Good tool to use for comms proficiency with ATC

Started by FastAttack, September 20, 2009, 11:21:57 PM

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I am not sure if someone has pointed this website out: .

I used this site today, to hear an archive of KBCT tower .
Although I felt fluent on the cockpit when communicating with bct tower, I went and heard 
myself stumble and screw up a few times.

Anyhow, I thought to myself , man if this is what tower is hearing, its embarrassing. But I also notice other pilots not following standards either including jets flying into boca on IFR.

So what is my beef with myself, I am representing CAP. And I believe that we are representing ourselves as professionals to these guys. I invite you guys to critique yourself and also don't be bashful of putting your archive comms here.

I bet a lot of you CAP pilots have hints and tricks on carrying out good Communitcation skills.. Not just with our fellow CAP members on the ground.. But ATC as well.

I'll see if I can edit the archive files and post my comms only.


Good post: too bad that more of our members are not willing to do some self-criticism: sort of cleanses your soul.

I would have a couple of thoughts: one, know what the correct terminology is(may require some study) and think before you speak on the radio.  In most cases, there is no need to reply to ATC within the first 2 seconds after they say something.   Of course, if the traffic very busy or there is an impending collision, forget about thinking--react.

I am going to go onto that site and do some creative listening.  Even after 50 years in the cockpit, I like to learn.
Paul M. Reed
Col, USA(ret)
Former CAP Lt Col
Wilson #2777


Wow, that's an excellent tool, thank you for posting this!



I am adding the audio clip here:

Notice that I've edited calls to only indicate CAPF842. Sometimes you may or may not hear the tower. This because the feed I got it from takes audio from BCT/ Palm Beach Approach and Pompano. I believe that Approach has higher priority than BCT on the feed. Causing the cut offs you might hear here.

I did add a nice surprise to the audio. Contact with a B-17 during take off , and of course the wrong way of contacting ATC audio at the end

I will indicate what i did wrong and hopefully some of you can also point some errors.

This for me is more proficiency than anything else, and this is to make me a better pilot.


Quote from: emertins on September 21, 2009, 01:23:49 AM
I am adding the audio clip here:

Notice that I've edited calls to only indicate CAPF842. Sometimes you may or may not hear the tower. This because the feed I got it from takes audio from BCT/ Palm Beach Approach and Pompano. I believe that Approach has higher priority than BCT on the feed. Causing the cut offs you might hear here.

I did add a nice surprise to the audio. Contact with a B-17 during take off , and of course the wrong way of contacting ATC audio at the end

I will indicate what i did wrong and hopefully some of you can also point some errors.

This for me is more proficiency than anything else, and this is to make me a better pilot.
Yeah, I noticed that in my area too. The feed for my airport also picks up JAX approach and several other airports...

Still, even with the occasional stepped on transmission, this is an excellent tool for self-improvement.


here is my self critique:

16 Seconds: - I hesitate on my position , I know why I did this.
I fail to look at my gps + and my HSI prior to doing my call out.
For some whacked out reason I forgot that i was calling for permission to land thus the hesitation " Requestion permissioon toooo Land"
31 seconds: the instructor made the call out for me. Being that i didn't know we were doing more practice at the moment.

at 1:24 our friend the B-17 is calling in

2:00 - Tower requests me to do a right close traffic. I'll be the first to admit this, I've never been made to do a different pattern at this airport or any airport
being that I just got my add-on rating of power from glider ppl. This has to be the first time. Luckily my IP made me remember very quick. But I failed to call out on the first try. I just said "clear for take off , then i hesitated and called out "close right traffic , capf842"

2:20 Tower requests me to follow a Jet, I hesitate once more, but made the call out.
2:30 notice the quick cut from landing to take off this is just an edit error.

2:39- Tower asks me for a no delay takeoff , I complied but only called out "Cleared for take off, cap842"

3:00- This is a call out made by the wife of a pilot i believe. But like someone said , think before you say it is a function that wasn't use here.
This aircraft was behind us when she did her call out.