Not that we need another vest (NIMS ICS vests?)

Started by KyCAP, April 29, 2008, 12:51:53 AM

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Since the push to be NIMS compliant is paramount...

Now the question for the NIMS experts....

1) Does NIMS "require"/strongly suggest the vests
2) Does NIMS "require"/strongly suggest a Command Post Flag...

or is this just a "Best Practice"?
Maj. Russ Hensley, CAP
IC-2 plus all the rest. :)
Kentucky Wing


Years ago I was on the USAF's Disaster Preparedness Support Team.....we were basically the Jacks-of-all-trades for the bases Disaster Control Group.

When we set up the Mobile command post at the accident site.  We had a bunch of cones and reflective vests with the name of the duty position.  We would set the cones up in a line starting with the On Scene Commander (now called IC) closest to the van and moved out from there.  When an officer arrived to sign for a particular position, we issued a hard hat, radio and a reflective vest with his position on it.

It make it very easy to see who was who and to direct other people to a particular individual.

Need to find the Comm Rep....he's the guy with a white hard hat and "COMM" on his vest.

At our last DRE we used ID Badges...they worked okay...but you can't see them from the back or from very far.

I think a vest or armband with your position on it would be very helpful at a CAP mission base.


I don't know, but I ain't payin $400 for 8 reflective vests.

This is kinda cool, but still too expensive:


1) Does NIMS "require"/strongly suggest the vests
2) Does NIMS "require"/strongly suggest a Command Post Flag...

or is this just a "Best Practice"?
No to questions 1 and 2.  Use of vests and a flag aren't exactly "Best Practices," either.  They are just what some organizations use.



I spoke with the State Emergency Management folks today here in KY.  All of their regional Incident reponse trailers come equipped with ICS vests for the core staff that are labeled.  I am going to request them for our SAREVAL next month and expect to get them at this point.  Once I see them and have them in our hands I will update this thread to let you know what the Ky EM folks own.

Also, I have read through the NFPA 1560 and 2000 docs that were adopted by HLS for the NIMS core (best that I can tell) do contain the language in them to "identify" the functional areas.   I believe that is where that these NIMS training products are being generated from.   

Maj. Russ Hensley, CAP
IC-2 plus all the rest. :)
Kentucky Wing


I'm relatively sure that I've been told during one of the ICS courses that I've taken that we're supposed to be wearing some sort of identification of our position, but it isn't something that CAP has officially adopted that I'm aware of. 


Agreed, that the "level" of NIMS integration standards in CAP is TBD.  Just trying to go "above" for the EVAL and set the pace rather than wait.

Maj. Russ Hensley, CAP
IC-2 plus all the rest. :)
Kentucky Wing


You know, there may be something in the EVAL guide about identification.  I know our wing got hot and bothered about it a few years ago for an EVAL. 


Maj. Russ Hensley, CAP
IC-2 plus all the rest. :)
Kentucky Wing


Maj. Russ Hensley, CAP
IC-2 plus all the rest. :)
Kentucky Wing