Brigadier General Amy Courter elected as CAP National Commander

Started by Eclipse, August 07, 2008, 07:10:03 PM

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Quote from: IceNine on August 12, 2008, 12:51:21 AM
FYI your site hates firefox, I can tell that already.  I take that back there are some alignment issues for the site you just sent us

Is that because the banner loaded slowly?  If so, it's not a firefox thing.  I uploaded the banner in .BMP format (and not JPEG or PNG like I should have).

If not - why do you say that?

Edit - Nevermind.  I see it.


Quote from: IceNine on August 12, 2008, 12:50:54 AM
Best option for the type of thing you are trying to do, is design it, and put it to work.

Start with wing and design their site, and setup a packet site for squadrons to use.

If you can work out the bugs eventually it will catch on, just like WMU and SIMS

I've basically copied's format, with a few minor tweaks.  I'm not too web-savvy, but I think it would definitely workout if someone knows how to stick this design into a packet site for distribution.


If we're talking about a basic, informational "contact" page for each unit, fine - better a unit have something than nothing at all, but if you're talking about NHQ dictating the full format and content of a respective unit's website, no.

We'd wind up losing a lot of great sites in favor of standardization, or units members would simply do their own thing anyway.

NHQ does not have the manpower to manage something on that scale (nor the IT resources).

"That Others May Zoom"


Quote from: Eclipse on August 12, 2008, 02:06:07 AM
If we're talking about a basic, informational "contact" page for each unit, fine - better a unit have something than nothing at all, but if you're talking about NHQ dictating the full format and content of a respective unit's website, no.

We'd wind up losing a lot of great sites in favor of standardization, or units members would simply do their own thing anyway.

NHQ does not have the manpower to manage something on that scale (nor the IT resources).

Format?  Yes.  Content?  Not at all.

I'm envisioning (as described above) a template that can be distributed to individual units.  Once you get the template, you simply fill in information specific to your squadron.  If you're squadron doesn't have a webmaster, one would be appointed for each squadron and update the information as normal.

I know there are a ton of awesome websites out there, but fact is (if you can prove me wrong on this, be my guest), the number of horribly-prepared & coded sites far outnumbers the amazing ones (or squadrons that don't even have a site).

What does that say to the public?  To many, a website is the thing which forms their first impression of CAP. 



This is getting a bit too random.  It would have been fine if it stuck to the congrats.
Mike Johnston


I haven't met her nor have I heard her speak personally. My only knowledge of her is second and third hand. Everyone seems to think she is great, but I haven't seen the one thing CAP has needed for a long time - a clear direction. I have seen some goals and ideas, but they are not really clear.  Perhaps now that she is the National Commander, we'll see something more concrete.

There is a huge percentage of the membership that wants to take CAP somewhere better, but there has been no guiding hand to direct this energy and desire. As a result, we have alot of in fighting and disagreements and have basically stood still, despite expending alot of energy. If she can harness this energy and drive, her tour could be HUGE in terms of making CAP a better, more effective organization.

I think we are at a precipice now and if she cannot focus CAP's energy, CAP will probably fold within 10-15 years. If it takes that long.


Quote from: stratoflyer on August 11, 2008, 07:20:17 PM
I am seeing some really good ideas here. One thing I would like to see is traveling CAP educators. Example: Someone who travels the wing giving lectures on ways of submitting paperwork or organizing training weekends. Instead of holding one event once a year far from most units, this guys (gal) would be flown around helping individual groups and large squadrons.

By the way, I like the way this thread is going.

One question: How do we get these ideas up to the good General?

My question in return - who's going to pay for it? The AF used to have Circuit Rider courses that were available to CAP members. They went away, in large part due to lack of funding. "No bucks - no Buck Rogers."
Dave Bowles
Maj, CAP
AT1, USN Retired
50 Year Member
Mitchell Award (unnumbered)
C/WO, CAP, Ret


I think out of all the problems in the organization the one's that are most frustrating are purely administrative.  Things like inconsistency in reg's, outdated training materials, etc.  Those things are relatively easy to correct however they are very time consuming, so likely to receive the least attention.

I personally would like to see a review of all of our training courses as they are currently, and bring them in line with what the membership truly needs to get the job done.  Keeping in mind that a vast majority of our new members are largely untrained, it has been said that distance learning may be the most feasible option.

I would like to see a task group charged with evaluating available search technology and determining what best meets the needs of our missions. Both in flight and on the ground.  I would like to see a national level public affairs campaign designed to realistically sell our capabilities to our potential customers, and the general public.  The national level campaign should develop partnerships with 3 and 4 letter agencies, from the top down.

All of this of course is secondary to a well designed funding campaign, that would procure funds for the operational levels to be able to implement these sales
"All of the true things that I am about to tell you are shameless lies"

Book of Bokonon
Chapter 4


Icenine is correct .. administrative and funding.. of course I will add VG too!  >:D

I would say that the position the General has been in since.. well HWNWNBN got forced out has been rather unique.

Remember she was an interim commander, who did not know if she would be elected to commander.  For her to make any major changes during this time potentially could have been folly.

So what she has been doing is building good will, getting a better pulse on what is happening with CAP from the position at the top... getting her team in place and knowing her, and most likely using this time to build a logical strategy.  Overall I think she did a good job thus far.. in building hope for the troops...

Now is the time to see if the rubber meets the road.  If her ears are open to the rank and file, we will soon see it..


That's a good analogy, she has been a good steward of the organization she inherited, has handled the myriad of
repairs needed from previous administrations without any public animosity or arrogance, and in general go the job done for
us without her own mandate.

Now its time for here to put together her plan and run with it.

"That Others May Zoom"


"To infinity, and beyond!"

Eduardo Rodriguez, 2LT, CAP

Tim Medeiros

First, congrats to the General.

Second, while I was reading through the posts I noticed something that stuck out in my mind, this isn't meant to pick on anyone or any directorate, just my $0.02.

Quote from: jimmydeanno on August 11, 2008, 06:39:26 PM
4) Realignment of NHQ Staff/More open spots:  Currently there are 3 people working the CP shop at NHQ.  There are twice that working in IT.  CP is a mission, IT is a support role.  CP supports half (or more) of CAPs membership.  There needs to be a better balance of workload vs. staffing. (Not a dig at the IT people, just an example).
If you go by workload vs staffing, one could argue that we actually need more IT personnel.  Yes, CP does work a mission of CAP and services approximately half of the volunteer membership, but IT supports all of the missions and all of the membership PLUS NHQ employees and CAP-USAF.

Of course, same could be said for all of the support areas, Logistics, Membership Development, Member Services, Professional Development, Finance etc.
Chair, National IT Functional User Group


I would like to see Gen Courter travel throughout the country more, focusing on finding out the true state (and range of states) of CAP and its members.

I would like to second the revamp of Public Affairs and IT. I think our image needs to be stronger. Anyone know why we have to be the best kept secret?

I would also like to second the issue of funding at local units. Given the way we operate, squadrons and flights should have the most funding, followed by groups, then wings. Region and national headquarters need the least of funding since they do the least of operations and have the least of members. Our dues money needs to allow us to operate better, more proficiently.

I would like to applaud Gen Courter on her movement toward real estate ownership. I think CAP needs more stability in that department. I think it holds us back a lot (almost all squadrons in my group are completely unsure if they will have meeting spaces next year).

I would like to see Vanguard issues straightened out. They need to be our supplier, yes, but not our only supplier. All eggs in one basket is never a good idea.

I would like to see a real, working disaster relief program in CAP. Not just a bunch of people responding and hoping they'll be of use. Let's start training for running shelters, running logistical support. Let's buy trucks (cube vans?). Let's buy used ambulances and turn them into communications centers. Let's get real support to places that need it and let's do it in a strong, professional and organized fashion.


Quote from: afgeo4 on August 18, 2008, 12:47:19 AM
I would like to see Gen Courter travel throughout the country more, focusing on finding out the true state (and range of states) of CAP and its members.

I don't know if she can.  Has she missed a wing or region conference since the disposal of the previous commander?
"All of the true things that I am about to tell you are shameless lies"

Book of Bokonon
Chapter 4


Quote from: IceNine on August 18, 2008, 03:33:10 AM
Quote from: afgeo4 on August 18, 2008, 12:47:19 AM
I would like to see Gen Courter travel throughout the country more, focusing on finding out the true state (and range of states) of CAP and its members.

I don't know if she can.  Has she missed a wing or region conference since the disposal of the previous commander?

You're right. I guess I didn't mean her specifically. Maybe her staff.