Flight Observer / Scanner

Started by ZackN, January 20, 2010, 07:50:02 PM

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Howdy Folks,

I've been inactive for a year or so now, but am starting to step back into the CAP picture. I've always heard about FO/FS, but no one was ever really able to give me a clear answer as to the job in itself. What you do in that position (Aside from the obvious title), how often you are used in this role, training required, etc?

Thanks a bunch


The Scanner (or MS for Mission Scanner) rides in the back seat.  His job is to scan the search area and locate the target.  He can also take photos.  His other job is safety of flight, that is assisting the Pilot and observer to look for other traffic and hazards.

The observer (MO for Mission Observer) is a rated scanner who assists the pilot by operating the on-board electronics (radios, DF units, GPS, Transponder) they also help the pilot navigate.  He too is tasked with safety of flight.  And, of course he looks out the window looking for targets (and taking photos).


What lordmonar said, and for training requirements you can take a look at the SQTR within e-Services. Or you can take a look at Mission Aircrew School Curriculum, there are plenty of info in regards to training for MS and MO. http://www.nesa.cap.gov/mascurr.htm


Do you actually need to go to NESA to complete these task?


Quote from: ZackN on January 20, 2010, 09:25:13 PM
Do you actually need to go to NESA to complete these task?

No, only a small percentage of aircrew do, the rest complete the qualifications locally.

There is no requirement that formal training be accomplished at all, only that the respective tasks be performed to the satisfaction of
a Skills Examiner.   More than a few members read the curriculum and challenge the tasks directly. 

We're assuming here that you are a senior member or a cadet over 18.

"That Others May Zoom"


I'm technically still a cadet on paperwork, but I'm 20, Married and in the State Guard, which I've been told takes me out of the cadet programs?


Married, yes, Guard, no.

You're going to need to get your status straight before you can play with airplanes.

"That Others May Zoom"


Will do. Thanks for the information!


I recommend going to NESA> Its quick and thourough training. I cant speak for all units but some units it would take a year to get qualified but NESA will do it for you in a week andits good training not just checking the box.


When and Where is NESA held now a days?


I agree with Fly, if yo can get there, go there.


"That Others May Zoom"