  I am a current pilot with over 350 hours, but most of it is hamburger flights and burning holes in the sky. I have not had any real dual since I stopped training for my instrument (except for BFR's of course) so I am nervous about making myself look un-qualified. I have not really had any need to do short-field landings, or any other advanced manuvers. I am hoping to get in touch with a CAP instructor to work with me up to the ride. I know that these guys aren't making money on it, so how much would they be willing to work with me until they tell me to go and get a refresher course at the local FBO?

I would appreciate any advise...


From what I've seen and learned, it is like the FAA check ride, where there is a set to standards and it is up to the check pilot. Some people had it real easy, while some got a workout. However, none should be harder than the FAA private pilot checkride. Form 91 is a totally different animal though.


I recently took my first Form5.

If you are good on your PP skills it should be no problem. Don't forget to clear before any maneuver and turn! They will bust you for that for sure.

I also did the IR and it was not a challenging as the FAA IA checkride, but almost. I had to do a NDB approach to an airport to which I'd never flown before.

Roger W. Bass, 1st Lt, CAP
Easton Composite Squadron, MD-079
Civil Air Patrol, U.S. Air Force Auxiliary

Al Sayre

The best thing to demystify the process is download the CAPF5 and read it.  It explains what is expected.  You will be expected to perform to the standards of the rating(s) you are exercising.
Lt Col Al Sayre
MS Wing Staff Dude
Admiral, Great Navy of the State of Nebraska
GRW #2787

Check Pilot/Tow Pilot

I recommend the following:

1. Download the Form 5 and review all of the tasks: http://www.capmembers.com/media/cms/F005_307D79BCBF52D.pdf
2. Review this Form 5 course website:  https://ntc.cap.af.mil/ops/dot/school/CAPF5_Course/index.htm
3. Download the CAPR 60-1 http://members.gocivilairpatrol.com/media/cms/u_082503073227.pdf and know it.  There are specific CAP items that  are important such as duty day, etc.
4. Download these AOPA flash cards and use them to get to know your target airplane: http://www.aopa.org/asf/publications/flashcards/
5. Memorize the Bold Faced items in your POH for your target aircraft.  You can get a POH here: http://www.esscoaircraft.com/Cessna_100_Series_s/3696.htm

After the Form 5, go to the National Emergency Services Academy ;)


thanks...that's some great info...I will take a look at it!


nervous, nerve wrecking to me like it was my initial all over again. Even though you are not getting a pink slip , you still have that feeling that you "must pass"

but once the test starts then you relax a little bit , and depending on your IP you might even learn things that you never done before.

All in all , its a welcome test and I don't mind doing it every year. It makes me a more proficient pilot.