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Memorial Day Reality Check

Started by Eclipse, May 28, 2006, 04:11:42 AM

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I spoke today at a luncheon meeting for the Illinois Chapter of Silver Wings. I had been invited to tell my tall tales and show photographs of my time down in Mississippi last year.

There I was, in my fancy service dress, standing in front of a group of pilots, most of whom had seen action in WWII, some in Korea, and other conflicts. Few in the room, besides myself, had not served in the military in some capacity or other.

I was reminded what an honor and privilege it is to wear the Air Force uniform, and represent all those who have gone before me in USAF blue, both CAP and active duty.

I was also humbled at the respect and appreciation I was afforded for my service. My worst, most taxing CAP day pales in comparison to the sacrifices these men and women made, and yet they treated me as an equal player in the stage of public service.

These people were not concerned with WHAT I was doing as much as that I was DOING ALL I CAN, to protect and preserve the values that they have fought and died for all these years.

Let's take more than a minute this Memorial Day weekend to remember those who watched (and continue to watch) the wall while we slept peacefully, and also to remember that while we may hold strong opinions about this or that issue, when the sirens blast and the midnight calls come, whether we be senior or cadet, we are all in this together, each contributing in his own, best way.

Have a safe, quiet Memorial Day.

"That Others May Zoom"


Hoo-rah! Can't think of a better way to say it.
C/Amn Nelson


Well said Capt. Willliams. It speaks of their character and yours. I recently got the opportunity to march with our squadron's cadets in an Armed Forces day parade in our city. As I was marching in the parade I was humbled to be marching in a parade with men and women who have and currently serve our country in the armed forces. There were people along the parade route that were appauding as we walked by, and I know the applause were deserved by the ones who served our country and sacrificed so much to defend our freedoms, but in some small measure as we serve our country in CAP we partake in their efforts as well.   Semper Vigilans.
Curt Russell , 2Lt , CAP
Aerospace Education Officer
MER SC-014


Quote from: Eclipse on May 28, 2006, 04:11:42 AM
I was reminded what an honor and privilege it is to wear the Air Force uniform, and represent all those who have gone before me in USAF blue, both CAP and active duty.

I totally agree with your sentiment here.  Thank you for your heartfelt sharing.
Ch, Lt Col Jon I. Lumanog, CAP
Special Assistant to the National Chief of Chaplains for Diversity of Ministry