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Brazilian Civil Air Patrol

Started by sgt erik, June 18, 2008, 08:59:57 AM

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sgt erik

I would like you all to know that the official brazilian civil air patrol web site is and not www.pacmirasol as someone said. Anything you want to know about the brazilian cap, please ask me or get in touch with the brazilian cap official website. I will be very glad to answer any question....

Message icon - MIKE


that web site is broken, and it still contains the meta tags from our web site


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?  So doesn't that ring true doubly if you're blatantly copying? ;D
Michael F. Kieloch, Maj, CAP


I do believe that Brazil is a party to the Universal Copyright Convention.   :)

sgt erik

that site is not broken, try using internet explorer. I have just checked and it is working perfectly fine. The brazilian cap was brought to brazil in 1950 by a former usaf/cap officer as long as I know. Well, I cannot say that it is not , somehow, a copy of the usa cap but we are talking about saving somone's life.
we should be worried about that and not be worried if some other organization is very similar to yours. if you are worried about that you should not be there.
Any question, that will be my pleasure to answer and help if you allow me to....


"Sgt Erik"

I am curious as to your relationship with the Brazilian CAP.  Are you a member?  Interested Party? Researcher?

In reference to the website, I think that it is wrong for the BCAP to use the CAP's website and logos for its own use.  Is this an attempt to gain some sort of legitimacy or what?  Our logos have historical meaning to our organization, which I don't think that you can say applies to the BCAP.

I do commend the BCAPs efforts to bring a similar program elsewhere though.

What gives?
If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law. - Winston Churchill


Quote from: sgt erik on June 18, 2008, 02:29:18 PM
that site is not broken, try using internet explorer.

Any website which is browser specific in 2008 is broken...

Not that it matters as it doesn't work in IE , either...

"That Others May Zoom"


Just so I get this history right...since my Portugese...well isn't.

A Patrulha Aérea Civil foi criada no Brasil em 16 de abril de 1959 pelo Ministério da Aeronáutica pelo MAJOR BRIGADEIRO do AR ALFREDO GONÇALVES CORREIA ''in Memorian'', juntamente com o CORONEL AV. ANTONIO DA COSTA FARIA '' In Memorian'' da então D.A.C Diretoria de Aeronáutica Civil na então Capital do Brasil, RJ.

A P.A.C é uma Força Auxiliar de Resgate presente em vários Países do Mundo, criada nos Estados Unidos no começo da 2º Guerra Mundial (Criação que após o fim da 2º Guerra deu origem a outros Países), Inglaterra, Alemanha, Japão, e outros.

A Patrulha Aérea Civil tem no Comando Nacional o Coronel da Força Aérea dos Estados Unidos (USAF – CAP) Nº 2.358 José Roberto Adriani com 52 anos de corporação, sendo que ficou oito em treinamentos e intercâmbios em vários Países do Mundo, sempre a serviço da Força Aérea dos Estados Unidos (USAF – CAP) até o ano de 1958, quando retornou ao Brasil.

Em 12 de Novembro de 1959 foi apresentado o Projeto Lei Nº 1.213 pelo então Deputado Federal Campos Vergal,''in memorian'' nos Artigos 7º, 9º, 16º diz que o Governo deveria conceder verba em prol do progresso da Aviação brasileira.

Em 11 de Agosto de 1964 fomos considerados Utilidade Pública pelo então Estado do Guanabara através da Lei Nº 565/64.

Em 26 de Outubro de 1968 fomos considerados Utilidade Publica no Município de Campinas através da Lei Nº 3691/66.  

O site para maiores informações sobre a Civil Air Patrol é:

The Civil Air Patrol was created in Brazil the 16th of April of 1959 by the Ministry of the Aeronautics (by order of?) MAJOR BRIGADIER GENERAL of AIR ALFREDO GONÇALVES CORREIA "deceased", with COLONEL AV. ANTONIO DA COSTA FARIA 'Deceased''  under the Direction of Military aviation in the Capital of Brazil, RIO DE JANEIRO.

The P.A.C is a Force Auxiliary for Rescue in some Countries of the World, created in the United States in the start of World War 2 (After the end of WWII originated in other Countries), England, Germany, Japan, and others.

The Civil Air Patrol always has in the National Command the Colonel of the Air Force of the United States (USAF - CAP) (Nº 2,358 Jose Robert Adriani with 52 years of incorporation, being that it was eight in training and interchanges in some Countries of the World???) the service of the Air Force of the United States (USAF - CAP) until the year of 1958, when it returned to Brazil.

In 12 of November of 1959 the Project was presented Law Nº 1,213 for then the Representative Vergal Fields, ''deceased'' in Articles 7º, 9º, 16º says that the Government would have to grant an amount of money in favor of the progress of Brazilian Aviation. In 11 of August of 1964 we were considered Been Public Utility for then of the Guanabara through the Law Nº 565/64. In 26 of October of 1968 we were considered Utility Publishes in the City of Campinas through the Law Nº 3691/66.

The site for more information on the Civilian Air Patrol is:

Is this somewhat close?
If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law. - Winston Churchill


Curiouser and curiouser, from the "comando" link:

"COMANDANTE NACIONAL – José Roberto Adriani Coronel/CAP-USAF"


Quote from: dhon27 on June 18, 2008, 03:10:57 PM
Curiouser and curiouser, from the "comando" link:

"COMANDANTE NACIONAL – José Roberto Adriani Coronel/CAP-USAF"

Hey, at least it's not Lt. Gen. He Who Shall Not Be Named.


Quote from: sgt erik on June 18, 2008, 02:29:18 PM
that site is not broken, try using internet explorer. I have just checked and it is working perfectly fine. The brazilian cap was brought to brazil in 1950 by a former usaf/cap officer as long as I know. Well, I cannot say that it is not , somehow, a copy of the usa cap but we are talking about saving somone's life.
we should be worried about that and not be worried if some other organization is very similar to yours. if you are worried about that you should not be there.
Any question, that will be my pleasure to answer and help if you allow me to....

There is some kind of redirect with a blackslash going on, causing it to break if the browser does not fix it to a forward slash. 

I didn't say the organization is similar...I said it is our web site.  My fire department saves lives too, but I would be annoyed if they borrowed my web site without asking me.

sgt erik

well, I am just someonewho likes civil air patrol. now I dont know what you mean by saying our long as I know BCAP uses a different address but if it is going direct to us cap web site, for sure something is wrong because  my browser takes me to a site in portuguese. For sure, I would be annoyed to if someone uses my site without asking me. I dont know about that but may be the us cap knows about that. I heard that some of the bcap members have already been to us cap for a some kind of trainning. If that is true, for sure us cap knows about the bcap and knows that
as you said, it is a copy of the us cap.
I know that someone there knows a lot about the bcap, jymmy, I would like to know your relation to bcap too... please, dont take me wrong if I could I would fix anything that is wrong there and would do anything to get all the cap around the world to become friends. I dont feel anything friendly so far.....


An Officer exchange programs with these floks down south would be cool 8)


Quote from: sgt erik on June 18, 2008, 08:42:11 PM
I know that someone there knows a lot about the bcap, jymmy, I would like to know your relation to bcap too... please, dont take me wrong if I could I would fix anything that is wrong there and would do anything to get all the cap around the world to become friends. I dont feel anything friendly so far.....

I have no affiliation with BCAP, however, I am interested to know the extent of the organization as it exists in Brazil.  Browsing the site that you provided, it appears to follow the same mission as our Emergency Services mission. However, information is greatly limited on the site and I don't speak Portugese - making decimination of information that much more difficult.

I think it is wonderful that there are similar organizations in the world and other people globally aware of the need to support civilian/general aviation.  BCAP should be proud that they are helping to do that and are helping to save lives.

The ill will that is coming out here is simply a product of the BCAP website you posted.  It appears that BCAP is using the website, which was directly copied and slightly modified from, to create some sort of link between the two organizations that doesn't truly exist.

The website posted features US CAP (I hate having to do that) aircraft, the CAP emblem - translated into Portugese and even claims affiliation with our organization - including a direct link to the website.  It also claims that the national commander is a member of the United States Air Force Organization, CAP-USAF - which he is not.

Other things noticed are the use of the CAP corporate seal as a patch, 13 stars and all.

I think that CAP members don't have any problem with BCAP as an organization or its mission, but condemn the use of our organizations logos and heritage to promote BCAP.  The emblems have historical meaning and significance to our country, our history and our organization.

If anything I think it would be interesting if there were some sort of international consortium of CAPs from around the globe, it might prove interesting for trianing environments, IACE programs, etc.

If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law. - Winston Churchill

sgt erik

ok, I have to agree that the logo is identical, I dont know why it was copied but I will check that out, it might take sometime but I will find out. I am in Japan and I cant get in touch with the bcap commander that easy. By I will talk to him to know why the symbology
and the site is the same, however, I dont think he can do that much to change that since it is being long time we use that logo. Unless, we receive an official letter asking to...That, I think might help. I will do anything to try getting the to organization closer and closer....until we get an exchange programm trainning. But you know it not easy .
About the relation between the to organization, in spite of the fact that the logo and website are very similar, the bcap never said or stated any relation between the two organization. Seeing your side, I understand it suggest some kind of relation. I will get back to you later with some answers.
In the meanwhile, I will be free to answer anything....


There's some interesting things on there. From what I can piece together using various online translation sites, they recently had a change, a seemingly major change, to their bylaws.

If I remember correctly though, the last time that this was brought up, didn't their rank insignia include the 13-star seal? The don't have that as part of the rank now.

Though what I really have to wonder about, since they are clearly copying us so much, did they also recently go through a national commander that had to be removed forcibly, and if so did there former commander also start a Brazilian Ranger Corps?  ;D

Honestly, it looks like a good program, though it also looks like it's less well known than the real CAP (I find that easier to stomach saying than US CAP). I just wish they didn't make there stealing of ideas so blatant. I mean it's great that the idea spread from America to Brazil, but BPAC, please come up with and use your own traditions and symbols.
If you are confident in you abilities and experience, whether someone else is impressed is irrelevant. - Eclipse


Many countries have a "Civil Air Patrol".  They do many of the same things our organization does.  However, I have never seen any country except Brazil actually "steal" our designs, materials and phrases.  Shame on them.

What's up monkeys?


"Many" countries?   -- no evidence of that.


^ We had this conversation two years ago in the original Brazilian thread if I recall correctly.  Google it!

Plus I put "Civil Air Patrol".  You know those things around the words (" ").  I was trying to get across that countries have similar organizations like ours. 

Doesn't time I will be more clear.


Many countries have organizations like our Civil Air Patrol.  They do many of the same things our organizations does.  However I have never seen any country except Brazil actually "steal" our designs, materails and phrases.  Shame on them. 
What's up monkeys?


Australian CAP - strictly search and rescue; cadink program is part of the Australian Air Force Cadets - AusCAP - AAFC

There is an organization in Colombia that calls itself 'Patrulla Aerea Civil' but their mission (from what I gleaned from their Spanish-only website) is strictly along the lines of medical air transport; something like Angel Flight. - Patrulla Aerea Civil de Bogota (in Spanish only - I'm fluent in Spanish and understand Portuguese, Italian and French, as they are linguistically similar. I don't speak them as well as Spanish, though.)

Lt Col Charles E. (Chuck) Corway, CAP
Gill Robb Wilson Award (#2901 - 2011)
Amelia Earhart Award (#1257 - 1982) - C/Major (retired)
Billy Mitchell Award (#2375 - 1981)
Administrative/Personnel/Professional Development Officer
Nellis Composite Squadron (PCR-NV-069)
KJ6GHO - NAR 45040