NESA Registration Opened

Started by Angus, December 28, 2009, 09:32:52 PM

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I've also got to make sure the WMU plays nice with me and brings my GTM3 up to date when she puts in my NIMS and her unit certification tonight (membership lapse, everything seems to be intact except NIMS which I missed and her Okey-dokey). But yeah, I'll go in and do it now and sort out the other details later.



EDIT: Aaaand, done.


Here's my rule of thumb for NESA if you think it would be a cool school it probably is and probably fills up fast so register immediately and you pay when you get accepted so it's all good.  The schools I notice fill fast are GTL, WAFA(first responder), and IC school fills up quick to Im not for sure but I think MAS is the same way.
Fresh from the Mint C/LT
"Hard pressed on my right. My center is yielding. Impossible to maneuver. Situation excellent. I am attacking." Ferdinand Foch at the Battle of the Marne


Quote from: maverik on January 12, 2010, 05:54:41 PM
Here's my rule of thumb for NESA if you think it would be a cool school it probably is and probably fills up fast so register immediately and you pay when you get accepted so it's all good.  The schools I notice fill fast are GTL, WAFA(first responder), and IC school fills up quick to Im not for sure but I think MAS is the same way.

MAS fills up even quicker. 
Maj. Richard J. Walsh, Jr.
Director Education & Training MAWG 
 Gill Robb Wilson #4030


I figured as much well then just register as soon as you can for that I know they have a lot of fun or so it seems.
Fresh from the Mint C/LT
"Hard pressed on my right. My center is yielding. Impossible to maneuver. Situation excellent. I am attacking." Ferdinand Foch at the Battle of the Marne


MAS does have a lot of fun.  At least I know they did when I went through it in '08. 
Maj. Richard J. Walsh, Jr.
Director Education & Training MAWG 
 Gill Robb Wilson #4030


Quote from: maverik on January 12, 2010, 05:54:41 PM
Here's my rule of thumb for NESA if you think it would be a cool school it probably is and probably fills up fast so register immediately and you pay when you get accepted so it's all good.  The schools I notice fill fast are GTL, WAFA(first responder), and IC school fills up quick to Im not for sure but I think MAS is the same way.

It prompted me to pay immediately. They say if you get red-lined by wing you get a full refund, which I'm not horribly concerned about happening.


They will prompt you yes but do you have to pay immediately? No, well that's been the case with everyone i've talked to. It should be on the site somewhere or it was last year that you don't have to pay until accepted.
Fresh from the Mint C/LT
"Hard pressed on my right. My center is yielding. Impossible to maneuver. Situation excellent. I am attacking." Ferdinand Foch at the Battle of the Marne

Gunner C

Anyone have an idea when the on-line member packets are going to be available? (i.e. releases, questionaires, policies & procedures)

Just wondering.


Good day all,

Flint, I am working on the possibilities of vans from CT Wing going out for both weeks.  This will be my fourth year driving out and with stops for gas and relief straight though it took 22 hours.  Forget google.  GPS all the way.

I will post stuff here on transportation as it comes available but it will probably me late March or early April before I have a more definite answer.

Gunner, as soon as HQ/DO gets those forms to me I will post them on the site.  Check back there once and a while to get them.

Travel one on one with a cadet would be a CPPT violation because of the distance involved.  The appearance of a violation is the problem.  Not the actual violation.    One senior with a bunch of cadets would be a better match but still two seniors would be the best.

Scholarships are now available for members who have financial difficulties. Check the site.

Also anyone bringing a corporate vehicle or aircraft to NESA should check with NHQ/DO on reimbursement.  NESA is run under an AF mission number and all fuel, oil and communications is potentially paid back.  Check with Lt Col Mike Long at on this.

Lastly if you have a question you want answered quick click on my email at the bottom of my signature group.  I only check Captalk maybe once a week.

Lt Col Paul Rowen
NESA Webmaster
Lt. Col. Paul F. Rowen, CAP
MAWG Director of Information Technology
NESA Webmaster


Hey everyone,

Just an update on forms.   They are not needed quite yet and are still in revision for 2010.  When they are posted I will let everyone know here.  It will also be posted on the NESA news page and of course the participant page.

I have found one potential driver to drive a van from CT to IN for week two only.  The timing of NESA has messed up attendance from New England as most schools don't let out until the middle of the first week of NESA.  This was beyond NESA control.  The Army determines when the school get it's time and that is determined by their training schedule.   That's the way it is and it's not worth worrying about. 

We are currently 130 days out from school!  Are ya gettin excited!  Yeah baby!


Paul Rowen
NESA Webmaster
Lt. Col. Paul F. Rowen, CAP
MAWG Director of Information Technology
NESA Webmaster


I ahvr a few senior members that I want to attend NESA and they want to go m but they dont understand that they have to pay now. They think they can wait until June. can they?


Good morning Flyguy,

Sure they can wait but if they do and the school they have signed up for fills up the slots will go to the paying people.  Especially in the MAS school.  It fills quickly. They are far better off if they commit.   

P Rowen
NESA Webmaster
Lt. Col. Paul F. Rowen, CAP
MAWG Director of Information Technology
NESA Webmaster

Gunner C

If I could throw something in -

Tell these guys not to wait.  The MAS is very large and very full.  It is probably the best run, most professional schools that CAP runs.  If they're serious about going, get a slot quickly!  I'm trying to go back as an instructor this year to give something back.  But whether you're an instructor or a student, it's a great experience.


NESA GSAR Staff assignments have been posted on the NESA website under the staff link per Lt Col Long. :clap:

Paul R.
NESA Webmaster
Lt. Col. Paul F. Rowen, CAP
MAWG Director of Information Technology
NESA Webmaster


got my assignment (not the one i wanted in GSAR but hey I'll take comm 'any experience?') any ETA on when necessary paperwork and such will be on the site?
Fresh from the Mint C/LT
"Hard pressed on my right. My center is yielding. Impossible to maneuver. Situation excellent. I am attacking." Ferdinand Foch at the Battle of the Marne

Gunner C

I applied as staff at MAS.  Nothing yet (getting late).  Still no paperwork to download.  This is getting frustrating.


Sorry Gunner,

Try emailing Major Templeton directly.  Knowing him he probably already knows but hasn't put it out yet.  The paperwork is pending from Major Brockman.  Nothing I can do there.  I am frustrated also but I know he will get it to me to post as soon as he can.

Paul R.
NESA Webmaster
Lt. Col. Paul F. Rowen, CAP
MAWG Director of Information Technology
NESA Webmaster


One more question is there an ETA when the first responder (WAFA) pakcing list will be released or is it the same deal with the releases?
Fresh from the Mint C/LT
"Hard pressed on my right. My center is yielding. Impossible to maneuver. Situation excellent. I am attacking." Ferdinand Foch at the Battle of the Marne



That stuff seems to be released all at the same time.  I will announce it here when it is. 

Paul R.
NESA Webmaster
Lt. Col. Paul F. Rowen, CAP
MAWG Director of Information Technology
NESA Webmaster


Good afternoon all,


Some of the forms have been put online and are now available.  Please complete the one's you need and get them in!

Also the Wilderness Advanced First Aid course link has been moved under the ICSS school links. 

I was also asked to remind everyone to get their payments in for school.  Go to the Registration page, click register, even if you've already registered, then submit and the link for payment will display itself.

Thanks all,

Paul R.
NESA Webmaster
Lt. Col. Paul F. Rowen, CAP
MAWG Director of Information Technology
NESA Webmaster