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Required Weigh-Ins

Started by mikeylikey, April 05, 2006, 04:05:42 PM

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Quote from: Ned on August 17, 2007, 07:05:32 PM
He/she indicated that the local commanders -- including the home wing commander -- were aware of the situation and had always been "OK" with the member wearing the USAF-style uniform despite being outside the allowable weight range.

Ned Lee

No excuses.  This guy was passing his dishonesty and knowing violation of the rules on others.  I hate that!  I say require a mandatory weigh in no more than 2 weeks from the start of the activity by the participants SQD commander.  Have them fill out a form stating "As SQD commander I have verified that "john doe" has weighed in at (insert weight) with an allowable weight of (insert weight).  He meets/does not meet standards.  Then you don't have to weigh people in, except for those that are visibly "too heavy" but has a form saying they meet requirements.
What's up monkeys?


Quote from: Walkman on August 15, 2007, 10:46:27 PM
When I was at one of my first meetings before joining, one of the LTs took me aside (since I had a goatee and am a bit chubby) and told me about the weight regs (which he was sensitive to as he doesn't meet them). He showed me the weight table and I found out I had to lose about 10 pounds. So, 4 weeks and a crash diet later, I'm 3 lbs below the reg and clean shaven. I actually started a program to get down to the AF reg, as opposed to the CAP reg.

For me, being able to wear the AF style uniform is very important, so I did what I needed to do. LT handled it well, and I was not offended. Once I finish Level One and CPPT, I'm ordering my BDUs and will wear them with pride.

Personally, I'd love a little PT. After watching both my father and mother-in-law get bypasses this spring, my desk-job induced lard-butt has to go. I plan on joining in with the cadets when allowable to get in better shape.

Good for you, keep it up.

When I first joined and found out about the weight standards, I was probably 15 pounds overweight.  I started dieting and PT for two reasons, I wanted to wear the AF uniform, and I was going to be around cadets and wanted to be able to "hang" with them during PT and hikes.  That was back in 1999.  I'm still wearing the AF style uniforms mostly, but have found that there are advantages to wearing a corporate uniform on occasions.  I'm still within the standards, but now I PT so I can go any where and do anything I want and not have my physical condition prevent me from performing.
Maj. Tim Waddell, CAP
Deputy Commander of Cadets
Emergency Services Officer


Congrats to all who have found the motivation to make a change, as difficult as that is.

At the NB meeting in Atlanta there were many outstanding examples of CAPs finest in attendance.  (The new corporate threads actually make a fine looking uniform.)  However, there were also some absolute embarrassments on display.  I don't mean a few extra pounds I mean massive belt over-hanging can't look down and see the feet massive.

Perhaps the developing Health Services track can start to address some of these issues with a definitive program of some sort.  Maybe even mandatory.

Major Carrales could have done a recruiting poster, a fine figure of an officer.  He even looks good with that hat!


Major Carrales for CAP Posterboy!
C. A. Edgar
AUX USCG Flotilla 8-8
Former CC / GLR-IL-328
Firefighter, Paramedic, Grad Student


Wigh-ins must be done to ensure that only authorized uniforms are worn by senior members.

It is in line with our regulations, spirit, identity and history. We must not allow the USAF style uniform to be tarnished or risk losing our relationship with the uniform. We must not allow members to constantly and consistently bend and shape rules and regulations of our organization to fit their lifestyles, whatever they may be. We are an volunteer organization, not a bunch of volunteers. We are one! We must dress as one.

That said, the only reason why you can have weigh-ins is to make sure that those who wear the USAF uniform are authorized to do so. It is a good idea to offer a weigh-ins to new members if they voice that they choose to wear the USAF style uniform. It is also a good idea to do it if you know the member is out of uniform due to past weight gain. The member will not be upset by the action if they are within the proper limits for that uniform. The member will only be upset if they understand they've screwed up and don't want to deal with the consequences.

Please remind the members that there is an alternate corporate uniform and that the only difference is a shirt and epaulets. The rest of the uniform is the same.

If you're consistent with following through with manuals and regulations your members will respect you as someone with integrity and they will understand you to be someone who is fair and impartial, something I think we often lack in our service.

Don't be afraid to be strict. Just don't be afraid to use compassion when needed too. Allowing a member to wear the wrong uniform isn't compassion, it's appeasement and that doesn't lead to anything good long-term.