A cadet activity I wish we could have done

Started by flyguy06, April 24, 2009, 02:34:59 AM

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I saw this article of a unitin my hometown and man I wish I could have gotten our CAP  cadets involved.



Back in NJ, we used to do this as part of encampments and also units via special arrangement in order to visit a museum or something of that nature in another state- that way, the cadets got an orientation flight in a military aircraft as well as were able to see a museum or base a state or two away instead of just the local stuff all over again. I'm not 100% sure of the details involved, but perhaps it would make a good idea for a unit or group activity.
C/Lt Col (Ret) (1990s Era)
Wing Staff / Legislative Squadron Commander


Not really all that unusual - we've done 130 and 135 rides in the last couple of years and Icenine has a nice contact for transport rides.

Its mostly a matter of taking the effort to do the legwork and being willing to go to the airplane if necessary.

"That Others May Zoom"


I wasnt saying I wish WE could do that activity. My squadron used to do it a long time ago too. I am saying I wish Dobbins ARB had incuded CAP in this day  with the JROTC cadets

notaNCO forever

 If you don't have a relationship with the AFJROTC than the chances are you won't get invited to their activities. Try building a relationship and inviting them to some CAP activities. You might not realize it but CAP has allot of activities that the JROTC doesn't get chances to do and vice versa.


I went on my first 130 ride with a broken arm later I wished I hadn't gone. I would definately hate to do that ride with blues/offtopic.

on topic:
Relationships with other services, redcross,AFJROTC,local military etc. if you want cadets to do anything like this fo fun.
Fresh from the Mint C/LT
"Hard pressed on my right. My center is yielding. Impossible to maneuver. Situation excellent. I am attacking." Ferdinand Foch at the Battle of the Marne


It was actually a Dobbins ARB activity. Not a JROTC activity. The base invited the JROTC. so we need to develop a relationship withthe base, which I thought we had since our Wing Headquarters building is located on this insatllation. Our State Directors office is on this installation and the SER LO office is on this installation.