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Dont ask Dont tell Policy

Started by CAPLAW, January 06, 2009, 01:36:43 AM

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I know a person who is gay and wants to join CAP.  This person asked me if it would be a issue like in the military.  Any comments on this.  This person would be a great assest to the squadron.  They are just worried about the issue if CAP was to find out about the lifestyle the have chose.


yeah... "it's always a Friend"...



Quote from: "JAFO" on January 06, 2009, 01:36:43 AM
I know a person who is gay and wants to join CAP.  This person asked me if it would be a issue like in the military.  Any comments on this.  This person would be a great assest to the squadron.  They are just worried about the issue if CAP was to find out about the lifestyle the have chose.

Shouldn't be. CPPT is in force for all 18yo+ members regardless of gender or orientation so nobody who is even slightly open minded should have a problem.
Former CAP Captain
David Sinn

NC Hokie

This will be a tough one.  CAP's nondiscrimination policy (first knowledgebase answer linked below) doesn't specifically address sexual orientation, but the relevant Air Force policy (second knowledgebase answer) appears to leave open the possibility that he could be denied membership on that basis.  A call to NHQ for clarification might be in order if confidentiality makes this impossible to send up the chain of command.

CAP policies on nondiscrimination

Air Force policies on nondiscrimination that apply to CAP
NC Hokie, Lt Col, CAP

Graduated Squadron Commander
All Around Good Guy


When I was a SQD CC, I was asked the same question.  I said, "I don't care who, or what you are, everyone is welcome to serve here.  All that I ask is that everyone who chooses to serve, leave their beliefs (either positive or negative) at the door and not to make reference to them".

As an Army Officer (really National Guard), I want as many capable people to serve with as I can get.  I don't care about backgrounds, upbringing, race, religion, income, or who they choose to love.  However, the military is different than CAP, in that there are discriminatory practices.  CAP is not allowed to discriminate on most any issue.  

My advice, tell the person that "Don't ask, don't tell" has no bearing on serving with CAP, but heterosexual or homosexual discussions of any kind are not tolerated, because we have Cadets as young as 12, and CAP is not the place they need to get their moral lessons in this area from.  Family is the place these young men and women will get life lessons in this area!!!

Flying Pig

Someones sexual preference is not important to CAP.  We are a CIVILIAN organization.  I know both openly gay and non-openly gay people in CAP.  There is no question to ask.  It doesnt apply to CAP.


No Questions, No issue...

I don't like anyone to bring their personal life to CAP regardless of sexual orientation. 

The only issue comes when the conversations get uncomfortable and that is exclusive of orientation.
"All of the true things that I am about to tell you are shameless lies"

Book of Bokonon
Chapter 4


This is a copy of a post I made the last time this issue came up:

Just for the record, I do not think this is an issue.  And for those that do, YOU might want to rethink your position and membership with CAP as our current National Commander is a board member of the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network.

More info on SLDN can be found here:

Here is the national board:

I sincerely doubt any issues about denying membership based upon sexual orientation would be looked highly upon at NHQ.



I just wish some of the folks on here would stop having these delusions that they are in the military and get on with the missions of CAP.
Bill Hobbs, Major, CAP
Arkansas Certified Emergency Manager
Tabhair 'om póg, is Éireannach mé


Quote from: "JAFO" on January 06, 2009, 01:36:43 AM
I know a person who is gay and wants to join CAP.  This person asked me if it would be a issue like in the military.  Any comments on this.  This person would be a great assest to the squadron.  They are just worried about the issue if CAP was to find out about the lifestyle the have chose.

If the members of your squadron think this individual would be a great addition to the unit, the answer is obvious.  "CAP" does not care about the personal lives of members unless they have lied on their application form, are not US citizens or have a waiver or, some other reason expressly mentioned in the regs.  


Quote from: "JAFO" on January 06, 2009, 01:36:43 AM
I know a person who is gay and wants to join CAP.  This person asked me if it would be a issue like in the military.  Any comments on this.  This person would be a great assest to the squadron.  They are just worried about the issue if CAP was to find out about the lifestyle the have chose.

The portion of your post above that I bolded holds you answer.  If the person would be a great asset to the squadron, you should make every attempt to recruit them.
Michael F. Kieloch, Maj, CAP

Cecil DP

When I was on MAWG we had 1 Squadron with 4 Lesbians. All were capable and reached the grade of LtCol. One was became a Squadron Commander, Another the Wing PD Officer, Another was the Wing AEO of the Year. The last was and is very active in another wing and served at several National, Wing, and Region activities.

If this prospective member meets the qualifications and has the recommendation of the Unit Membership Committee, I would see no problem in accepting his membership. 
Michael P. McEleney
MSG  USA Retired
GRW#436 Feb 85

Duke Dillio

As an organization, CAP should not discriminate against people due to their sexual orientation.  This question really isn't so much organizational as it will be cultural.  CAP might not care but some of the members might.  You might want to talk to your friend and explain this to him/her.  A good orientation on the complaint process might also be in order.  I personally don't really care whether the person loves men, women, dogs, birds, goats, sheep, or mountain lions (as long as they stay away from hamsters...)  There are people in this organization who will care.  Just know that the organization as a whole isn't like that, just certain people in it.


I agree with everyone here, basically who cares. I have worked around many and it did not bother me or anyone else at the company.

I say if you are comfortable with them let them join.


Quote from: Rob Goodman on January 06, 2009, 10:13:13 AM
I say if you are comfortable with them let them join.

Comfortable with them meeting the minimum requirements to join, like High School Diploma etc.......right?!?

Gunner C

I don't care, but no matter what your orientation is, don't rub my face in it.  One thing that gets my goat is someone insisting on telling me what he did on his date last night.  It's none of my business - I don't want to know what anyone does with their shower curtains!   :o

I worked for a 4-star who was gay.  He kept his personal business personal. He was one heck of a general.



Quote from: Gunner C on January 06, 2009, 03:06:16 PM
I don't care, but no matter what your orientation is, don't rub my face in it.  One thing that gets my goat is someone insisting on telling me what he did on his date last night.  It's none of my business - I don't want to know what anyone does with their shower curtains!   :o

I worked for a 4-star who was gay.  He kept his personal business personal. He was one heck of a general.


That's the proper way to do things.  Keep your personal business to yourself.  And, unless your cause is making your unit the best it can be, keep your causes to yourself.  When you join CAP, you're there to do CAP business.

It's called being professional.
David W. Dove, Maj, CAP
Deputy Commander for Seniors
Personnel/PD/Asst. Testing Officer
Ground Team Leader
Frederick Composite Squadron


There is really no way that CAP would even really know or need to know a person's orientation. It's a non-issue.

Personally, I have no problems with homosexuals of either gender. Some people do. I really see no reason for anyone to tell me they're gay, any more than I have any reason to tell them I'm straight.

I've heard the "Don't knock it till you've tried it" a couple of times(then again, they probably weren't serious offers). I've declined. There's never been a follow up. If there had been, it might in resulted in some fisticuffs. I don't care if both are the same gender, it's still sexual harassment. Keep it to yourself, I'll do the same.

CAP doesn't need to know, and the person doesn't need to come in parading it either. Don't give anyone reason to have a problem, and there shouldn't be any.


Also, people should keep in mind the reason CAP was created...

It was created in order to keep those who COULDN'T join the military and fight in a war flying and doing something for their country.

In my mind, this might certainly include the gay community, who can be just as patriotic as any non-gay member.

I agree with the above. I don't tolerate seeing a male cadet and a female cadet holding hands during a meeting. I wouldn't tolerate seeing two married senior members kissing in the hallways. And I wouldn't tolerate a gay member bring his or her personal life into CAP either. CAP has a specific mission to accomplish, and if something else is brought from the outside that does not contribute to that mission in the context of personal relationships, then regardless of the orientation, it isn't acceptable.

As for the poster who brought up that OTHERS would have a problem with it, well, that really isn't my concern at all. I might recruit a Muslim that other members have problems with. I might recruit an African American that other members have problems with. It is not my job to pander to the sensibilities of intolerant people, regardless of where that intolerance lies, so long as the act in question is not specifically against regulations and/or illegal.
Nathan Scalia

The post beneath this one is a lie.


^ Right on!  Keep your personal life outside of CAP, OUTSIDE OF CAP!

Can you do you job?  That is all I want to know about you.